Tag Archives: P6/7

Cinderella and Rockerfella

Everyone is really enjoying the rehearsals for the Cinderella  Rockerfella Pantomime and we can’t wait to perform infront of an audience. All we need to do is practice a little more to ensure we all know our lines and come in at the right time. The scenery crew are working hard on the backdrop and the props. We are all very excited about performing on the 19th of December to family and friends.

Here is a sneek preview of the ugly sisters practicing their routine.

The ugly sisters are having a great time!

P6/7 and Theatre Modo

Last week  Theatre Modo has been in to help the whole school learn to do creative things like  paintings, drama, dance routines and songs for our Golden Jubilee which is 60’s themed. P6/7 has been making Andy Warhol flags. Andy Warhol was a famous artist in the 60’s. He was famous for his style of art which was pop art. He designed the famous and colourful portrait of Marilyn Monroe. We are making portraits of ourselves in the same style as Andy Warhol’s. We drew pictures of ourselves then made stencils and spray painted them onto material. We will be attaching them to a flag pole and doing a routine with them for the jubilee. We are enjoying working with Theatre  Modo, and hope that our flags and routine will wow the parents.

Andy Warhol’s Painting

Cormac’s Painting

By Scott, Cormac and Emily.

Sports Relief

 On Friday the 23 of March , P6/7 took part in Sport Relief at Ellon Primary School. They helped organise games at lunch time i.e Beat the Goalie, Steal the Bacon , an obstacle course, tennis, golf and a whole lot more. The children also ran a mile with Mr Witt in their PE time and everyone did brilliantly and ran really quickly too! Plus everyone  dressed up as their  favourite sports person and paid £1 to do this. The children raised £368.11 and were really grateful to everyone for their donations.

       Thanks again P6/7.


By Scott & Anna.

A Visitor from the Scottish Parliament

On Thursday P6 had a visitor from the Scottish Parliament. The lady told us how parliament works using  a slide show. We were divided into 6 groups or parties and we had to pick candidates to represent each group. There was an Animal Welfare Party, a Computer Party, a Music Party, a Save the Earth Party, a School Party and a Sporty Party. The leader had to say a speech about their group. Using a ballot paper we had to vote for the group we liked best. We also learnt about debating. We were debating if we should or should not have school uniform. We decided we should. We all had lots of fun.

By Ellie


On the 23rd of February P7 went on an amazing journey to Curl Aberdeen  to have a fun day learning how to curl.
When they got to the centre they had their lunch whilst watching another session play curling.
After waiting to get on to the ice rink  their coaches took them to their lanes. They practised learning how to control the stone and all the positions they had to be in in order to be safe.
It was a great experience and they cannot wait until they go back on the 1st of March.          


P6/7 Class Debate

Miss Jamieson’s, P6/7 class had a debate over whether homework is vital for a child’s education or not. Half of the class were in the pros team which were the team trying to keep homework. The other half were in the cons team which were the team trying to get rid of homework.

We had 4 pieces of card that said yes, no, abstain and request to speak. We gathered around the biggest table in our class and had a debate. You held your request to speak card when you wanted to speak.

In the end 3 went for abstain they didn’t want to vote

10 went for yes we would like homework

11 went for no, homework is boring.

Although the cons may have won we still get homework.

By Emily, Cormac & Matthew.