Category Archives: Eco Schools

Zoolab visit to Strone Primary School

On Monday 18th March, Alannah from Zoolab visited us as part of our Eco Schools programme. She brought lots of interesting mini beasts including Hissing Cockroaches, Rats, Snakes, Millipedes, Tarantulas and a Tree Frog.

She talked to us about Paper and Deforestation, Mining in the Rainforest, Energy Saving, Acid Rain and Climate Change. We loved learning this way and Alannah and the animals were great.

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Early Years Igloo at Tighnabruaich

“At Tighnabruaich Early Years Class we have been building an igloo by using 2 litre used plastic milk bottles. Parents and the community alike donated their empty bottles for a few months and the result (thanks to George our Janitor mostly)! was a brilliant play house for the Early Years Class to enjoy.
All built with recycled materials!”


Our Primary 7/6 class took part in an Eco-Schools competition and won a range of fruit trees and on Friday 8th March our Eco-Committee, parents, carers and staff took part in a tree-planting session in our School gardens. We look forward to the fruits of their labours!!


Rothesay Pre-5 Eco Campaign

Rothesay Primary Pre-5 eco group recently visited their local newspaper, The Buteman to ask for help with their latest campaign. With the help of Alex Robertson, they are going to build an eco greenhouse made out of 2 litre clear plastic bottles. Only its not 10 clear bottles they need, but 2000 which is a very long sing indeed! The Buteman very kindly printed the appeal and with a poster campaign as well, the bottles are flooding in. We have counted 800 so far.

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P1 Toy Testing at Cardross with Grasshopper Toys

Primary 1 pupils at Cardross Primary enjoyed an afternoon of toy testing as part of their toys topic this term. Wendy Hamilton of Grasshopper Toys devised the afternoon, allowing the pupils to experiment and and test a range of scientific and traditional toys. Some of the P1 favourites were the space rocket, eco house and the spy pens.

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1st Green Flag raised at Minard

On Sunday the 3rd of March, Minard Primary organised a Soup and Sandwich lunch fundraiser. This was a community event prior to the raising of the schools first Green Flag. The flag was awarded before Christmas but we waited for a day when all could join in the celebration. The children thanked Mrs Beattie our SEN assistant and volunteer helper Sheila Campbell for all the hard work they had put in to helping them achieve the flag.
Unfortunately some of the children could not be there on the day and so are not included in the photograph.

Second Green Flag for Dalintober PS

Dalintober Primary School received a second Green Flag from Eco-Schools Scotland for their work on sustainable education and making eco links within the community.
The school has been very lucky to have been granted an allotment site by ACHA in New Parliament Place and the Eco-Group and Committee have spent a lot of time and effort in working on the allotment and growing their own produce. This has been made even more enjoyable with the help of Mr Chris Holden and Mr Ryan Malone from Campbeltown Community Organic Garden.
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Castlehill Primary School Visit to Kintyre Recycling Ltd

Children from P5/6 recently visited Kintyre Recycling Ltd as part of their current Topic. They were shown what happens to the items that they collect in school to be recycled. They thoroughly enjoyed their tour of the plant and once back at school they worked in their cooperative groups to create models of the various recycling machines. These were then displayed in the classroom. Recycling is a large part of the Eco activities at Catlehill Primary School.

Taynuilt Nursery Eco Topic

Over the last 4 weeks Taynuilt Nursery have been looking at recycling both at home and in and around their Nursery. Kat the Grab lady visited with her friend Haggis the Crow to show the children how to reduce, reuse and recycle. They all made a composting bin for home and a bird table for their garden.
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Second Green Flag for Dalintober PS

Dalintober Primary School received a second Green Flag from Eco-Schools Scotland for their work on sustainable education and making eco links within the community.
The school has been very lucky to have been granted an allotment site by ACHA in New Parliament Place and the Eco-Group and Committee have spent a lot of time and effort in working on the allotment and growing their own produce. This has been made even more enjoyable with the help of Mr Chris Holden and Mr Ryan Malone from Campbeltown Community Organic Garden. Continue reading Second Green Flag for Dalintober PS

Road Safety Challenges at North Bute

Our whole school have just finished a Dark Days Challenge Week of road safety activities and events organised in conjunction with Towards Zero Carbon Bute, a local environmental organisation. We worked in our eco groups – Healthy Living Group, Pupil Council and Eco Group – to plan and run a week’s programme of events based on keeping ourselves safe on the roads during winter – dark days! Continue reading Road Safety Challenges at North Bute

Achaleven is energy-wise!

On 23rd January Kirsty from ALIenergy came to the school to teach us all about different types of energy and the importance of using renewable energy. The children had great fun learning how energy can be produced using water, wind, the sun and even how our movement creates energy. Kirsty told us a story about little penguins and how worried they are about their world getting smaller. We are going to try and remember to use less energy, recycle when we can, shut doors, switch off lights and the tv. Recycling is one of our eco topics. Continue reading Achaleven is energy-wise!

Castlehill Primary – 4th Green Flag

Castlehill Primary’s Eco-group is proud to display the school’s fourth green flag, awarded by Eco-Schools Scotland. Over the past two years the school has been very busy investigating the three chosen topics of Waste Minimisation, the School Grounds and Litter as part of the Eco-Schools Programme. The school is very active in recycling as much waste as possible, from jewellery and clothes to plastic from the dinner hall. Continue reading Castlehill Primary – 4th Green Flag

Tayvallich Primary School success in Heritage Lottery Fund bid

Pupils at Tayvallich Primary School in Argyll are taking part in a project to rebuild ancient links between Argyll and Northern Ireland  with support from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF).

Inspired by local archaeology and views of Northern Ireland across the water, the children of Tayvallich PS will join forces with Mill Strand Integrated Primary School in Port Rush to research the story of their shared Iron Age and medieval heritage.  Pupils will work with Kilmartin House Museum and the University of Ulster’s Centre for Maritime Archaeology, to find out more about what life was like in Argyll long ago.
Continue reading Tayvallich Primary School success in Heritage Lottery Fund bid

Beach Clean

On Friday 26th October, Park Primary became the first school in Argyll & Bute to gain the 5th Green Flag from Eco School Scotland.  The inspectors were delighted with the school’s continued commitment to environmental education.  During the past 2 years, we have concentrated on Litter, School Grounds and Sustaining our World topics.  Alison Kennedy led out work on fair-trade and we were the first primary in Argyll & Bute to gain accreditation as a Fairtrade School.  Ilona MacLaurin led the project to create a School Orchard which is thriving in an area at the front of the school.  Other areas of work which were commended was the school Gardening Club, run by Barbara Macfarlane.  The club grew a wide range of fruit and vegetables and have also made a deluxe bug hotel.  We are very proud of our 5th flag!

Dunoon Grammar School Pupils go Eco-friendly

Over the past 6 months, a range of DGS pupils and staff have been gathering old plastic bottles to make their very own greenhouse.  The greenhouse was made for two reasons: one simply because the DGS garden needed one; furthermore, it was a beneficial scheme which allowed recycled material, that would have otherwise gone to landfill, to be used in a productive way.  Some materials were given in by some pupils, but also Bogleha (a recycling centre) installed bins to collect additional plastic bottles.  Mr Crofts and Mr Davie, of DGS’s Technical department along with Mr Crofts’ S4 practical craft skills class took 3 days to construct the frame for the greenhouse.  Dunoon Grammar School’s Eco-group and Mr McClement, PT of Science, took two afternoons to assemble the plastic bottles and to add the finishing touches to complete our new greenhouse. Continue reading Dunoon Grammar School Pupils go Eco-friendly


Friday at St Joseph’s brings everyone’s mind to recycling.  The Eco Committee have worked hard to develop a recycling policy to which all children and adults adhere.  P7 are responsible for collecting all recyclable materials on Friday and placing them in the requisite containers for the council.  The Eco Committee has worked hard alongside parents to produce an environmentally friendly school.  We easily earned our Green flag status and will continue towards making our school as ‘Eco Friendly’ as possible.