The P4-6 Blog

Welcome ladies and gents, boys, and girls to the P4-P6 blog! The P6 have been having some interviews and you will find out about that soon. Everyone has been working extremely hard in all their work. Even though they have been working hard, they have also had lots of fun. Last week as the whole school had a humungous Jubilee party with the South Park’s Got Talent, and they also had sandwiches and hotdogs for lunchHave fun reading our school blog! 

The p4s have been listening to more of Charlie and the chocolate factory, they have also been making raps for Charlie and the chocolate factory characters. Have you ever made rap? In math they have been learning about probability and chance. In art they have been doing jubilee art like making corgis and the union jack and they have been having a lot of fun with everything.  


P5 have been practicing their tug of war and three-legged race for their sports week. In math P5 have they know that half of a litre = 500 ml. They also know that 500g = half a kg. Now they know that 50cm is half a meter. 


This week the P6’s has been Doing French with Mrs Smith. They were learning all about feelings and how they are spelt and pronounced in French. For P.E, they were practising their sports day races. The races they have been practicing are Flat race sack race, army crawl, 3-Legged race, relay and wheelbarrow race. Some verry exiting new is most of the P6’s have got their house captain Internews. Finally, they have been looking at rock for science with Mrs Reynolds. 

Jubilee Week P4-7

Welcome ladies and gents, boys and girls. This is the P4-P7 blog! All the children have been having fun making things for the Queen’s Jubilee! Even though they have been working hard they have also been having lots of fun. Tomorrow is a Jubilee Party. Quick reminder, children can wear fancy clothes or something red, white or blue. It will be outside so wear something that will keep you cosy. 


The P7s have been doing fun jubilee activities and have been practicing the British Anthem ‘God Save The Queen’ for the jubilee party. They have also been filming for their Leavers Assembly. For PE they have been doing rugby! Lastly, they have been working on their personal projects and have been working on them for a while now. 


This week the Primary 6’s have been making crowns for the jubilee party which will be with the whole school. Along with that they have made extra bunting with the colours of the Jubilee and the crown (purple and silver). For tomorrow they have been practicing the British anthem God Save The Queen. 


This week they have been making a chatterpix of the queen which they have just loved. Also, they have been busy making beautiful jubilee decorations. They have also been making crowns and flags. They been practising God save the queen. 


This week P4 have been busy working on their singing while practising God Save The Queen. Are you excited for sports week well the p4s have been practising their sports day races. Also, for gym they have been doing some athletics and have been really enjoying doing it. They have been very busy getting their fingers dirty while working on their Charlie and the chocolate factory display. 

Nursery-P3 Blog

Welcome to this week’s blog the nursery p1s p2s and p3s has been working really well with work so sit back and let the p1s do all the work with the queen’s jubilee.


This week the Nursery kids have been up to the library and gotten their book bug bags. Some good news in the nursery is there are new kids.! Some of the people who are going into P1 went to visit their new p1 classes. Finally, the Nursery’s have been doing some work for the Queens Jubilee.


Have you learnt about eating healthy? When the primary 1 parents came to their class, they were doing Literacy.  They have been making jubilee party decoration. They also like to play in the afternoon after they have done all their work is done. One last thing they went to book bug.



Have you ever had your parents or family come to a sharing the learning? Well, the little kiddies in primary 2s have had their parents/family in. They were doing fun literacy stations for their sharing the learning to show off the skills they have to their family. They have had their families in on Wednesday and Thursday. But they have one more day which is tomorrow  Friday.


Have you ever learned about the different types of energy? Well, the kiddies in P3 have and they have been doing very well indeed! In maths they have been doing fractions! They have also been doing multiplying and dividing! They have been doing extremely well in both curriculars! They have also been learning about Windmills and the energy in windmills. The last final thing they did was write a really cool story about The Green Island! All together they have been doing very well in all subjects!

Glow blog for Nursery to Primary 3

Welcome to this week’s nursery to P3 blog, as you may already know, we are training new P6 digital leaders and we must say they are doing Amazing! Anyway, lets see what everyone’s but up to whether its making salads or graduating before the P7s.


Did you graduate for nursery? Well, some little Kiddies from the nursery will be graduating soon and recently have been practising their special song. They have also been getting ready for the queen’s jubilee by practising a song for the queen. For the queen’s jubilee they have been trying to be kings and queens by making crowns. Have you ever made bunting well the nursery certainly has made some special bunting for the queen. Other than the queen’s jubilee they have been also been building /making dens.



This week the kids in P1 have been learning about healthy foods and where they come from. In math these kids have been smart by learning about fractions. The story they have been reading is about a ladybird. Finally, they have been making beautiful artwork with their tiny little fingers and hands


Have you ever written a recipe for a salad? Well the kiddies in P2 did and they also prepared a salad! WOWEE!! For Maths they have been ordering numbers for smallest to highest! The Step 2’s did numbers up to 100 and the step 3’s did numbers up to 1,000! Also, for maths they have been counting in 2s and 5s and have been doing well in all of their subjects!


Do you like Recycling well the p3s have been doing well with recycling and learning with it and with the story messy magpie story to do with recycling and they have been doing facts and opinions is the p7s the best at doing blogs? And for P.E they have been doing cricket and they have been doing it well. For maths they have been doing fractions with shapes and numbers.

P4-7 Blog


Welcome to this week’s blog for things like St Modan’s care home to even just the p7 transition to the academy. If you like books well, we have a bit in the p5s bit about Charlie and the chocolate factory. Now sit back and get out your popcorn for the p4- 7 blog. 


Have been leaning about Charlie and the chocolate factory, they have been learning about the characters feeling’s mostly Veruca and Agustas Gloop. They have been using there imagination to draw a picture. They labelled characters emotions and for Veruca they wrote things like rude sassy ect. They have been trying to get the hang of using inference while reading. 


Have you ever been to St. Modens care home well this week the p5s has been helping the elderly by making gift boxes how sweet is that! Other than that, they have been doing maths with choosing jobs with math and with looking at inventions and how math plays an important role in the world. 


This week the p6’s has been doing French with Mrs Smith. They have been learning how to ask how to ask someone what the day is like today and how to respond. In their health and wellbeing, they have been Learning about how bad smoking and drinking is and how to make good decisions. In maths, they have been doing 2D and 3D shapes like how to draw triangles circles and how to find the diameter and radius. The p6’s have also been reading the first part of the Beowulf story and making a story map about it. 


Have you ever had a visit from a PSW from the BIG Fraserburgh Academy? Well, the P7’s has, and they were listening to a Presentation that the PSW presented! P7L have been creating a personal project! They have chosen between 3 subjects which were: Leisure, Entertainment and World Cup! We would personally choose Entertainment, What about you? They have also had parents and guardians come in for Sharing the Learning! They have been showing their parents and guardians their improvement in their coding skills. The final thing they have been learning is algebra! All together we think they have been working very hard this week! 

Easter Special!

Welcome to this weeks easter blog! We are sure you are all aware that tomorrow is the last day of school. So in preparation of the holidays, we thought that we should give you an easter special before we go!


Have you ever been on the bus well the nursery certainly has! They all loved going on the bus riding around. Do you like easter well the nursery have been celebrating just a tad early. They have been doing easter stories and going on fun easter egg hunts. Do you like going on trips, well they nursery have went on a fun trip to the light house museum.

Primary 1

First of all the primary 1s have been learning about the background of easter and what it is. Do you know what it is? They learned that Jesus was crucified on easter but came back to life. So to remember this they made their own story maps showing the story of easter. They also decorated easter eggs with ripped papers. Primary 1 also got very busy and creative with their own easter themed play time. Do you go to the dentist? Well the primary 1s had a visitor teach them all about their teeth and how to keep them clean! Finally the primary 1s have been learning how to keep a;; their money safe in their piggy banks.

Primary 3

this week the p3s have been working super hard this week with the holidays coming up its been mostly with the easter story about Jesus being crucified then put in a tomb then came back alive on easter Sunday. Do you like making easter story’s well to remember Jesus and how he is very importing to Christin’s.  have you ever made a easter egg with paper well the boys and girls have been making some easter eggs with paint and paper to make some very nice eggs for easter.

A beach blog special!

Welcome to this weeks blog! This week the nursery, P1 and the P2 have went on a field trip to the beach, however we will learn about that later…before we tell you we would like to put out a warning to all moms reading this. YOU DIDN’T HEAR ANYTHING!



While we have had a normal week the boys in girls in the nursery, P1 and P2 have been very busy! Have you ever gone to the beach with your friends? Well, the boys in girls in the infant and junior area have been lucky and been partying at the beach. They got their little hands sandy bringing the beach home… From the campfire to the dunes. They also found themselves taking the role of a barista making hot chocolates and roasting  marshmallows.



Do you like stories well the nursery have been getting read lots of fun stories which they all really have enjoyed, and they hope to get to listen to more stories. They all love their mums, so they have been making lovely Mother’s Day treats and they are all ready to surprise their mums with their loving gifts!


Have you ever had a Scavenger hunt? (There really fun!) well the p2’s has been doing a big scavenger hunt in the little one’s playground searching far and wide to find stuff. Get your sunglasses out for the p2’s have been to James Ramsey park.


Have you ever made a card well the p3s have been making lovely Mother’s Day cards. All them math geniuses in p3 have loved doing measuring. They have been using metre wheels, rolling them all about. They also did a very nice scavenger hunt, have you ever done a scavenger hunt?

Catch Up With The Nursery, P2’s and P3’s!

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog! Today we will find out the adventures of the Nursery, P2 and P3. Starting with the nursery and their trees moving onto P2 and their hotels finishing with stories of Katie Morag. 


The nursery has gotten their little hands dirty planting plants and trees and learning how to tell the age of trees! Now I don’t know about you, but I have absolutely no idea how to tell what trees are on their retirement fund! How many languages can you talk? Can you name them all? We don’t know what you know but us   haven’t got a clue about this next one! The nursery boys and girls have been learning how to speak Makaton, Makaton is a language using hand signals! 


The P2 are really looking forward to building block hotels for insects and creating their very own bird feeders. In math they have been learning all about telling the time. Another thing they have been doing is learning about sharing I am sure they will be particularly good at sharing soon. 


Have you heard of Katie Morag well I am sure the primary 3’s could tell you all about her? They have also been making puffin art which you might just see a photo of at the bottom. Taking about animals they have been making PowerPoint’s about Scottish animals! In maths they have been learning all about division. 

Nursery, P2, P3

Hello and welcome to this weeks blog! Today we will be talking about what the nursery, P2 and P3 have been up too. So get comfy and get ready to hear what the lower part of Fraserburgh South Park have been up too.


The nursery have been having fun doing a bake sale for their parents and P1’s. As you can see from the photos it looks very yummy! Of course at a charge, so the Nursery boys and girls have been learning about money, what it is and how to deal with it.


The primary 2s have been learning all about bugs and insects. On a Wednesday and Friday they have been doing playing for learning. They have all really enjoyed doing arts and crafts, food chain and hair stations and plasticine. In math the primary 2s have been learning all about time (o clock and half past) For writing they have been doing very exciting story maps.


The primary 3s have been learning all about shapes like circles and squares in maths. Making power points presentations and using old carboard from home and plastic and painting. And learning Katie Morags story’s.


Nursery – P3


The nursery has been having fun doing a scavenger hunt set up by the primary 6’s and they have also been doing some baking. They went to the shops and all the nursery boys and girls had really good fun.


P1’s has been learning about their insects in class such aOneDrive_1_03-03-2022 s lady bugs. They have also been very busy retelling the Gruffalo story. We also have some little tech wizzes down in the infant area where they have been learning about technology. Now that it is getting brighter and calmer outside the primary 1’s has been exploring out in the playgrounds and at the mud kitchen! Finally, the P1’s has been learning about forms of water such as liquid steam and ice.


The primary 3’s has been learning all about Scotland. They have been learning about Scottish castles and on book creator they made their very own stories about these castles. They also made models out eco friendly materials.

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