Photographs as promised
Alltnacriche: Day Two
We started the day off with a good breakfast – plenty of toast, cereal and Danish pastries. After that, chores and an opportunity to buy some goodies from the tuck shop.
The various groups then set off to tackle the challenges of the day. Among these were gorge walking where three silly souls who ended up with “numb bums” (Hafsa says) dammed the water which they then released onto “even sillier people” (Ella says) who obviously got drenched.
There was bread making (or bread burning) over open fires which also scented the bakers a curious fragrance of smoke.
The zip line was a-maz-ing (says Isla) and the water challenge on the rope course was “totes brills” (says Isla again.)
The water sports at Loch Morlich was cold, very cold, very very cold (says Anya). But, at the end of the session, they were all still willing to jump in the loch and swim out to a buoy;)
Tea was minestrone, chicken pie or mushroom risotto followed by Eaton Mess. Num num.
Getting ready for bed now. We have quite a few seriously tired souls who desperately need a good night’s sleep.
Photographs will follow shortly.
Alltnacriche 2018
Ardeonaig 2018
Day 3
This is the local adventure, we went up some of the Perthshire hills, it’s really fun and you get to learn about the environment around you.
For the last full day we all had a camp fire and Mrs Radford sang lots of song and we sang with her.
Morlich and Voil did the high ropes today. Morlich had a challenge and it was to see if you could walk across the first, second or third balance beam, but when you came down you sat on the first balance beam and leant back andhung upside down like spiderman.
These are some team challenges, crate climbing and our short rope course. Team challenges devolp our team work, the short rope course got us ready for the high rope course, SCARY!? In crate climbing we worked as a team while some of us belayed and put crates on the crane to take them t.o the climbers.
See you all tomorrow.
By Jon, Rebecca and Molly
Day 2
These are some of the other things we did. Some of the pictures are of the High Ropes, Hiking and Crate Climbing.
Today for our meals we had sweet and sour chicken for dinner.
For breakfast we had a selection of stuff.
For lunch we made our own sandwichs we had lettuce , cucumber , egg mayonaise , salami and cheese.

Today we arrvied at Ardeonaig and we have done some fun activities like archery, crate climbing, spiders web, team challenges and we are looking forward for more activities tomorrow!
In the Sports hall some of us played dogeball while others were playing table tennis and pool in the games room. Or you could watch a movie in the lounge.
We had steak pie and sweetcorn for dinner, it was quite tasty we also had ice cream for pudding!
It is quite big, all of the rooms are named after scottish clans! The bedrooms are quite big!
We have activity groups for outside and they are all named after Scottish lochs!
By Sarah and Jack!
We made it here. Great place, lovely house and views. Here’s a sneaky photo. Watch this space for some more pics coming soon. Don’t forget to leave some comments.
Edinburgh 2017
More pics from our visit. Thanks to all the parents for your comments, we love reading them out when we are away.
Day 2
Today was awesome we went to Edinburgh Castle , the National Museum and Dynamic earth. All is good . We really liked Dynamic earth: 3D showings and Arctic room. We also liked the fashion area in the museum and the animal area as well. Owen really liked the technology section. (By Aila, Isla and Owen)
Day 1
Good journey down, saw some amazing sights in Deep Sea World.
Settled in to the hostel after a slight change to the rooms
Had a bit of time before dinner then a rush up to the Royal Mile for the ghost tour, which was scarey down in the vaults.
Got back to the hostel just after 9 and straight to bed. Another early start tomorrow!
Kindrogan 2017
We have arrived safe and sound!
We kicked off the week with some fun team building exercises, for which we needed to use our communication and problem solving skills.
We had a lovely dinner of bangers and mash or mixed vegetable risotto followed by butterscotch pudding with mandarins.
After dinner, we went orienteering in the dark which was a bit scary at times, and very muddy but mostly lots of fun. We have enjoyed being in different groups and coming up with different group names.
Tonight we are settling into our rooms; making our own beds and making sure everything is neat and tidy.
Tomorrow we are looking forward to crate climbing!
Written with the help of Naomi and Amy
Day Two
Today we were woken up early although some of us were already awake!
First thing we did was have breakfast and make up our pack lunches.
We got ready for the day and went outside, we were surprised that was so cold and windy but luckily we had been told to wrap up warm.
We did crate climbing, which is when you are attached to a rope and harness, and with a partner you had to climb up as many crates as you could.
Mrs Paterson and Miss Davidson had a go because it looked like so much fun. When they fell off Mrs Paterson landed on her bum in a crate, it was very funny.
After lunch we put on our wellies and waterproofs, then headed to the river for some river dripping. We caught and identified water bugs and invertebrates.
It was really interesting! We found a huge Stonefly Larva, which was two years old.
During dinner we sang Happy Birthday to Amber and the chef (Fiona) very kindly made a special birthday cake.
We’ll check in again tomorrow after we’ve been up Kindrogan Hill.
Written with the help of Keeley and Cieran (who had brushed his teeth)
Day 3
Today we climbed a super massive hill called Kindrogan hill. We learned new things, and were told a story about the people who used to own Kindrogan House, it was a bit creepy. We all enjoyed listening to it though. We found interesting plants and evidence of places people might have lived. At the top we played a game called ‘camouflage’ and had our lunch.
On the way down we were told about the ‘drop spiders’ to stop them falling on us we had to be silent and creep through the woods. Then, we hit the BOG OF DOOM, which was an incredibly long and muddy mess. Some people lost their shoes in the mud and had to be helped out. Don’t worry we rescued all the shoes in the end (and the children).
In the afternoon we did a low ropes course, it was all about trusting your friends that they would not let you fall. There were nine different stages/challenges you had to go though to complete it. Everybody managed to do everything with a little help from their friends. We all set a target of how many times you could touch the floor.
At night we used torches to go out to set traps for small mammals such as mice and voles. We will check the traps in the morning to see if we have caught anything.
Written with help from Emily and Molly.
Day four
We started the day by going and opening our mammals traps. Five out of the seven groups caught something. It was very funny because Abi (one of the instructors) screamed when a vole ran up her arm, a mouse escaped too.
Don’t worry we released them back into the wild.
We walked the Cataran trail towards Kirkmichael, the Catarans used to steal each other’s cattle so we had to be on the look out for raiders. When someone shouted raid we had to run back into our “clans” the last clan to get together lost 10 of their cattle. We saw loads of frogs and toads on the way, some of us even got to touch one.
We had lunch by a big pond, which rippled in the wind. We had a go at starting fires together, it was a lot trickier than it looked because it was damp and windy. Most of us managed a little fire that went out quickly.
When we got back to Kindrogan, we had cake! Then we split into two groups, one of them did the leap of faith and the other made environmental art. Then we swapped. While that happened it was snowing… so we were freezing.
We were all really proud of how well we did on the leap of faith.
After dinner we had a campfire, it wasn’t too long because it was cold but we had some popcorn cooked on the fire and sang songs.
Tomorrow morning we will be doing the Nightline, we will tell you all about it when we get home!
Looking forward to coming home tomorrow
Written by Harry Burr and Nathan.
Alltnacriche 2016
Day 3
Our final report
More fire making and bread making, zipping, roping, kayaking, canoeing and gorge walking today. A sunny morning but a bit cooler in the afternoon.
Some pics of all the fun we’ve had:
First we collected different sizes of sticks and we had to build the fire and light some moss and blow on it, then we got the thin twigs and put them on top. Then the medium sticks then the large sticks. Tom taught us how to make bread. We had a choice of flavours and fruits to put in. You needed milk powder, flour and water to make the dough.
The zip wire (top) and the ropes course (bottom)
Day 2
This was some of us on the ropes course.
Some of us did the zip line and we were running on the air. Some people did water sports, some did making bread as well.
This as the other thing we did, the gorge walk. This is a picture of a group before the toilet flush …
This is us after the toilet flush! What happens is that a couple of people sit at the top of the river and they make sure there are no gaps so no water can come in, to make a dam. The others sit under them. The top group wait until the water is high then they stand up and the ones below get soaked!
This is the view from the bottom of the zip wire. Our group broke the record for most goes on the zip wire because we listened really well and got organised, even with one injured person on the team.
We’re here!!!
Today we did a very long walk with Dave up a hill. We saw amazing views and lots of unusual beasties, like maggots and beetles. We played a camouflage game and beat the teachers. In the evening we played land grab which is like real life risk.
The dinner was nice, we had a choice of roast chicken or fish.
We had a late snack of hot chocolate and a flapjack.
See you tomorrow, don’t forget to add comments.
from P6.
Kindrogan 2016
Friday- Today we are packing and clearing our rooms getting ready to do our last activity the night line. After we are off on our way home see you soon
Thursday- In the morning we checked the traps we caught 2 mice called Dave and Coby. Later we did low ropes it was loads of fun and it was a very nice day. After low Ropes we had lunch then we climbed up Kindrogan Hill it was very steep and there was a huge bog which we nearly lost a shoe in. At night we had a campfire were we played games and sang songs and ate popcorn which was cooked on the fire.

Wednesday- On Wednesday we did thee cataran trail walk in the morning and when we got to the woods we tried to light fires but only some people got fire and if they did it went out Next we did the LEAP OF FAITH dun dun duuunnnn Well done Mrs McBride for doing the leap of faith! At night we set mammal traps and today (thursday) we are going to check them, so hopefully they have things in them.

Tuesday- Today We Did Pond Dipping And Crate Climbing. And At Night We Did A Victorian House Trail We Found A Creepy Stuffed Eagle In The Library.

Today we arrived safely at 12:30. We then found our rooms and after we went out onto the lawn because it was an amazing day!
Afterwords we did team games and then we had CAKE!!!!!!
After a Tea of BANGERS UND MASH after words we did orienteering in the dark
We’re all really excited about going to Kindrogan next week. Watch this space for updates.

P5 Sailing Trip
Alltnacriche 2015
We all arrived at Alltnacriche after a long, winding bus journey and a quick stop at a park from our snack and some fun.
We all really liked the big spinning disk and almost everyone was on it at the same time!
It has rained continually since we got here but we haven’t let that bother us. First, we went for a walk up the hill. It was very steep but the views were amazing. There are pheasants all around us, and some are really big. We learned how to camouflage ourselves like the wild animals do. It was more difficult for us to do it that animals though because our jackets are such bright colours. We then played land grab and got very wet looking for all the signs! It was cool because each sign had a hole punch which made a different pattern and we needed to find as many as we could. There was a burn that we were allowed to put our feet in too.
We had to make our own beds after that which the adults thought was very funny as some of us didn’t even know what a sheet was never mind what to do with it! One thing is for sure.. We need to be making our own beds at home like Evie does every week. She was really quick and helped other people. The adults were lucky because their beds were already made up for them. That turned out to be just as well for them though as they ended up making most of our beds.
We have had dinner (and managed to eat it all even though some of us have arrived with enough food to keep us going for a month…) and some free time to explore all the nooks and crannies. There is a large sports hall here where we can play with the equipment. We also have a games room with air hockey, big jenga, football table and a pool table. Mrs. Kelly and Miss Stout were playing badminton with everyone in the sports hall and Mrs Whalley was losing on the football table! Now we are off to play nukemball… But we don’t know what that is just yet!
The thing we are all most looking forward to is the hot chocolate before we go to bed.. Yummy!!
Well, nukemball is a game that is played with two teams and a ball.. We think it is a mixture of volley ball and netball all in one.
We had “feet off the floor” time in the music room after that and we spoke about choices. The instructors played a trick on us with jelly beans.. Make sure you ask us what it was when we get home.
We had our hot chocolate and a biscuit then some of us had a shower before bed. We had to put our lights out at 9.40pm but some people didn’t fall asleep until half past two in the morning.
It’s Katie’s Birthday!! Happy Birthday to Katie!
Katie has a big birthday hat and lots and lots of badges! She had a few parcels to open and she has been first to get her food all day because she is the birthday girl. We are all having birthday cake after our dinner
We have all worked in different groups today.
The Red group (Ryan B, Connor, Jack, Matthew, Jakub, Nathan, Keira and Joy) did the ropes course and the zip line. The zip line looked scary from the top but it was amazing when we got to the bottom and we all wanted to do it again and again. They then took part in the mountain biking and archery. The archery turned out to be much harder than it looked. But as Connor said, we got better each time and if we had had even longer we might have ended up being experts. Here are some photos of us.
Today was the first time we got to use the tuck shop and we thought we were very grown up with our cans of juice at lunch time.
~The Yellow Group (Shaun, Calum, Kieran, Luis, Kayla, Megan, Sophie and Katie) took part in the ropes course and the zip line today too. They thought that the pulley they had to carry was very, very heavy! After that they went to the watersports at Loch Morlich. It was absolutely freezing and we were glad we had wrapped up warm. It was good fun though and everyone tried their best. Shaun didn’t really like it so he got to watch and stay in the warm.
~The Blue Group (Adam, Cameron, Rory, Ruairidh, Morgan, Kayleigh, Lois-Jay and Robyn) started off with the archery. It was sunny first thing in the morning so they were glad they didn’t get soaked like the groups after them! They wore arm braces to protect themselves and they had to try and hit a target. The blue group then got to go on the mountain bikes. Some of them were brand new because they only got delivered today which was exciting. There were cones on the grass so that they could try and test out their skills. After that the blue group got to try out the ropes course and zip line too.
~The Green group (Kai, Ryan D, Scott, Ethan, Ryan Mc, Evie, Charlotte and Melissa) were on duty after dinner tonight and it took them a whole 18 minutes to finish up. That is 11 minutes slower than the last group. The instructor, Alan, told Mrs. Whalley that if any of them were to ever open a restaurant then she should avoid it at all costs.. Ethan is very good at remembering to tuck in his chair, so maybe there is hope yet.
They started off the day with mountain biking and archery and had watersports in the afternoon. We were surprised that we had to wear glasses for the mountain biking but Iain explained that it was to protect our eyes.
~ The Orange Group (Jamie, Blake, Austin, Erin, Esther, Ailbhe, Ellie and Lewis) caught the sun at the watersports in the morning then enjoyed the ropes course and the zip line in the afternoon. Some parts of the rope course are quite challenging and on the biggest part you have to stay on once you start. Thankfully they all encouraged each other and everyone made it unharmed!
Tonight we have had a HUGE dinner and now we are having fun with Fiona in the games hall. We will have our feet off the floor time again, some hot chocolate and cake then we will all be sound asleep by 10pm (or so the adults hope!).
Hello to all the parents! We are thinking about you and looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow.
This morning, the Red and Blue Group started their day at the water sports. It was sunny but snowing at the same time. Alan showed us the Cairngorm mountain and all the snow on the top.
Before we left we were all very excited. Jack couldn’t find his swimming trunks so he just wore his boxers but it didn’t make any difference. The best bit was when I got in the kayak. It was a lot more difficult than I thought it would be and I struggled to turn the boat. The worst bit was when I capsized because I got a bit of a fright. The instructor helped me and took me to the bank. It was near to the end of the session so I decided to go back because I was cold. Mrs. Whalley bought me a hot chocolate and a cookie. She took a photo too which she said she will put on the blog. – Ruairidh
I liked the kayaking because I hadn’t tried it before and it was really fun. – Joy
I loved the kayaking because I was on a real loch and not just in a swimming pool. – Lois-Jay
I liked the canoeing because it was fun and I got to do it with Kayleigh and Morgan. It was easy at times and more difficult at other times.
I enjoyed it all. I found it difficult to get the boat to turn. – Connor
I had the most fun ever – Matthew
While they were doing that, the Yellow Group were mountain biking and then they went to archery.
The Green and Orange Group worked together to make bread in the woods. First we learned how to light a fire using parts of thistles, bark and a flint which you buy in a shop. We worked in little groups and took turns to try and light it. It was fun but really smoky. Then we found out what ingredients we would need to make the bread and had a look at all the different flavours we could use. When we finished making the bread we got to taste it and share it with other groups.
We all had lunch together and then some free time. Most of us wanted to play in the burn but there is also a swing and the sun was out too.
After lunch, the Yellow, Red and Blue group made bread. We all worked as a big team to collect sticks. We needed birds nest sticks, pinkie sticks, finger sticks and thumb sticks to make the fires for the bread. We all worked really well together and helped each other to carry the really heavy bags to the campfire spot. Sophie, Conner and Adam all helped each other carry the heaviest bag. We sat in a circle to find out how to light the fire then we prepared all of our materials before we got started. Kayleigh managed to light the fire first time for her group but it went out so everyone in the group joined in and had a try. Lois-Jay and Morgan were scared of the sparks and just watched instead. On the way back up Ryan B found a bug on his hood. We are not sure what it was but we know that it was an insect. Calum, Ryan B, Rory and Sophie were part of the team who helped with the washing up.
The Green Group had their turn at the zip line and ropes course. Ryan Mc and Ethan were partners and helped each other round the course. the tyres were funny because it was easy to end up doing the splits! There was also a big net which we could race up or just go up at our own speed. Charlotte tried really hard and had a big smile on her face at the end. Scott was Kai’s partner and helped by encouraging him to keep going.
The Orange Group had their chance to do the mountain biking and the archery. At he start of the mountain biking we were asked what number we would rate ourselves in our confidence. Joy’s mum didn’t rate herself highly so we knew to look out for her. Jamie was really good at this and even made sure that Joy’s mum knew when the bumps were coming up. It was very thoughtful of him and Joy’s mum appreciated it. The sun was shining for us and we got to cycle in the forest.
Outdoor Learning in P5
P5 have been taking part in many different and varied outdoor learning experiences. They have completed the Ellon Circular walk. explored the woods by making dens for small animals and nests for birds. They have seen the world through many different colours and made wishes on the trees. They have experienced glorious weather, cold weather and freezing winds. Here are a small selection of the photos we took on our adventures.
World Book Day 2015
World Book Day
World Book Day was organised by the Kids’ Council who worked with their classes to decide on some fun activities for the school to work together on. The costumes were excellent and it was great to see so many book characters around the school. Well done to Erin, Keeley, Dregan and Calum Souter who won the “Design a superhero” competition created very well thought out book covers. The Kids’ Council had a hard time narrowing the entries down to just two. Thank you to everyone who sent in photos of their children reading in an unusual place. These are now all up on the wall for everyone to see.
Kindrogan 2015
Day 5
Some more pics from the last few days. Thanks for all the comments, we really enjoyed reading them.

Day 4
Finlay has not been eating as much porridge as usual (only two bowls!)
Shoutout to Tony and Fiona for cooking great breakfasts!
The leap of faith was excitingly scary because the totem pole wobbled and the pizza box was tiny. The aim was to hit the piñata as hard as you could to try and get the sweets out.
Logan says hi. Finlay,Robbie,Abbie,Jen,Emily and Gene say hi too.
The Victorian house trail was long and confusing but everyone finished it. Afterwards we had to draw/make a Victorian family. One group drew them and another made them out of snow, one of the snow people/dogs made was Jim.
We found out about the Catarans who stole cattle from all the crofters in raids. We pretended we were being raided and the last people to get down lost cattle.
In the evening the moon up close through the telescope looked like a beehive.
And we all finished off the trip with some campfire songs and some popcorn.
Natalie, Hannah and Rachael have been really great tutors!

Day 3
Cooked breakfast was the best, especially the bacon and tattie scones. Finlay liked the porridge – all three bowls.
Lots of invertebrates were caught during the pond and river dipping including, ‘Barry, Garry, Larry, Brian and Dave’! Picture to follow.
In the crate climbing the record was 11, set by Eleanor and Fraser. The worst was 2, by Callum and Lucas but they enjoyed their manly hug.
Our arty sides came through in the environmental art activity. Some of the things made were: penguins, Olaf, food, a garden gnome, a snake, the local river and a mini Eco world.
Unfortunately the traps were empty, we’ll try again tomorrow.
The night hike started off scary, especially with Mrs Paterson hiding in the bushes, but with torches on and everyone making a racket we were more scary than anything else on the hill.
Contributions by Logan, Finlay, Emily, Robbie and Gene.
PS fab cakes, love ’em.
Day 2
Big breakfast and an early start for the climb up Kindrogan Hill. Good fun and we made a scientific survey of the temperature, humidity, wind speed and altitude using various scientific instruments. On the way down we made shelters in the woods. After all that there was a welcome stop for tea and scones before heading back out to tackle the low ropes course. Setting small mammal traps tonight, hopefully we’ll see something in them tomorrow morning. (Having trouble uploading pics, watch this space)

Day 1.
After a good journey in the sunshine with the children singing all the way we arrived in time for lunch, got the beds made then outside for team building tasks.
In the evening we went orienteering in the dark, great fun.

On Thursday 12th March a man came and talked to the p4 p4/5 p5 classes about the Jacobites. He came with all the clothes the Jacobites would wear. Everyone enjoyed looking at the weapons he brought in. The pupils had a chance to have a mini battle some people were Jacobites and some people were redcoats. Everyone enjoyed it.
Written by Lucy