Solar Punk Outdoors

P67 have been involved in an Education IDL pilot called Solar Punk this term. THE PROJECT-A challenge to design and brand your unique neighbourhood on an island that is based on the principles of the 15 minute neighbourhood rules and Solarpunk movement.

The children became passengers on a shipwrecked boat and had to work together to create Solar Punk Island, turning a section of the island into their own habitat based on ideas of sustainability.

They created designs for architecture, built renewable devices, learned to filter water, made gardens and spent a day practicing skills in the woods and the beach.  See the video:



School Trip to the Isle of Jura!

On the 14th of September we went on a school trip. We went on The Banana Bus and headed to Kennacraig. As we were waiting for the ferry, we all got out of the car and had a bit of HIIT. With a cool breeze on our faces, we done squats and lunges, which was great fun. When we were on the ferry it was so beautiful, there were dark blue wavy waters, with fish all around. With a bump, we arrived at the pier. It was so fun driving with all the big bumps of the road and the massive stag everywhere. 

When we arrived at the town, the sun was shining like a fireball in the sky trying to set us on fire. When we arrived at Small Isles Primary School, they showed us where to put our stuff and where the classroom was. When we got in, we got to choose where to sit, and they were so kind they even gave up their seats for us to sit in. Not a big class, but they were all so kind. We decided to play a game… It was where you had to walk around the class and when the music stopped you had to turn around and the person beside you must tell you their name and then three facts about themselves (and vice versa). After we done that, we got into our groups that were on the board. The people in my group from the different school were: Grace and Shein. They were kind and had a lot in common with me. Shein was the same age as me and Grace was a year younger than me. We made a hilarious team name; can you guess what it was… THE GREESY BESTIES! Thirdly, we done a team quiz all about climate change and children’s rights. After that, we done a thing where we had to produce ideas to become eco-friendly. Each group produced two ideas to write to the government or Jenni Minto. We all had great ideas. Then for the main event… drum roll please! THE BEACH. We all went for a lovely walk to the beautiful beach. We all sat down and then we heard the teacher shout “The Greesy Besties please come and line up for ice cream,” a smile showed up on our whole team’s faces. We all got our ice cream and went to sit on the beach side. 

We arrived at Jura at about 10:30. It was a fun journey, and we enjoyed it. 

The school was in the middle of Jura, which was a beautiful place. 

Overall, we all had a blast and would absolutely love to go back to the Isle of Jura. 

Rachel Heads 

Sports Day

On June 12th 2023 Port Ellen primary school had a sports day for everyone from nursery to P7. We all had different races like the flat race, sack race and obstacle course. At the end of the sports day we had an inter house relay for the p5,6 7s. For the relay the captains chose 4 of the fastest runners form their house in primary 5,6 or 7 and then pick an order. After the relay they announced the winners for the sports championships the winner for boys was Finlay in second Hugh and in third Dylan the first for girls was Chloe in second Iona and in third Evie. The overall winning house by points for the whole of sports day was Nave.  For winning sport day Nave you get a plaque/trophy.

Health and Wellbeing Afternoon


On Thursday the 18th of may 2023 PortEllen primary school had a health and wellbeing afternoon. Some of the people that came to help were the Coast guard, MYFOS and we had some doctors in to talk about baby massage.


We were all split into groups. The groups were all different letters going from A to F. I was in group E. We all rotated around the different stations. The first station we did was internet safety with Mrs Clark then we moved on to dyslexia awareness and we kept moving on until we had gone through all eight the last one we did was orienteering with Ms Tait. My favorite station was the station where we learned about how much sugar is in different drinks. It’s my favorite because I found it interesting learning about the different amounts of sugar there are in different drinks. But we also got to make a sugar free pizza that we got to eat and they were delicious. Then we got to go home

Islay And Jura Dolphins Championships

On the 28th January Dolphins had a swimming championship. It was for everyone that goes to dolphins. There was 5 heats for most of the races and there was about 20 races. There was different age groups so people are racing against people their age instead of a 5 year old vs and 16 year old. The races are 25 meters for 1st session there is 25 front crawl, back-stroke, butterfly and breast-stroke. For 2nd session there was 50 meter and 100 meters which were all 4 strokes again. There was a IM (which stands for induvial medley)  100 meters  which is 1 length of each stroke. At the end the older ones all jumped in. After we done all of that we went up to the high  school to get all of our medals. When we were there we got cakes, brownies and lots more. After we ate all of or food that we picked. Then it was the time to go up when your name was called to get all of your medals and trophies. It was a great day.

P12 and P4 trip to the Woods for Orienteering

We have had a fantastic day in the woods as part of our Maths Week Scotland learning. We walked the whole way to the woods, set up our base camp, had some healthy snack and a good explore before getting into our groups. We then had to follow our map to find all the teachers hiding at different points. After collecting all four signatures it was time to head back to base for some lunch and then a trip to the distillery to use the toilets! It was back to base camp for our final mapping activity – a scavenger hunt to collect items to work out our treat…. Thank you to all our grown ups for our yummy lunches and giving us cosy clothes to wear!

Bee Healthy Group

On Monday the 26th of September the whole school had the first citizenship meeting of the year. In citizenship there are 4 groups: the Eco group, the Healthy group, Rights respecting schools group and the reading group. In the meeting we thought of ideas  for what we could do for our group. 

Some of our ideas were to cook healthy food so that people would be encouraged to eat healthy. We might sell the tuck for money so that we can buy more playground equipment.

We are going to make things like smoothies and fruit salads. We will make the in the morning at the first break so you can get some food for your break as well as fruit.

We are going to run sports clubs so that people will be able to have fun while getting exercise from running and it will show people that exercise can be fun. To encourage people to be healthy we are going to make videos on why being healthy is good. To see what game to play we are going to do a survey on what game to play we are going to put games like football, dodgeball and basketball.

By Hugh 

Carpet Bowls

Every Thursday we go the Ramsey hall to do carpet bowls with Ms Brown the people who teach us are Eddie and Terry. There are two carpet and four people per carpet and two people in a team.

Last week we had point sheets to keep track of our score and see who wins we play five rounds per team. there is a white thing in the middle you have to get past and if you hit it your bowl is out. When you get it past you have to make it in a square box on the carpet. There is a big circle and a small one you always need to have the small one in the inside of the ball. When someone is playing and you aren’t playing you can do a job which if it goes out you can get it and put the white thing back in place. Thank you south Islay development for sponsoring us to play carpet bowls.


As part of their transition activities, P7  went on the bus to Bowmore to do  orienteering with other P7s.

The course was in the high school playground and the football pitch.  You would get a map and a compass  to find a thing that snips your map and it makes a shape.

At the end we were talking and playing on the grass and then went on the bus and went back to the school.

Dolphins championship

Dolphins is a swimming club and we did a championship which was 5 hours. We had to bring a packed lunch and 2 towels; one to sit on and one to dry with.

I all of my races I got gold; breaststroke , front crawl, butterfly and back crawl. I won 2 shields, one of the overall winner for my year and I also got a shield for the fastest IM in my year: I got 1 min 45 secs.   An IM is 4 lengths of all the strokes together and it is butterfly first, then back-crawl, then breaststroke and then front crawl.

At the end off all of the races we went and got all of our medals and trophies and we got sweets crisps and juice. Matthew Campbell got the club record.

Football Club

There is a football club on Monday at lunch break 12:30 to 1:00. It is for everyone in the  school P1 to P7. It is run by William, James, Ben and Finlay.

We will split everyone in to 2 or 3 groups and do some drills and then a football match. All the teams will be a mixture of P1 to P7 so it can be fair.  We enjoy coaching football skills.



At lunch break on a Wednesday there is a rounders club. It’s run by Mya, Katie, Callie and Thomas.  This is part of our leadership and citizenship activities.

This is what we tell  people that don’t know how to play it. You will have a bat or a tennis racket in your hand, Someone will be throwing the ball to you. You get three chances to hit the ball, Even if you miss it on your third try you still have to run. There is also four hoops on the ground  the first one is the base that’s where you hit the ball. The second one is in the middle left that’s where you can run to as your first base before someone, and then there is fourth base.  If you run all the way round you get a rounder.  We enjoy playing with the school at lunchtimes!

P7s Highschool Visits

On Monday 17th May p7s received a visit from Dr Weatherhog where she talked to us about high school, uniforms and answered our questions.

She talked to us about the necessities we needed for high school . She told us all about induction days and how we would go about them. She then talked about behaviours and punishments. P7s then asked any questions that needed answered which took about an hour or so.

On Tuesday 18th May Mrs Mitchell came in and observed our maths. She helped us with our fractions, decimals and percentages. Then we came to the floor at the front and put the decimals on a number line. Next we turned percentages into decimals and fractions. Lastly we did decimal marble run on active learn then she headed back up to the high school.  This is to help us with the transition to High School.

By Callie

Before You Pop!

Today P12 have been exploring the Emotion Works blue cog – regulation strategies. This helps us think about what we could do before we explode with anger, sadness or excitement. Things that might help us to calm down. We paired this learning with finding out a little bit about Andy Warhol and the POP art movement. We created fizzy juice cans in the style of Andy Warhol and added thought bubbles about different regulation strategies we could use when we needed them.

Herbal Teas

We have been learning about healthy eating and our senses.  After planting our herbs in the garden we decided to make some herbal teas. We had to use our senses to describe what we could smell and we even had a go at tasting the teas. Some people thought some of the teas tasted nice and some tasted yucky !

Highlands and Islands Oban Highland Dancing Competition

On the 30th of April 2022 Highlands and Islands dancing competition was held at the Atlantis Leisure Centre. On the 29th of April there was also a choreography competition.

Their were four highland dancers from Islay that were competitors in the Oban Highlands and Islands competition. The four of these dancers were all from Ella Edgar School of Dance. Ella does an amazing job training her dancers for competitions like this.  We did very well and won lots of medals.

By Iona






We were learning about the importance of exercise and how it is good for us. We had lots of good ideas. Over the next few weeks we are going to look at different aspects of fitness.  We were finding out about the different aspects of fitness…speed, strength, flexibility, agility and stamina. We did some activities to test how good we were.


This morning we have been investigating the red cog. This helps us to think about how different emotions feel inside our bodies and where we feel them. We watched the story Marvin gets Mad to help us think about how anger bubbles and builds inside us. We then used our Emotion Work resources to help us think about other emotions. We drew around Cievah and used her body shape to help us think. We then used tickets which showed the different body parts and added some describing words to think about how these felt – shaky, cold, tight, tense, butterflies… Afterwards we worked in small teams to do the same outdoors with different emotions.


This morning we looked at the yellow emotion works cog. This helps us talk about the triggers for our emotions. We used Ruby’s Worry by Tom Percival to help us think about our worries and have been busy creating a new wall display to replace The Colour Monster that we have had up for a wee while.

Rugby Tournament 5 Schools


I was waiting for this day for ages! I was so excited. On February 2nd we did a rugby tournament with Bowmore, Keills, Port Charlotte and Jura.

First we all got our waterproofs on so we don’t get wet. When we first stepped on the pitch there was so many people! I only knew some of them. All of our group played a wee mini game to practice. Then we got into teams to play the other schools my heart was racing!

Our class got split into teams first the other team played Bowmore. It wasn’t contact rugby it was were we had a tail and if the other team got the ball we have to pull off their tail for them to pass the ball. The other team of our class got 8-5 Bowmore won. Then it was our turn first they got a goal then we got goal. Over all we got 11-4! I learnt the proper way to throw a rugby ball in that game.

The second game we were ready because we’d already played a game. We didn’t see the other half of the class but against Port Charlotte they got 5-4 to Port Charlotte. I passed the ball a lot then we got… 11-6 to us! We were all super happy. Then we were against Jura I was nervous because we heard that they were really good. We all powered through the rain and tried our hardest. Then the score was 6-4 to them. We were all sad but happy for them.

The other half of the class lost 5-4. Then last of all we played Keils. We were all having fun and laughing its didn’t matter if we lost or won. We played with big smiles on our faces. We won again 9-2! The other team got 9-2 too! Over all we had a great time. We all had yummy Pac lunches half way through aswell.

The Enormous Marrow!

Niamh Dunn had brought in an enormous marrow for our harvest collection which she had helped her grandparents grow. We were all amazed by it and lots of us hadn’t even seen a marrow before. It was so big it didn’t fit into the harvest bags with splitting the bottom so we asked Mrs Holyoke in the kitchen what she could do with it. She took off the skin and used the flesh to make some tasty soup!


We’ve been working very hard on our Internet Safety this term. Using resources we’ve discussed who can help us, what not to share and how to stay safe on online games! You can see our helping hands, our digital footprints and our sharing posters on our colourful new display!

Party Animals

Our Party is called Party Animals. We are trying to make animals have better homes and ask people to take care of animals. If we win the election we will adopt a dolphin through the WWF.

Our Four policys are:

School: Adopt a dolphin

Islay: Mobile petting zoo

Scotland: All schools adopt an animal

World: stop using palm oil -find  alternative

In school we will adopt a dolphin because we will try to save a dolphin from extinction

In a mobile petting zoo we will make sure it is educational so people can learn to be responsible with animals before they get there own pet.

Scotland: Every school should adopt a pet that means no animals could be left extinct. Which brings us to our slogan “No animals left behind.”

To stop usng palm oil that means stop deforestion because the reason why they cut down trees is for palm oil. Palm oil is in Doritios, pringles and some soap and shampoo so if we stop using/ eating these things then we wouldnt have the problem of deforestion.

Remember adopting an animal only cost £3 a month so its not expensive so it is afordable for everybody here is the link:

No Animals left behind


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