Schools, ELCCS and other agencies

The Educational Psychology Service is part of Aberdeenshire Council Education and Children’s Services.  Every school has a named Educational Psychologist who works in collaboration with school staff, parents and other professionals to help children and young people achieve their full potential.

Information about the service

What do Educational Psychologists do?

Educational Psychologists use psychology to help improve wellbeing and learning for all children and young people, as well as those with additional support needs. Educational Psychologists have skills in problem analysis and solution-focused frameworks. They also have an understanding of:

  • Child development and children in social contexts
  • Potential barriers to learning
  • School systems

Professional Consultation and support

When there are concerns about a child’s wellbeing or learning, the appointed co-ordinator in a school (normally a member of the School Leadership Team) will arrange for a professional Consultation with the members of staff who raised the concern. Other agencies can make contact directly with the Educational Psychology Service.  This is a professional support for school staff and not about named pupils- therefore no parental permission is required.

How do Educational Psychologists become formally involved?

A request for Formal Consultation is agreed in conjunction with the school/ referring agency, parents/carers and EP. Following this agreement a Formal Consultation meeting is held to explore issues and agree a joint plan for support/intervention. For information on Consultation please click here.

Please click here  to access our service leaflet for schools and professionals.

Please click here to access our service leaflet for Early Learning and Child Care Settings.

The following Youtube clip explains what Educational Psychologists do in Aberdeenshire and is designed for pupils and parents/carers.

Training and development.

Training, Education, Learn, Profession, School

Educational Psychologists work with a variety of stakeholders and offer different training and professional learning opportunities. For further information on these opportunities please click here.

Other agencies

Any service seeking EPS involvement should have a pre involvement discussion with the area Educational Psychologist, in accordance with Aberdeenshire’s GIRFEC Guidance. Pre-involvement discussions are professional consultations, in which the Educational Psychologist provides support or advice to another professional. If it is agreed that formal Educational Psychology involvement is appropriate a Request for Formal Consultation form or GIRFEC Request for Assistance form should be completed and returned to the service.

More information on GIRFEC can be accessed here.


Contact details

If you would like to contact us to discuss our involvement or other aspects of our service please click here for office information.

Resources and useful links

We have developed a range of resources on a variety of different themes that may be helpful to you within your practice (e.g. Covid Resources, Additional Support Needs, Well-being resources, Bereavement) To view these resources please click here.

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