Balhousie Open Day

On Friday 20th of June p4b are going to Balhousie for the open day. We are going with our class but our parents and grandparents are coming to admire our work. The butterflys are beautiful and I think they will brighten up the place.

The care home looks wonderful with all the butterflies. We will be singing two songs; “I went to the cabbages”and “Downtown”. We are all having our face painted but only if our parents give us permission. We are all looking forward to be going to Balhousie.

By Charis and Mazie P4B.

Inter-Schools Commonwealth Games

On Monday 16 th  June 2014 p4b and p4a did our own commonwealth games with other local schools. The schools included were Rhynie, Gartly, Forgue and so on. Our country was Northern  Ireland and some of the  other  countries  were Australia, South Africa and Malta . We had great time! Our team did not  win but we did well.  The  Javelin was my favourite.  I threw it so far so it went past both of the cones! 

                                                                 By Aidan and Harvey P4B

Class talks

Members of P4B have been doing talks about their interest/ hobby. The class have found out about a wide range of interests. Talks have included playing the chanter (with a lovely tune played by Lewis), football, mountain biking (which featured a wonderful video of Alasdair and his family biking through the forests and countryside and manga drawing from Sanya, who showed her artwork and talked about how her drawings have developed. Other interesting talks included Pokemon, Holland, WW Wrestling, animals, model trains, horse riding, dinosaurs and many others!

Paul Anderson

Pupils at the school were very lucky to be able to listen to Paul Anderson playing fiddle at assembly. Paul has been working with Deveron Arts, who arranged the visit into school.

Paul explained the difference between a fiddle and a violin. He then played some traditional scottish tunes. Everyone”s toes were tapping! Next he played some haunting music and asked everyone to close their eyes and try to imagine what the music was about. Some children thought the music was very sad. Paul told us that it was about the lady from Fyvie Castle. He then invited the school to walk around the hall in time to a tune.

Everyone enjoyed listening to the music and learning more about fiddle music.

Moths Galore

Recently P4B have had the opportunity to observe two spectacular moths. First Clover bought her moth into school. She had hatched the moth out from a larva. Unfortunately once the moth hatches out it only lives for two weeks. The class admired its spectacular markings and some children were able to hold it.

A few days later someone noticed another large moth(a Poplar Hawk moth)  that had landed at the doors into the P4 area. Everyone had a chance to have a really good look at the moth, and we then told the P3s (who were out doing a mini beast hunt!) where it was so that they could observe it too.

Jake Williams Workshops

The P5 visits enjoyed workshops last Thursday with local musician Jake Williams. Jake has been doing a project with Deveron Arts about the River Deveron, and has walked from it’s source near the Cabrach to where it comes out to the sea at Banff. Along the way he has collected songs and ballads from the area. He played some of these to the p5’s. Songs included The Marchioness of Huntly, The Deveron Reel, Drumdelgie and The Burning of Auchindoon. The Song The Burning of Auchindoon was written in 1597 around the time of Mary Queen of Scots, and the p5s are hoping the learn it and perform it at the Launch of the Junior Tour Guides at Huntly Castle in early July .

Pupils had a chance to handle some of Jake’s musical instruments, which included a ukelele and a double guitar. Some pupils also took part in some impromptu highland dancing.

Jake told the classes about how he found two bottles on his travels along the Deveron. Inside the bottles were messages, written by past pupils from Gordon Primary! Pupils found this very exciting, and many thought it would be great to write their own messages to put in bottles.

The children enjoyed singing along with Jake and hearing old songs from this part of Scotland

P2’s and P5’s Assembly

Last week p2’s and p5’s did an assembly about Makaton which is a way of communicating using hand signs. We learned a song and we all had fun singing the song, everyone was joining in. We learned some Makaton to go with the song. Some of the words we learnt to say using makaton included; hello, you, me, friend and play. The song is sung by Mr Tumble. P2 and P5 worked very hard to put their assembly together and learning the Makaton and teaching it to us. They did a very good job.


By Charis and Rachel P4

Gardening News!

The gardening club were very busy this Monday decorating the raised beds in the sensory garden. Pupils painted each bed with pictures to represent the different sense that each bed is designated for.

The beds are looking very attractive now,with the thriving plants  and the clourful illustrations.

Meanwhile Mr Scrimshaw and a group of helpers put up the shed in the allotment grounds. Another group of pupils were planting bedding plants with Mrs Coutts.

P7 Loch Insh Trip

A couple of weeks ago both of the Primary 7 Classes were picked up in a bus and sent to Loch Insh for their P7 residential trip. This was the first time Gordon Primary has been to Loch Insh so there was a lot of pressure on the pupils shoulders. If they misbehaved, Gordon Primary might not be aloud back at Loch Insh. They behaved very well and both the staff at Loch Insh and Gordon Primary were very impressed. They have booked for next year!

There were 3 activities per day, the first one after breakfast, the second after lunch and the third after dinner! All the activities were great fun and there was no boring or bad activities! The activities ranged from Mountain Biking to Windsurfing covering mostly everybodies interests!

The food was great, they got a cooked breakfast in the morning and a 3 course meal for dinner!  Each day they made a packed lunch in the morning, there was a lot of choice! On the last night of their stay, they had BBQ!  Everybody enjoyed the food and it covered everybodies tastes!

To be continued!

By Duncan (P7 Blogger)