P4a New Year’s Blog 2017

Happy New Year! We have had a busy start to the year already!

We are taking part in a project to rear Brown Trout. This project is in partnership with Forth Fisheries and Murieston Environmental Group. This week our tank was delivered and set up by Amy and we are now awaiting the arrival of the fish eggs in a couple of weeks. Amy from Forth Fisheries also gave a talk on Brown Trout and how to look after them.

In Maths, our new number topic is multiplication and division. We have been making array patterns and using concrete materials to help us understand these processes further. We should practise our times tables at home so that we have quick recall of times table facts. We will be multiplying and dividing bigger numbers soon and solving problems. Our new maths topic is time and we have started by learning about the calendar – days, months etc.

In Health and Wellbeing, we have started a new project on yoga, meditation and mindfulness. We will be working on this over the next few weeks – to try to improve our focus on learning and to help us relax more. We have also revised the SHANARRI indicators and are making a display about these. SHANARRI helps us to think about our physical and mental health and wellbeing.

We enjoyed sharing our Ziggy road safety storybooks with our P1 friends recently. We also played the road safety board games that we had made with them.

We are still working on our water topic. We are making posters and presentations about saving water that we hope to share these with our partner school in India. Also, we are learning about causes of water problems around the world. We are realising how precious water is and how lucky we are to have running water in our homes and school in Scotland!

In French, we have begun covering pets and how to say if we have one or not and also how to say whether we like something or not. In Science, with Mrs Cameron, we are conducting water experiments. This week we looked at filtration in more detail. We also started lessons with Miss Trotter this week – she will be teaching us art and design this term.

We have a new pet called Flash who is a little puppy. He is helping us to think about how to be caring and kind to others. We are looking forward to moving seats soon….


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