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P3/4 learning

This week P3 have been learning how to use calculators in maths. In their comprehension they learned about Prince Cinders and how to write in sentences. Also they were testing toys for their topic. That must have been fun! P4 were learning  there 3d and 2d shapes including how to draw them.


P1/2 have been doing some science about how to grow plants. In maths they did 3d shapes and printing numbers up to 10 in art they painted leaves. In Ict they have been learning how to put their passwords and how to use Cbeebies toys. In spanish they learned their greetings.

P5/6 And 7 Learning

We have all been learning about measurment. In measurment we were learning about mm, cm, m, km. We had to make an egg carage for an egg to sit in. Mrs Browne dropped the carage with the egg in it and the sucessful people were: Ryan Baillie Caitlin and  Zachary. In writing we were entering a writing competition which we had to describe how beautiful our world is. We have done an interview about the rugby match this Saturday against Australia. It will hopefully be shown on CBBC newsround.



Monday 12th October

We have started our new topic today – Music Makers.

We have started making an outdoor music wall – looking good and sounding good. If anybody has old pots pans etc which we could attach to the wall we would be most grateful.

PM children did some listening activities during music time today.

AM children did some drama – moving to different animal music and playing musical statues to help our listening skills.

Both groups did a science activity today, we filled different glass jars with water to see what sound they made when they were full and empty.

Friday 9th October

Today at nursery the children were still interested in painting and drawing scarecrow’s and hedgehogs, we cut some out and put them on the wall. We played outside on the bikes and scooters. During our music lesson we were tapping out rhythm’s on the claves and rhythm sticks, we played Farmer’s in the Den.

Thursday 8th October

AM children did gym today with Mrs Fletcher, we were playing games where the children had to listen to the instructions carefully. We were continuing with ball skills today and practicing throwing and catching.

AM and PM children – In science we were looking at sunflowers and what happens to them at this time of year. We studied their seed heads using magnifying glasses and recorded what they look like by drawing a picture. We talked about how these seeds would make new plants next spring/summer.

PM children did gym outside today – lots of opportunities for play in the sunshine!

Our numeracy sorting and matching assessments are now completed but we are still encouraging the children to use these materials to develop the associated language, maybe they would like to do some sorting at home? (We have been sorting by colour, shape, type of object or animal etc)

Children brought home their bread today which they made yesterday – some lovely smells from the nursery kitchen! We hope they enjoy eating it at home and telling you how they shaped it into rolls.

P5/6/7 Learning

This week in class we have been doing maths mostly revision of our learning. We have also been showing our personal project on the careers we want to have when we are older. We have also started painting the shelter in the playground and we are  looking forward to seeing the finished result.

Monday 5th October 2015

A busy day at nursery finding out more about autumn. AM children did some drama pretending to be falling leaves, in time to the music, and animals looking for a cosy home under the leaves. We did some sorting and matching using different autumn materials, lots of discussion here. PM children did music with myself, we were keeping a steady beat in time to the song and playing bells, we went on a bear hunt and sang 5 little monkeys. We listened to music from Carnaval of the Animals and tried to imagine what animal would move to different pieces of music.

Mrs Fletcher