All posts by Mr Mackie

This week in P4B (9th December 2016)

We have been very busy with our learning this week in Primary 4B – so busy in fact that we would like to share with you some aspects of our learning that we have been finding tricky this week and how we have overcome any difficulties!

I have been finding subtraction difficult but I’ve been concentrating to get better at it.” (Kara)

I have been finding reading skills tricky but I have learned that there is no limit to the number of times that I can go back and read the story and when I do this I eventually find my answer.” (Finlay).

I have  been finding the bigger numbers in subtraction difficult. I am learning strategies to overcome this e.g. to take away 9, take away 10 and then add back 1, for example, with 43 subtract 9, subtract 10 first (33) then add back 1 (34).” (Areej).

Friday 11th November – This Week in Primary 4B

This week in Primary 4B we have been learning about the major bodies of water around the world, as part of our water topic and we had great fun in doing so! It proved to be an interesting lesson and Mr Mackie was impressed with the atlas and mapping skills in amongst the class! We have all managed to locate the world’s five main oceans but can you identify them by name? Some of us even located other major seas and principal rivers.

This week in P4B

Hello all. This week has been a very busy week as we prepare to deliver our assembly on Friday morning on the value of the month, ‘Patience.’ We really do hope to see as many of our friends and family there as possible! Also, we have started addition in numeracy, written a personal piece of writing about our October break, discussed needs and wants in relation to water use and we have identified the key features of a Christian Baptism. Another busy week – goodbye!

Hello from Primary 4B

Welcome to Primary 4B and our blog page. We have enjoyed posting on Twitter this year and just love to see who has liked our posts so please check here also and leave us your feedback and comments – we are very much looking forward to reading them!

We are enjoying settling into our new class and also getting to know each other and our teacher – this is important as some of us were in a different class last year.

This year will be a busy year for us as we are now in the ‘bigger’ part of the school. We will study Water and Scotland as our topics, hopefully visit Edinburgh just like last year’s P4 did and of course end with our show, amongst many other things! We know that our year will be an enjoyable one though as long as we try our best, apply a good attitude to school and learning and participate in classroom life positively as we would be expected to do.

Thank you for reading!

Primary 4B

Primary 4 Maths Update

Dear Parents/Carers,

This term in Primary 4 we are:

  • Rounding numbers (to the nearest ten e.g. 34 = 30 or 456=460 and hundred e.g. 542=500).
  • Ordering numbers using the greater than > and less than < symbols e.g. 56<67.
  • Practising strategies for addition and subtraction of 2 digit numbers, mentally e.g. partitioning, using a number square or using a number line.
  • Revising multiplication tables (2,4,5, and 10) and associated division facts.
  • Practising strategies for multiplying a 2 digit number by a single digit e.g. doubling a 2 digit number e.g. 24 x 2.
  • Making and counting amounts of money and finding change (from a maximum of £10).
  • Expressing the time in digital and analogue format for o’clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to, and then extending this to 5 minute intervals.

It would be great if you could support your child with these concepts at home. Many thanks, J McMillan and F Mackie

Mini Bridge in Primary 4

This week, Mrs Doak and Mr Reid from The Livingston Bridge Association came to deliver their second session in Primary 4. Please don’t think we are having too much fun though! We are problem solving all the time as we play, having to come up with a strategy in teams and work out our next move together. It is certainly a challenge!
