Author Archives: wlelinor.morland@glow

P2 Home Learning- Monday 11th of April

Good Morning!

Our activities for the week can be found below. We have included an extra Powerpoint as Miss Foote has set a whole school ‘Rights Respecting School Challenge’.

We will be starting phone calls again this week, so make sure to keep an eye on your phone for a withheld number or blocked caller ID.

Once again we had lots of pictures to share for our Friday blog post so please continue to send us pictures of all your hard work, we love seeing what you have all been getting up to!

Good luck with today’s task.

Miss Craig and Miss Morland

Home Learning Grid Monday 11th of May Literacy

Numeracy Home learning Monday

Home learning grid P2 Other Curricular Areas WB 11th of May 2020

P2 PE – Week Beg 4 May

Windyknowe Primary School RRS Challenges P1-3 11.5.20


P2 Home Learning- Friday 8th of May

Good Morning all, Friday again!

Please find learning grids attached below. This week we are asking that you continue working on your topic presentation and Miss Craig has prepared instructions for a familiar numeracy game.

We hope you have enjoyed your short week. We have received some pictures of the wonderful work you have all managed to do. Just a little reminder that if you do have any pictures or videos you would like to send us please email them to the school email. These will then be shared on Friday to showcase all the wonderful work going on. Unfortunately we are unable to post pictures including the children themselves, but any examples of their work would be perfect.

Good luck with today’s activities and we hope you enjoy a lovely weekend!

Miss Craig and Miss Morland 🙂

Home learning grid P2 Literacy Friday 8th of May 2020

Home Learning Grid P2 Numeracy Friday 8th mAY

P2 Home Learning- Thursday 7th of May

Good Morning Primary 2!

Today is our writing day and you will find the instructions for today’s task in the table below. Please make sure before you start your writing that you have read/watched the story of ‘The Paper Bag Princess’ and had a catch with your adult or older brother or sister about what happens in the story. This should help you to come up with some ideas for your own piece of writing.

Good luck with today’s tasks and make sure you are getting plenty of time to enjoy the sunshine as well!

Miss Morland and Miss Craig 🙂

Home Learning Grid Literacy Thursday 7th of May

learning grid P2 Numeracy Thursday 7th of May