Karate experience!

P7 had a fantastic time taking part in a Karate taster sessions. We had the opportunity to see what a typical warm up is like and even had the chance to try out some Karate moves ourselves. We really enjoyed playing the money game and were all amazed at how good our Karate instructor was at it! We were lucky enough to have a question and answer session with the coach, Hannah Wood and Kate Holligan who are part of the Elite Scottish squad for 16/17 and 18 Years+. They gave us some demonstrations and shared their experiences and achievements. They are a wonderful example of how hard work, dedication and commitment can pay off!


We are very busy in P7! It is that time of year when we are working very hard on our yearbook. We have taken time to reflect on our time not just in P7 but over the years at Williamston. It has been lovely to look back on the many experiences and opportunities that we have had and consider the highlights of our time here. We have put together personal pieces of writing for our yearbook and have worked hard to make these detailed and full of our thoughts, feelings and reflections. We cannot believe it is nearly time to move on to High School and are feeling excited yet nervous about the future ahead!

JYHS Health Conference

P7 had an excellent time at the JYHS Health Conference. We were lucky enough to be put into our tutor groups and had the opportunity to meet our Personal Support Group teacher. It was a fun filled day with workshops in dance, cricket and we even took part in an obstacle course! We really enjoyed meeting new people and making new friends. We are all very excited to meet again at our Induction days in June.

Give Cycle Space

Some of our P7 pupils took part in the ‘Give Cycle Space’campaign where they cycled from Williamston Primary School to JYHS. They were using their skills learned from Bikeability and looking at the safest routes. The children thoroughly enjoyed the experience and look forward to cycling to James Young as S1 pupils in August!

Primary 3b Low Port Residential Experience

We returned today from our overnight stay at Low Port Centre in Linlithgow, exhausted but happy! On our arrival we headed to Linlithgow Palace where we were met by the Palace Guides from Primary 6 and 7, Linlithgow Primary School. They did a fantastic job showing us around the birthplace of Mary Queen of Scots. We then headed to the Peel where we played football and rounders before dinner. After a yummy three course meal Mr Brice taught us some games again on the Peel. Our favourite was Giants, Wizards and Trolls. Mr Brice’s demonstration of a troll was extremely funny.   It was then time for pyjamas, dvd and supper before retiring to our comfy beds. Today it was rise and shine at 7.30am, an amazing breakfast then off to the Canal Centre. We went for a short trip on the canal boat, found out how the canal was built and what it was originally used for. Did you know all the “poo” from Edinburgh was transported out of the city by canal? After lunch we got back on the bus to Cockleroi and finally Beecraigs Country Park.

Low Port was a fantastic experience and one which we will remember for a long time.

An early night is in order, especially for all the staff members who made our trip such a great success!

More photographs to follow…….

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The Lighthouse Keeper’s Tea

Primary 2 and 2/1 have been busy in their topic learning this week.  We have been examining the Eatwell Plate.  We were able to identify foods from each of the main food groups and reflect upon our own lunch.  Using an interactive game we were able to create a healthy lunch which was balanced  and in line with what we had learned from the Eatwell Plate.  As well as a healthy lunch we used our class shop to buy healthy foods to make a healthy dinner.

We continued with our water activity and completing the challenge of using plasticine to create a surf board which floats.  In language we designed a poster which reflected our knowledge of water safety.  We have had another fun packed learning week!IMG_0475 IMG_0474 IMG_0469 IMG_0470 IMG_0472

Life of a butterfly

As part of our Scottish wildlife challenge, we have been exploring the wonderful life of the butterfly. We have been able to watch our caterpillars grow and grow and are watching out for them making their cocoon. In our group time we watched a video on the lifecycle and tried to remember lots of facts to put into a book. We shared our ideas, drew our own symmetrical butterflies and decided on a design for our page. We have also read ‘The very hungry caterpillar’. We saw the caterpillar munch through lots of food so it can grow big and strong to turn into a butterfly.image



Primary 3a research ladybirds

As part of eco-week last week, every class chose an animal that could be found in Scotland to research and put together a page for a book on Scottish wildlife.  In P3a we had the ladybird and used our researching skills to find out some interesting facts about these little beetles.  As a whole class, we then put together a fact-file page to be included in the books we are making – one of which is going to our partner school in Mumbai.  Here is our fact file page on the ladyird


We have also been set a challenge by Mr Brice to make a ladybird house to put out into our playground to see if we can find any ladybirds at school.  Watch this space for the final product!

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