Learning and Teaching

We have developed a suite of professional development resources to support learning and teaching within schools. Please speak to your school link Educational Psychologist for further information on any of the following topics/ courses. 

  • Introduction to Visible Learning: This is a half day introduction to visible learning and how this can be used to drive school improvement. We will look at what the evidence says has the biggest impact on raising attainment and how this can be used within your school setting. (This course can be split into smaller parts)
  • Feedback that makes learning visible: This is a half day input which follows on from Making Learning Visible. In this course we consider what makes effective feedback and look at how  feedback can be used to raise attainment. (This course can be split into smaller parts).
  • Inspired and Passionate Teachers: This short input (two 1.5 hour sessions) looks at what is meant by an inspired and passionate teacher, what is an expert teacher and the 12 mind frames of Visible Learning.
  • Metacognition: This is approximately four hours in duration and follows on from Making Learning Visible. In this course we will look at how to develop skills metacognitive skills which deepens children’s learning.
  • Climates for Learning: This is approximately one and a half hours in duration. In this session we will look at different classroom climates and their impact of pupil’s wellbeing and attainment. We will consider how to create the optimum climate for learning.
  • Cognitive Skills for Learning: This is a five session (each one and a half hours) series of inputs which focussed on the development of underlying cognitive skills for learning. We have a primary/secondary course as well as a course aimed at the early years.
  • Growth Mindset. This is a one and a half hour input.  In this course we will look at how our views on intelligence shape the way we view ourselves and others are learners.  We will explore how to foster skills in effort and learning from failure.  This course complements our My Brilliant Brain materials.
  • My Brilliant Brain: An educational and fun resource aimed at all learners to increase their understanding of how they grow their brain, keep motivated, learn from their mistakes and get smart.  The 3 session resource can be delivered by any educator or associated worker and the Educational Psychology Service are happy to provide support.

Through planning with individual schools and settings Educational Psychologists can provide bespoke professional learning inputs in a number of other areas. Schools should discuss their training and development needs with the allocated school Educational Psychologist.


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