Author Archives: wlelinor.morland@glow

25.08.23 P7M

We have had a busy start to Primary 7 so far.

In literacy, we have been practicing to use speech marks in grammar. In writing we have been doing expositions and have written letters to Mrs Angus about the leadership roles we would like to do within the school. Our class novel this term is Divergent.

In numeracy we have been revising the 4 concepts- addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. In maths with Mrs Welsh, we have been learning about data handling learning to organise data into line graphs and bar graphs.

In PE we been doing an Outdoor Bootcamp and during our hall time we have been doing gymnastics.

We have also been spending time with our buddies in the lunch hall and during buddy time. We have also been applying for leadership roles and have presented our presentations to the rest of the year group. We then voted for who we thought would be the best candidate for the job. The votes will be counted over the weekend!

We have lots more to look forward to this term. Please keep your eye out for our invitation to our Macmillan Coffee Morning.

P7mo Blog

P7mo have been doing some science. We have been learning about chemical, physical reactions and acid and alkalis. After we had finished our experiments, we wrote a procedure about them. Some of the experiments we done were; Elephant toothpaste and attempted homemade lemonade.

P7 has also been planning their leavers assembly! We have been planning the script in groups for the assembly. We have also been planning who will be speaking for each part.

We have been focusing on volleyball in P.E, we have learned many different passes and our ready position. some of they passes we learnt are; dig, spike and a overhead pass. We also split up into groups and played some games against each other.

In Health and well-being we have been learning about changing me and what to expect when we get older.We wrote questions down for the question box and split into boys and girls to ask questions, answer questions.

From P7mo

P7MO 27th of January 2023

Recently we have entered a door competition for countries. In this we decorate a door for a country of our choosing. The theme for our door is Germany. This will be judged next Thursday. This is part of our Languages Week focus.

We also have a new Greek Myths topic. We have been drawing the Greek Gods e.g Zeus, Hera etc. And we have been writing our own Greek myths.

We have all been getting ready for our P5-7 show which is based around the Beatles. We have been practicing our songs and parts and will soon begin making our own props. Keep an eye out for the tickets.

We have also been working away at a new project called Social Enterprise, in which we had to plan a business model. Each group had to try and design what they think the business should be, but as a class we collectively decided on a juice bar. The business is a non-profit, so all the money it makes is split between more resources for the bar and charity.

This is looking to be a very busy term, with lots to look forward to!

–  P7MO