Resources to support discussions about events in Ukraine.

Due to the ongoing situation in Ukraine many children and young people may have a variety of questions or display some anxieties. The following resources may be helpful for parents, carers, teachers and school staff in support children and young people at this time.

Supporting discussions about Ukraine









Toolkit for teachers






Talking to children about war



Social Story about war in Ukraine 



Talking about events in Ukraine



Resources and links to support schools and parents/carers in light of recent events in Ukraine

Save the children: 5 ways to talk to children about conflict

Social Story about war in Ukraine 

Child bereavement UK: Supporting children and young people after a frightening event

Helpful advice and sort 2 minute video clip outlining what might help,sensitively%20choosing%20the%20right%20moment.

Supporting a child after a frightening event – YouTube



Lots of links to resources for children when they have worries about events going on in the world – click here


Mental Health Foundation

10 tips for talking to your child about world news – click here 


Seasons for Growth: A guide to self care and wellbeing during times of uncertainty.

Click here to view this short 2 page handout focuses on how we can support ourselves and children/young people during times of uncertainty and change


Newsround: Advice if you’re upset by the news

Click here to watch a short one minute clip for children


Newsround: The history of Ukraine-Russian tensions

Click here to watch a short two minute clip outlining the history of these two countries


Talking to children about war


Coram Life Education


Helping children with anxiety about current world events (



All Aberdeenshire schools have access to the SCARF through ALEC and as well as highlighting the relevant areas of SCARF, we have also signposted to several other organisations who have support materials.

Within SCARF there is also the Belonging toolkit, free for all schools.  Aimed at P6 – S3, the resource was written with children from refugee and migrant backgrounds and explores some of the challenges faced by these pupils as well as developing a shared understanding of the importance of belonging.  There are also additional activities that can help develop an understanding of how we can make our schools welcoming places for everyone.

NHS Grampian Resources

Resource pack for parents with children with Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC) to help with talking about war and conflict. 

Resource pack for young people with a learning disability who are worried about the conflict in Ukraine. 

Talking about War and Conflict Resources pack for parents

Talking about War Resources pack for teenagers

Resource pack for children under 12 to help manage difficult feelings about war and conflict



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