Roman Day

Primary 3a, 3b and 3/2 had a wonderful time yesterday, spending the day as Romans.

We had a very special visitor in school!  Decimus Gaius, a genuine Roman solider came to see us and seriously put us through our paces!  He spent a lot of time telling us about life as a Roman (even including visits to the public Roman Toilets) and had lots of Roman artefacts with him that we were lucky enough to handle.  We were then dressed up as Roman soldiers and were taught how to march in formation and in time with each other.  We were also taught how to form “The Tortoise” – which is a special formation that protected us from incoming arrows (our classmates were throwing balls at us!).  We absolutely loved our visit from the soldier.  It brought our topic to life and our teachers noticed how much we enjoyed learning.

The other half of our day was spent in a little more luxury than when we were soldiers – we were rich Romans, feasting in a triclinium.  We were served by slaves and lounged around the floor of the classrooms, eating with our fingers.  We tried lots of foods that were eaten in Roman times, including cheese, grapes, dates, bread and dormice (of the chocolate variety!).  We also enjoyed some red wine (apple and blackcurrant flavour!).  At the end of our meal we ate some lettuce and went for a snooze!

A fantastic day was had by all and we shall remember this for years to come.


Scottish Cooking and Baking in P4

In P4, we have been having great fun learning about, making and tasting Scottish foods. The first food we made together was a (child-friendly) cranachan – we used oats, yoghurt, raspberries and honey. We also baked shortbread for our Burns Party. Both were delicious! Well most of us thought so anyway! We are doing all of this through our food technology lessons with Mrs Logan. We are learning to prepare food and use equipment in a hygienic and safe way. We use our reading skills as we read the recipe and we use our maths skills as we measure the ingredients. We have to cooperate with our friends and work as a team. We can’t wait to find out what we are making next!

P4 Burns Party

The P4 Burns Party was a great success! We enjoyed our Scotch broth and haggis, neeps and tatties, specially prepared for us – thank you to the school kitchen. Thank you also to the parents who helped us bring in a Scottish themed packed lunch. And the shortbread we made was delicious!

We all wore something tartan or Scottish. The actual party was a showcase of P4 talent – with poem recitals, songs, highland dancing and even a band playing! The speeches and toasts were really funny! We ended the afternoon with some ceilidh dancing and with singing “Auld Lang Syne”. It was a wonderful way to celebrate Robert Burns and our Scottish culture and heritage.

P4 learn more about Scottish Foods and Brands

100_8191In P4 we were delighted to welcome Tracey from Tesco who gave a very informative talk on Scottish foods and brands. We learned more about foods that are grown and made in Scotland. We could recognise a lot of Scottish brands from their logos. It was also interesting to hear about how the Tesco company actually works and we had lots of questions. We are looking forward to our trip to Tesco in April, where we will be learning more about Scottish produce. Thanks to Tracey and Tesco!

P4 Scientists investigate – Which solids are dissolve in water?

In P4, we have been investigating solids that dissolve in water. We first made predictions about which solids we thought would dissolve in water and then investigated this to find out if we were correct. We carried out a controlled experiment – taking care to keep the amount and temperature of water, amount of solid and time stirring the same. We found out that some solids were soluble (like salt and sugar) and some were insoluble (like sand). And we had great fun too!

P3/2 have re-located!

This week has been a very busy week for us and we have successfully moved into our new classroom. It’s looking great and the children worked very hard to help with the planning, design and layout. Well done!

We have been learning a little more about Romans this week and are looking forward to our visit from a Roman solider and our feast next week.

Please remember to bring an old pillow case in for your Roman costume!

Have a lovely weekend!

P3a, P3b and P3/2 visit the National Museum of Scotland

We visited the Museum in Edinburgh last Thursday as part of our Romans topic. We learned about what a Roman soldier wore and the names he gave to his weapons. Did you know that the Romans wanted their horses to look good in battle so they gave them necklaces and decorated harnesses?

We also enjoyed looking at and handling artefacts including an oil lamp, maille (an armoured shirt), sandals and knucklebones (a Roman game).

We are now looking forward to the visit from the Roman soldier and our Roman Feast (both on Wednesday 24th February). Our teachers would like us to bring a pillowcase (white if possible) into school by Monday 22nd February. We will use the pillowcases to make togas.

Some photos of our trip……… more to follow……….

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