P4 Edinburgh Trip

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Last week, Primary 4 went on their trip to Edinburgh. At the castle we met Mary Queen of Scots who prepared us for our Stuart party. We found out how boys and girls would have lived during her reign, dressed up in suitable clothing and learnt a dance. At thePalace of Holyroodhouse  we learnt about Mary’s life at the palace and saw the place where her secretary Rizzio was murdered. We also learnt about how members of the royal family have used the palace since. Both classes had the opportunity to explore the Royal Mile when travelling between the two locations and we saw John Knox’s house.


Primary 3 Update

After our Roman soldier visited last week we have been inspired to make a joint class display.  At the moment it has our wonderful painted Roman solider, a Roman word wall and some Roman artefacts and books.  As the topic continues, this display will be added to.


After the holidays, we will be working in groups to research different aspects of Roman life.  We will use books and ICT to find information and then create our own Roman factfile.  We will then present our factfiles to the rest of the class and teach them all about our research topics.

In Maths, we have thoroughly enjoyed learning about Roman numerals and are now confident in using them to represent different numbers.

We really enjoyed our French day on Tuesday 31st March and had great fun joining together with the children in P4!  We chose our own activities from French Cafe, French Art (Monet), Books and Games and French Quiz.  We spent the day talking French and learning about French culture.

We hope everybody has a really lovely Easter holiday!

P4 Book Project

The deadline for submitting the P4 book to the publishers is fast approaching. Mary Turner Thomson, our author, has sent us a copy of the book with our illustrations inserted and we are now busy editing it. We are also reviewing the story and illustrations sent by our partners in Mumbai. We really can’t wait to see the final product and share it with everyone at our official book launch at the end of April. Watch this space for more details….


Primary 6b and Primary 1b recently held their class assemblies about the “Value of the Month” for March which was “Fairness” The classes helped us learn more about this value through stories, drama sketches and songs. The value linked with our recent focus on Fairtrade during Fairtrade Fortnight. Many thanks to all involved!

Ceilidh Capers in Primary 4

We have been learning Scottish ceilidh dancing in Primary 4 this term as part of our Bonnie Scotland topic. The 3 dances we have learned are: the Gay Gordons, the Dashing White Sergeant and the St Bernard’s Waltz. We even worked with a partner to create and perform some dances of our own using Scottish dance steps. Some of the skills we have developed include: communication, team work, creativity, presentation and evaluation. We look forward to showing off our dancing next term, in our P4 show and during the visit from the Indian teachers.

Outstanding Olivia!

P7 have had a fantastic time performing their spectacular junior production of Olivia! Our final performance was for the infants on Monday afternoon and we cannot believe it is all over!
Everyone gave it their all and were so enthusiastic which allowed us to create an outstanding atmosphere, not just within the cast but in the audience too!
This show was definitely not put together over night as we remember just sitting with a script and a hope that it would all come together in time.
Our show included so many different characters from a different range of plays, novels and movies which made it such an exciting story.
P7 would like to thank everyone for coming along and giving lots of support, we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

Olivia 1

Olivia 2

Williamston waves update!

Hello everyone Williamston Waves crew here! This year we have been up to lots of things. We have had many themed weeks like Comic Relief and Fairtrade fortnight. We love telling our viewers our top three things of the week, news and weather, Williamston achievements, sports and world news. Unfortunately we will not be on this week but we will be back on after the Easter break. There will be more laughs more jokes and even more fun. Oh and keep your eyes open for some competitions! Our notice board is outside the lunch hall.

Netball Festival

Ten pupils from Primary 6 and 7 had the chance to participate in the second netball festival of the school year last week. This was held in our school hall with four other schools from around Livingston taking part. It was a great experience for pupils to gain skills and knowledge about netball, meet new friends from other schools and have fun! Williamston worked well as a team and came third in the competition! Well done! We look forward to the third and final netball festival of the year in June.

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