P4a New Year’s Blog 2017

Happy New Year! We have had a busy start to the year already!

We are taking part in a project to rear Brown Trout. This project is in partnership with Forth Fisheries and Murieston Environmental Group. This week our tank was delivered and set up by Amy and we are now awaiting the arrival of the fish eggs in a couple of weeks. Amy from Forth Fisheries also gave a talk on Brown Trout and how to look after them.

In Maths, our new number topic is multiplication and division. We have been making array patterns and using concrete materials to help us understand these processes further. We should practise our times tables at home so that we have quick recall of times table facts. We will be multiplying and dividing bigger numbers soon and solving problems. Our new maths topic is time and we have started by learning about the calendar – days, months etc.

In Health and Wellbeing, we have started a new project on yoga, meditation and mindfulness. We will be working on this over the next few weeks – to try to improve our focus on learning and to help us relax more. We have also revised the SHANARRI indicators and are making a display about these. SHANARRI helps us to think about our physical and mental health and wellbeing.

We enjoyed sharing our Ziggy road safety storybooks with our P1 friends recently. We also played the road safety board games that we had made with them.

We are still working on our water topic. We are making posters and presentations about saving water that we hope to share these with our partner school in India. Also, we are learning about causes of water problems around the world. We are realising how precious water is and how lucky we are to have running water in our homes and school in Scotland!

In French, we have begun covering pets and how to say if we have one or not and also how to say whether we like something or not. In Science, with Mrs Cameron, we are conducting water experiments. This week we looked at filtration in more detail. We also started lessons with Miss Trotter this week – she will be teaching us art and design this term.

We have a new pet called Flash who is a little puppy. He is helping us to think about how to be caring and kind to others. We are looking forward to moving seats soon….


13.1.16 – Primary 7a

This week in P7a, we’ve been doing lots of different things!

In our WW2 topic, we learned about aircraft during the war and made spitfire planes. We finished off our Anderson shelters and our gas masks. We created ‘London Blitz’ scenes using oil pastels and water paints.

We learned about Martin Luther King during our assembly with Mrs Dare.

We revised our learning in multiplication and division. We also enjoyed using SumDog to further our learning.

We chose Scottish poems to learn for our school poem competition/Scottish evening.

We did some writing using a WW2 based lesson on ‘The Piano Man’, which we had to use our 5 senses to help us.

In P.E we started our gymnastics’ lessons.


P7a & Miss G 🙂

Session 2017-2018 P7 Residential Information – Lagganlia Information for P6 pupils and families.


Monday 9th January – P6 Parent information session

For Session 17 18 for our P7 residential experience we are going to Lagganlia Outdoor Education Centre. Please find attached relevant information.

We hope as many of you will go as possible.

Thank you

P4a Christmas Edition

P4a have been busy with lots of fun and exciting Christmas activities. We really enjoyed watching the P1 Nativity dress rehearsal – we thought they were fabulous! We are nearly finished making our Christmas cards which feature a symmetrical Christmas tree. This was the second time we did this activity – some of us found it tricky before – so we did it again to help grow our brains and learn from our mistakes! Thank you to the PSA for treating us to the cinema trip to see Moana – we thought it was great, amazing and exciting – we give it 5 stars! We have been learning more about Christmas in France and some French Christmas words. We have made French Christmas cards too.

In RME, we have enjoyed making video dramas of parts of the Christian Christmas story. These were in the form of news reports. We did such a good job that one will be shown in the school Christmas Service. We have also been thinking about Christmas traditions and customs and identifying which are religious and which are non-religious. We have also been learning about Christmas songs and films and the values that they show. We created surveys to find out everyone’s favourite Christmas song and film – Jingle Bells was our top song and Elf was our top film.

In Language, we have finished transforming our Ziggy road safety stories into books and we look forward to sharing these with our P1 friends in the new year. We have read some more of The BFG and completed character descriptions and comparisons of Sophie and the BFG for our I-JournAL folders.

In Maths, we are getting more confident with identifying and naming 2D and 3D shapes. We have created a shape table with objects we have brought in from home. We have also been practising subtraction strategies and sharing how we solve problems.

Well done to those who received Achievement Certificates – Ross, Josh, Aiden and Kyle.  It has been a great term  in P4a! We hope you have a lovely holiday and we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!



News from P3/2, P2/1 and P2A

We have been really busy practising our Christmas song ‘ Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer’ which we will be performing at our whole school Christmas Assembly on Wednesday. Here is the link if you want to sing it at home :

This has been a highlight for Carlie, especially when all the P2s have been practising it together.  Thursday was such an exciting day as the P2 children from P3/2 spent the whole day with their friends in P2A and P2/1. Lily and Orla both loved this.

We looked amazing on Thursday afternoon. The boys looked so handsome in their party clothes and the girls were just full of sparkles !  Lyle loved playing all the party games and Mekhi was so excited when Santa arrived. Thank you Santa for our lovely presents.

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P5a Museum on the Mound Trip

Primary 5a had a fantastic trip to the Museum on the Mound in Edinburgh last week where we learnt about the security features on notes and how anything could be used as money as long as its value had been agreed. We also learnt about the history of coins and how they were made. We even got to see Roman coins and the first Scottish coins ever used. During our visit we got to strike our very own coin and take it home.  We also learnt that next year there will be a new pound coin brought into circulation and we got to see what it will look like, so keep you’re eyes peeled for its appearance.

We hope Primary 5b have as great a time as we did on this trip today.

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A week in P7b 9/12/16

We have been working incredibly hard on our assembly. We were split into five different groups; the video group, Sainsbury’s advert group,the Christmas story group, the powerpoint group and the Love potion group. Miss Brown gave us the responsibility to write and lead our own assembly.It was therefore our job to write scripts, make the powerpoint and create a video.

In maths we are coming to the end of multiplication and are looking forward to starting division. We reflected on how confident we now feel with multiplying larger numbers and what strategies we can use. We have also been learning about world time zones and calculating durations. In addition to this, we have been doing number talks which are helping us feel more confident with calculating calculations mentally. Please ask us more about this!

As part of our World War 2 topic we got a visit from Maureen Liddell from West Lothian Library services. She brought in WW2 items and photos. She spoke to us about how the evacuees felt and what life was like for them during that time.

In P.E Mr Mauldoon taught us how to play 5 second Dodgeball and elimanator for our warm up this week.

We are really looking forward to next week as we will be having Christmas lunch with our buddies and are going to the cinema.

Bye for now,

P7b and Miss Brown

This week in P4B (9th December 2016)

We have been very busy with our learning this week in Primary 4B – so busy in fact that we would like to share with you some aspects of our learning that we have been finding tricky this week and how we have overcome any difficulties!

I have been finding subtraction difficult but I’ve been concentrating to get better at it.” (Kara)

I have been finding reading skills tricky but I have learned that there is no limit to the number of times that I can go back and read the story and when I do this I eventually find my answer.” (Finlay).

I have  been finding the bigger numbers in subtraction difficult. I am learning strategies to overcome this e.g. to take away 9, take away 10 and then add back 1, for example, with 43 subtract 9, subtract 10 first (33) then add back 1 (34).” (Areej).

P4a’s Exciting Week!

In Maths we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We have been discussing their properties and sorting them into groups. We have learned about quadrilaterals and regular/irregular 2D shapes. Our homework for next week is to find an object at home that is a 3D shape and bring it in to show the class. Also we have been working on developing our strategies for subtraction – using number lines, friendly numbers and number bonds. We have had another lesson with the numeracy teacher Mrs Millar – we used bundles of straws to help us with understanding place value and subtraction.

Sadly, we had our last NYCOS Music lesson with Mrs Poynter. We have enjoyed learning musical notes, reading/writing music and playing lots of games and singing lots of songs.Thanks Mrs Poynter! We had our first Futsal lesson for P.E. where we practised our dribbling skills  and quick turns. We had to work closely with our team to compete in some fun games. We have begun a block of drama lessons with the Drama Teacher, Mrs Thomson. We made puppets of our favourite characters and next week we will work in pairs to make a puppet show. In R.M.E. with Mrs Cameron, we have been revising the Christmas story and turning it into a drama sketch. In our groups we are retelling the Christmas story in the form if news reports for Star News and we will be filming these next week. Some of us made scenery and props at home for our drama sketches. Also in R.M.E this week we learned about a Hindu baby naming ceremony and we are busy making a poster for our display. In our Water Topic, we learned about the importance of using water wisely. We discovered lots of ways to save water at home and at school and we will be making posters and presentations about this soon. We read a book about making mistakes and how everyone does this and mistakes are important for learning. This should help us with developing our Growth Mindset.

In Language, we wrote our Road Safety Ziggy stories. We focused on adding connectives and wow words. Next week we will write out these stories and illustrate them  and then read them to P1. The comprehension strategy we are working on at the moment is identifying cause and effect – we will continue next week.

We have begun opening our class advent calendars and we are looking forward to lots of Christmas activities next week like the Christmas lunch and the trip to the cinema!

What has been happening in P2/1 and P2 this week?

It is starting to feel like Christmas in our classrooms with our morning starter activities and twinkling Christmas trees. A big highlight for Lily and Mekhi was writing a letter to Santa. I wonder if he has received our letters yet?

We have been very busy this week counting numbers before and after within 100. It can still be very tricky remembering which number comes before when we “bridge a 10”. This has been  Carlie, Lyle, Daniel and Sam’s favourite activity this week.

We are enjoying discovering which 2D shapes we can recognise in 3D shapes. We are even trying to build our own 3D shapes which is very challenging.

The Magic Key took us to the Jungle this week . We discovered that there are lots of different layers which are home to a variety of animals. We loved choosing which animal we wanted to draw for our Magic Key display.




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