Category Archives: Literacy

S3 French Poetry

S3 French in Tobermory have been studying French poetry, mainly the works of Jacques Prévert.  They took advantage of the sunshine and beautiful autumn colours to go to Aros Park and take photos to illustrate one of Préverts most famous poems “les feuilles mortes” as well as a couple of other autumnal poems.  Two groups chose to take images to represent “les feuilles mortes” in which the sight of the dead leaves prompts memories of a time in a man’s (or a woman’s!)life when they were in a happy relationship which is now over.  Other groups took photos of the autumn colours to represent the poem “les saisons”.  The colours and scenery are stunning and the class have brought the poems to life with some images which demonstrate understanding of the poems and are now working on displaying their work as poetic posters. Continue reading S3 French Poetry

Help for Higher Students at Oban High

Oban High School’s Maths and English Departments recently held a joint information evening entitled, ‘How to Help Your Child Pass Higher Maths and English.’  The focus of the evening was to give parents helpful strategies and advice to enable them to support their children through the challenges of these very demanding courses.  Information on course outlines, deadlines and content was also discussed and parents were issued with helpful booklets and shown useful websites.  In addition, current S6 students spoke about the importance of good study skills and being organised from the beginning of the year.

‘Borrow a Book, Borrow a Bag’

Children at Clyde Cottage Nursery, Dunoon have recently enjoyed their new ‘Borrow a Book’, ‘Borrow a bag’ initiative.   The library started off with a small number of books but has grown since, with children bringing their own books in, which widens the choice and allows other children to borrow.  The library, which has no stamping in and out process, allows children who don’t always have access to many books, to choose one, put it in one of the borrowed bags, take it home for a few days, enjoy reading it with their parents then bring it back and choose another one.  However, if a book has been particularly enjoyed by any of the children, they are allowed to keep it!

Dahlicious Roald Dahl Dress Up Day

Last Friday, the usual pupils of Lismore Primary School did not arrive at school, but a strangely dressed selection of characters did! Oompa Loompas, Mike TeeVee and Veruca Salt from Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, Mr Rabbit, Mr Fox and Ash all turned up ready for a Roald Dahl themed day as part of the countrywide Roald Dahl Dress Up Day.

Activities for the children included making consequence stories using Roald Dahl characters, inventing their own interesting characters and a variety of general knowledge and logic puzzles about Roald Dahl’s stories.  The children are now keen to read more of the author’s stories. They also had a lot of fun as well as raising money for Roald Dahl’s Charity.

Keith Brumpton Visits Bowmore Primary School

Eventually, after much anticipation, Keith Brumpton, the amazing, famous author, appeared in our school on Friday 7th September 2012!  Although he came to our school, he originally came over for The Islay Book Festival.  For some odd reason Keith Brumpton came early but Joan Lennon and Linda Strachan (two other fantastic authors) were stranded on the mainland due to the unpredictable mist!

 Firstly he told us that he writes scripts for brilliant television shows like 64 Zoo Lane, Balamory and MIHigh but after that he drew scenes from his interesting books.  The pictures were amazing (I especially liked the picture of Dino FC). Then he told us his new ideas for books such as Space Bunnies and Meet the Robotsons (I definitely want to buy them!)

Continue reading Keith Brumpton Visits Bowmore Primary School

Kirn Primary 3 visit Julia Donaldson at Dunoon Library

Primary Three from Kirn Primary were excited to meet world famous Children’s Laureate Julia Donaldson at Dunoon Library. 

We sang our version of “The Loon on the Moon” by Chae Strathie for Julia.  We chose this because we remembered it from when Chae came to our school.  We joined in with her play of “Room on the Broom”.  We also sang along with her songs, asked some questions and had our own books signed!  A great morning!

Dunoon Primary Learning Centre meet Julia Donaldson

On Monday 17th September the Learning Centre children went to Dunoon Library to meet Julia & Malcolm Donaldson.  Mrs MacDonald put the children forward for this event as they had been so interested in Julia’s books and were delighted to be invited to take part alongside children from other local primaries. 

The children of DP Learning Centre performed the Gruffalo’s child for the Donaldson’s and in turn they performed Room on the Broom for them.  Lucky James Ballantyne was picked to be the bird in Julia & Malcolm’s performance.  What a superb day out, the children loved every minute!

George’s Marvellous Medicine

 Primary 3 of St Joseph’s have had great fun reading the story of George’s Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl.  They studied the illustrator Quentin Blake’s work and represented it in their drawings.

They made a list of super adjectives to describe George’s Grandma.  They also wrote their own descriptions of what happens to Grandma when she took the medicine.  The children have been set the challenge of reading more of Roald Dahl’s work which they have embraced wholeheartedly.

Roald Dahl Celebrations continue

Children in Lochnell primaries 2 – 7 were delighted, on Author’s Live day, to have  the chance to find out more about one of their best loved authors.  As Primaries 2 and 3 have been enjoying the BFG and P4 are investigating writing their own “revolting rhymes”, Roald Dahl  is already a firm favourite.

Many children have read and continue to read his stories and poems in school and at home and use him as a role model for their imaginitive writing.

Primary 7 at Park School celebrate Roald Dahl Day

As Primary 7 are currently setting up the school library, they thought celebrating Roald Dahl Day would be a great way of promoting the library and encouraging younger pupils to read.

The class organised a shared reading session with Primary 1 to show them that reading can be fun.  They chose Roald Dahl’s ‘The Enormous Crocodile’ to read to the infant class and what a success it was!  Primary 7 showed great patience and enthusiasm throughout the session and it was thoroughly enjoyed by Primary 1, so much so, that the classes are now talking about setting up a weekly slot to continue promoting reading within the school.

Continue reading Primary 7 at Park School celebrate Roald Dahl Day

Dream Catchers at St. Mun’s

Celebrating 30 years of the BFG 

With lots of celebrations going to celebrate the BFG’s 30th Birthday, the Primary 7 pupils at St. Mun’s decided to investigate some really ‘Big Dreamers’ who had their dreams come true.  They were set the task of working collaboratively in small groups to produce a fact profile for a number of famous people including Thomas Edison, Galileo, Amelia Earhart and Marie Curie to name just a few.  The children then had to present their findings to their peers.  Amazingly, some of them had never heard of these ‘Dreamers’ and admitted they were much more knowledgeable after everyone had presented their findings.

Later the children wrote about their own dreams  and stored them in jars just like The BFG.

Tobermory High School wins Siobhan Dowd Trust ‘Joy of Reading’ Competition.

Tobermory High School is one of 10 schools across the UK to win a £1000 prize in the Siobhan Dowd Trust’s “Spread the Joy of Reading” Campaign ( Schools were invited to share initiatives which have encouraged reading and a love of books. 

Continue reading Tobermory High School wins Siobhan Dowd Trust ‘Joy of Reading’ Competition.

‘Story-lab’ at Tarbert Academy

Primary pupils in Tarbert Academy took part in the Story-lab reading challenge over the summer holidays.  Through Tarbert Library, pupils had to read six books and take part in puzzles, quizzes and activities relating to their reading.  On successfully completing the challenge, pupils were rewarded with a medal, a certificate and a voucher.  The voucher, for two free visits to the swimming pool, was kindly donated by the Mid Argyll Community Swimming Pool.

Our photograph shows the pupils who completed the challenge with their prizes and representatives of Tarbert Library and the swimming pool.

Budding Authors in Easdale

Easdale Primary P4-7 enjoyed watching David Walliams during Author Live broadcasting event. This inspired them to create their own characters for David’s new book.  They are excited to be included in Scottish Author Live Blog, which includes a link to their characters. Follow the link to find out more.

Continue reading Budding Authors in Easdale

Annual Argyll & Bute Primary Writing Competition

In 2011 CAST renovated and relaunched an important art collection held within our schools and last year we ran a successful writing competition using the collection as inspiration.

The competition now OPEN and in its second year and we are delighted to announce it has continued support from Scottish Book Trust.
There will be first, second and third prizes of books for pupils. The winning pupil’s school will also receive £250 worth of books. Winning pieces will be posted online as part of the Argyll Collection website and on SAL. Continue reading Annual Argyll & Bute Primary Writing Competition

It’s FUN! It’s FREE! It’s run by your LOCAL LIBRARY!

The Tesco Summer Reading Challenge Scotland is coming to a Library near you to entertain children aged four to eleven during the summer holidays!
Story Lab is the theme of the 2012 Summer Reading Challenge.
What is Story Lab?
It’s a five-sided hi-tech HQ that attracts stories from all over the world and sends them spinning throughout the city – and beyond! It’s the place to read, collect, share, create, transmit and broadcast stories… Continue reading It’s FUN! It’s FREE! It’s run by your LOCAL LIBRARY!

Earth Summit Essays

As part of Port Ellen Primary P6/7’s rainforest topic the children entered an international essay competition organised by the Living Rainforest for the Earth Summit in Rio this summer.  The children had to write a persuasive letter to the UN Secretary-General to persuade world leaders that the rainforest is worth protection and why they should promote sustainability to protect it. 

Continue reading Earth Summit Essays

Rosneath Primary P5/6 class blog

Primary 5/6 at Rosneath Primary are delighted that their hard work this session has been recognised. Their blog ( has been nominated for Class Blog of the Year in the Education Blog Awards 2012!

The initial aim of the blog was to share our learning with parents and help strengthen home-school partnerships, but it quickly developed into much more than that. Outstanding examples of our work are showcased on the blog and we take great pride in this. We have connected with other schools around the world through Quadblogging (  and contributed to the World’s Biggest Blogging Project on 29th February 2012 ( We enjoy taking part in the 100 Word Challenge and like to read other children’s work before giving them feedback on their writing ( Blogging has improved our ICT and literacy skills but most importantly, it is fun!

Continue reading Rosneath Primary P5/6 class blog