Family Nurture
Promoting the development of connected, securely attached and resilient families across Aberdeenshire
As part of our work on Supporting Nurturing Approaches we have developed leaflets on key topics which contain tips and advice for parents/carers. They may also be a helpful resource for schools and multi-agency partners in their work with families. Click here to find out more on our training on supporting nurturing approaches.
A loving, responsive, and safe parent/carer-child relationship is important for healthy development in childhood. We have selected topics which can help build resilience, connection, and secure attachment in all families. Our leaflets draw from the research in these areas and translate it into easily accessible small steps for families.
Click here to look at our series of Family Nurture Leaflets.
We have also developed a 5-10 minute presentation, which can be used to share with staff groups, parent councils and via your usual communication channels to raise awareness of the leaflets and the key themes underpinning these. Click here to view this presentation.
Parenting Teens: How to connect with our teens
It’s never been more difficult to be a teenager than in this time! Here in this short video Educational Psychologist Natasha Robinson outlines one small word which can help you to connect with your teenagers in a meaningful way. The word is HUMAN and the video outlines how to use that word to reconnect with our teens.
Advice and Information for parents/carers
Parent Club provides a range of supportive advice and guidance. View this website here.
Education Scotland also has advice and guidance for parents . View Education Scotland’s parent site.
Parenting across Scotland is a useful website aimed at parents and carers and provides information and advice on a wide range of topics. Click here to view this website.
- Place2Be’s Parenting Smart Place2Be has launched Parenting Smart a new website resource for parents and carers of 4-11 year olds.
A Place2Be survey of 962 parents found that around half (52%) of parents of 4-11-year-olds have felt isolated during the pandemic, and almost half (48%) of parents felt they would have benefitted from advice about how to manage their children’s behaviour during the pandemic.
Place2Be developed Parenting Smart to help parents and carers support their children’s mental health, and manage their behaviour. It’s completely free to use and access. Developed by Place2Be’s parenting experts, the site is full of tips and advice on a range of topics including transition to secondary school, meltdowns, and sleep difficulties. Learn more at
- Solihull Online is a resource for parents and carers which runs from the antenatal stage through to young people aged 19 years.
The following courses are available free for parents/carers in Scotland to complete at your own pace:
- Understanding pregnancy, labour, birth and your baby
- Understanding your baby
- Understanding your child
- Understanding your teenager’s brain
For further information, or to access Solihull Online follow this link, press the ‘enter code’ button and use the access code ‘tartan’.
Looking after the adults
Taking steps to look after your own mental health is good for you, your family and those you look after. Please see our page on Your Own Well-being for more information. Click here to access this page.
Learning at home
During periods of self-isolation or school closures (including snow days) the majority of children and young people will be required to learn at home through remote platforms. These changes in routines and expectations can be unsettling and difficult for both parents/carers and pupils. Parents/ carers may also be balancing working at home at the same time which can add additional family pressure and stress.
Click here to access more information and top tips on home learning.
Beginning Primary 1
One of the first educational transitions a child experiences is the move from an early learning and childcare setting to Primary one. This transition can be an exciting time for children, but some parents may have questions about whether they should consider delaying their child’s entry to Primary one. Click here to access more information and guidance on starting school.