Butterfly mania!

Primary 4B’s butterflies burst from their chrysalis on Monday to Wednesday. We let two out on Tuesday.  Mrs Sell let some two out; one of them sat on a flower and one of them flew off to enjoy their lives.

Then on Thursday Emily, Jack and Caitlin each let one out.

One had a badly bent wing that Caitlin gently let out and she put it on a pink flower.

The sadness is that they only live for two weeks, so they find a mate and have babies. So we wish the painted ladies luck!

By Emily and Lewis P4

Gardening Club

Every Monday 30 pupils, ranging from P2 to P6 have been working hard in the gardening club, helped by some parents and staff. They have got a lot accomplished in just a few weeks!

Some have marked out the boundaries of the new allotment, and helped in putting up posts.

Others have helped to fill the raised beds in the sensory garden with soil. The beds are designed to stimulate different senses; sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. The gardeners have planted leeks, parsley, rosemary, sweet peas, marigolds to name but a few. With the warm weather and rainy showers, the plants are growing well and starting to become quite colourful.

Balhousie Visit

On the 4th of June on Wednesday the whole of p4b went on a trip to Balhousie.

At the care home we made butterflies and worked with the residents who joined in with making them butterflies.

We used different techniques to decorate our butterflies, such as paint, finger painting, tissue paper and collage. They are going to be hung up on the wall in Balhousie, but were going to continue with our art work next week.

By Sanya and Emma P4B

On  Wednesday 28TH May 2014 our class primary 4b went to Balhousie care home and Jack’s dad built Balhousie care home. And we were doing art with the residents, including Korey’s granny. And we were decorating butterflies. The butterflies are going to be displayed at Balhousie on the Open Day on 20th June

By Finlay and Korey