Spring sunshine

This week we have thoroughly enjoyed the sunny warm weather. A lot of us have been eager to spend the nursery sessions playing outdoors so we have moved many of our indoor learning opportunities to the outdoors. We have enjoyed expressing ourselves with painting. Lots of concoctions have been produced in our busy mud kitchen. Building work has continued as children enjoyed making dens from the waffle blocks. We have also been reading the story of Jack and the Beanstalk where we decided to grow our own beanstalks. We used small food bags and cotton wool to place our bean in. Through this process we discussed the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and what we had to provide for our beans to grow big and strong. All children have now started to learn about emotional literacy through the Oh Lila story. Lila is a small hare who gets into a spot of bother. The story helps children identify different feelings and recognising that it is ok to ask for help. We now have a forest in our Library area where children can play with the Oh Lila puppets and story book.image









New Term in Primary 3a and b

We are all looking forward to the new term in Primary three!  This week we enjoyed sharing our Easter Holiday news and getting settled back into class!

This term, our PE days are on a Tuesday and Thursday.  We are really excited that our Thursday lessons are with Mr Muldoon!

We are also having music with Miss MacDonald this term and are looking forward to learning all about African Drumming.

P3b will also have time with Mrs Thomson on a Thursday – we will be exploring Health and Wellbeing through drama activities and P3a will be with Mrs Logan every second Friday.

Our Library day is still a Thursday, so we need to remember to bring our book that day, if we want to exchange it for a new one.

On Monday, we will be coming home with a homework grid, like we used in Term 2.  Please can we keep this safe at home, and tick off the work as we complete it over the next five weeks.  Starred activities are to be completed once a week, and other activities can be completed in any order and at any time over the five week period.  We will also now be bringing home regular Maths homework to help us revise and consolidate our learning from Primary 3.  These will be issued on a Monday and are to be completed for the following Monday.

In Maths this term, we are continuing to explore and make multiplication arrays and will link this to division when we are ready.  We are also still exploring numbers, thinking about number order and largest and smallest numbers in a given group.  In Topic Maths we are learning how to estimate and measure length and will be using metres and centimetres.

We are continuing with our Romans topic for the next couple of weeks, where we will be working in groups to research an aspect of Roman life.  We will then be moving on to our Wedding topic – how exciting!

Please ask us to share our learning at home as we move through our final term in Primary 3.

Welcome back P3/2

P3/2 have had a busy start to the term already. This week, we have been working hard to create symmetrical designs and have enjoyed learning more about plants and how they grow.  Have your sunflowers grown any bigger this week?

This term, our timetable is changing a little. We will have PE with Mrs Cameron on a Monday, We will visit the library on Tuesday and also have music. On Wednesday we will have PE with Mrs Thomson and on Thursday, we will have Drama. Please make sure that PE kit is available on a Monday and Wednesday.

New homework grids and spelling pattern lists will be sent home on Monday 18th April.

Reading will be heard on a Monday and Tuesday.

Our numeracy focus for the term will include place value for P2 and multiplication and division for P3. We will also be developing our knowledge of money and measure further.

Please encourage your child to continue to develop their mental maths skills and quick recall theorugh the use of topmarks speed challenge.


We are looking forward to our final term in P3/2 and have lots of fun learning ahead of us.

First week back with P2/1 and P2

We have had a wonderful first week back with P2/1 and P2.

Our timetables will be changing from next week.

P2/1 will have gym on Monday and Friday.

P2 will have gym on Monday and Wednesday. Children do not need to come dressed in PE clothes on Monday morning as there will be a chance to change later on in the day.

Both classes are very lucky to be working with Mrs Logan for this term.

Spelling will continue to be taught on a Monday. We hope you are enjoying finding new words and completing the different spelling activities.

Reading days for both classes are Tuesday and Thursday.

We can’t wait to find out what happens next with Rainbow Fish!

A new homework grid will be sent out on Monday.

This term in Maths we will continue working on shape, and will be starting to work with money- counting money, making amounts and giving change.

In Mental Maths we are building our skills in addition and subtraction within 20. Our focus is on using the most efficient strategies to solve the sums. Remember the Speed Challenge is an excellent way to support this. Speed challenge is available at the link below.


Remember all the activities that were sent home from the Primary 2 Maths Homework can still help your child-P2 Maths homework 2 .

We will also be counting forwards and backwards in 5s and 3s.

We will begin to look at the concept of early multiplication and division through making equal groups and sharing.

Lots to look forward to!

P1 Numeracy for the term

Welcome back! We hope you all had a lovely holiday and are feeling refreshed and ready for learning.

This term we will be focusing on the following Numeracy skills:

* counting forwards and backwards accurately within 40 and beyond
* ordering, reading and writing numbers within 40 and beyond
* number stories to 10
* strategies for addition eg counting on from biggest number, using doubles, finger patterns, using numberlines
*making amounts of money to 10p
*counting amounts of money to 20p

A Numeracy Homework leaflet will be sent home next week to provide ideas of how you might support your child’s learning at home. Many thanks for your continued support. The P1 Teachers.

Maths of the Moment in P6…

We are currently looking at HOW we solve problems and sharing strategies. It’s good to share because not only can we help each other, we can perhaps find easier ways, be more accurate and/or look deeper at NUMBER and our UNDERSTANDING.

If you would like to TALK more around SOLVING PROBLEMS, and SHOW YOUR WORKINGS TOO – check out this website, a good challenge for pupils and parents alike.




We often use this in P6 as our starter of the day, or as a mental maths warm up 🙂

Let us know if you use it and of course – HOW YOU USE IT.

In P6 we like to use a range of methods to solve worded problems! How do you do it? What tools do you use to help you?
In P6 we like to use a range of methods to solve worded problems! How do you do it? What tools do you use to help you?

Primary 3a create a Labyrinth

Today Primary 3a had a very special visitor. Darren Philip, the Youth and Children’s Development Worker from Livingston United Parish Church, came into class to help us learn about labyrinths.

A labyrinth is a bit like a maze but has only one path and no dead ends. Labyrinth paths have been walked for over 4000 years with people using them to relax, reflect and clear their minds. Christians say a prayer at each twist and turn of the path.

We designed and created our own finger labyrinths out of clay and then created a class labyrinth using our mathematical, problem solving and group working skills. When it was complete we all walked the labyrinth then shared our learning with Mrs Hollands and Primary 3b.

We thoroughly enjoyed our morning. A big thank you to Darren.

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