Ardeonaig 2018

Day 3

This is the local adventure, we went up some of the Perthshire hills, it’s really fun and you get to learn about the environment around you.

For the last full day we all had a camp fire and Mrs Radford sang lots of song and we sang with her.

Morlich and Voil did the high ropes today. Morlich had a challenge and it was to see if you could walk across the first, second or third balance beam, but when you came down you sat on the first balance beam and leant back andhung upside down like spiderman.

These are some team challenges, crate climbing and our short rope course. Team challenges devolp our team work, the short rope course got us ready for the high rope course, SCARY!? In ย crate climbing we worked as a team while some of us belayed and put crates on the crane to take them t.o the climbers.

See you all tomorrow.

By Jon, Rebecca and Molly

Day 2







These are some of the other things we did. Some of the pictures are of the High Ropes, Hiking and Crate Climbing.

Today for our meals ย  we had sweet and sour chicken for dinner.

For breakfast we had a selection of stuff.

For ย lunch we made our own sandwichs we had lettuce , cucumber , egg mayonaise , salami and cheese.

Today we arrived at Ardionaig!

Today we arrvied at Ardeonaig and we have done some fun activities like archery, crate climbing, spiders web, team challenges and we are looking forward for more activities tomorrow!

In the Sports hall some of us played dogeball while others were playing table tennis and pool in the games room. Or you could watch a movie in the lounge.

We had steak pie and sweetcorn for dinner, it was quite tasty we also had ice cream for pudding!

It is quite big, all of the rooms are named after scottish clans! The bedrooms are quite big!

We have activity groups for outside and they are all named after Scottish lochs!

By Sarah and Jack!

We made it here. Great place, lovely house and views. Hereโ€™s a sneaky photo. Watch this space for some more pics coming soon. Donโ€™t forget to leave some comments.

54 thoughts on “Ardeonaig 2018”

  1. Wow, what an amazing time you’re all having, you’ve all done so so well and should be super proud of yourselves! Can’t wait to see you tomorrow Molly, safe journey home, Love Mum, Dad, Grandma and Robin (who is missing you loads and loads xxx)

  2. We have loved reading the blog and seeing your photos.
    Abbie hope you have had lots of fun. We are all missing you but have to say you must be the messy one in our house as I haven’t had much tidying up to do ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜˜

  3. Wow it all looks amazing. Millie the house is too quite without you, miss you lots. Mum, dad, Delaney (Bingo and Spot) xx

  4. So just to let you all know denise (the cook) said that all the staff at ardeonaig commented how the group are the best group they have had in ages in regard to their behaviour, manners, listening, and tidiness!! Well done for making us proud kids!!!

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