Primary 6a and 6b

21 April 2016

This term, Primary 6 will be working on a range of mini topics. We are starting the term off with a ‘Super Science’ topic looking at micro-organisms, burning, friction and floating and sinking. Our cold and hot literacy tasks will be based on a scientific report. In addition, we will be studying the effects of smoking and alcohol on the body in line with our health and wellbeing programme. Primary 6 will shortly begin the peer mediation training programme and will continue to visit their nursery buddies!

5 February 2016
In maths, our focus learning is about special numbers and their properties and making links between multiplication, division and fractions.
Our focus learning for language is the tools for writing e.g. speech marks, use of V.C.O.P. (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers, Punctuation) and up-leveling a passage.
Health and Well Being : conclusion of gymnastic themed learning focusing on significant learning.

14 January 2016
This term we are working on a variety of skills for Learning, Life and Work.  Our topic over the next few weeks (leading up to World Book Day on 3rd March 2016) will be World War II with a focus on “The Home Front”.
We will celebrate Burns Day by Learning a Scottish poem and having a Scottish food tasting session.
If you have any relatives or family friends who would be willing to share memories, information or photographs about World War II, please send a note with your child.  Thank you.