All posts by Mrs Browne

Children in need 2014

This year the Pupil Council worked hard to arrange and set up activities for the School pupils to take part in for Children in Need. This years theme was Superheroes and pupils could dress down/ up as a Superhero on Friday 14th November. Donations of baking were sold at a homebaking stall and pupils could decorate a Pudsey biscuit or balloon for a donation. There was Pudsey merchandise available to buy and any spare change could be used on the Cover Pudsey in Copper stall.

Pupils were invited to guess where Pudsey went on Holiday to win a Pudsey Bear. Well done to Andrew Sharp from the Morning nursery who guessed correctly to discover Pudsey had been to visit Paddington’s home in deepest Peru. The guess the weight of the Pudsey cake was won by Brodie and Meah Burns little sister Ciara – the correct weight was 1kg 253g. Christopher Miller in P7 was our star coin slider and managed to get his 20p closest to the jar of Sweets to secure the prize.

Congratulations to all our Prize winners and the winning Design a Superhero was taken by Cyrus Knox P3, closely followed by Donnie Tod P5. Our Pudsey colouring competition winners were Sophie Lee Davis, Amber Khan and Chloe Seagust.

A great morning was had by all and even the teachers got in the spirit and participated in a Soak the teacher event. Mrs Agini, Mrs Browne and Mrs Dare all took a slot on the chair and the pupils paid to throw a soaked sponge at them. Some were pretty accurate.

The nursery hosted a breakfast event on the Friday morning and a Scone and tea event on Thursday 13th which added to the fundraising total.

The Grand total for the fundraising  was £263.46

Story of learning in P1/2/3

Every week pupils in P1/2/3 start Mondays, Tuesday and Thursdays with a Busy Start activity based around a story they have heard. The children can choose from 3 activities over the course of the week and complete all tasks by the end of the week. The children take pictures and produce pieces of work which are then put together into a class ” Story of Learning”. So far this year we have completed activities based around “The Snail and the Whale”,” The trouble with dragons” and ” A huge bag of worries”.  The pupils are quickly engaged in their learning each morning and are keen to complete the range of activities available.

“Hola” or “Bonjour” – P1/2/3

This year all pupils at Westfield Primary will be learning 2 modern foreign languages- Spanish and French. Primary 1/2/3 are loving learning their new languages and can frequently be found breaking into French and Spanish to gain some extra house points. Children have being singing songs and learning simple phrases in Spanish with Ms Ferguson and ‘Juan’ and French with Mrs Agini and ‘Pierre’.

Très bien and bravo P1/2/3