Learning in p1/2

In maths we have been making our own patterns from different shapes and colours.


In numeracy p2 have been counting on and back within 100 from different numbers and using this to help add numbers together. P1 have began thinking about adding numbers together using our knowledge of finger patterns.


In reading p2 have been learning all about non-fiction books. We have sorting fiction and non-fiction into groups using contents, index and glossary pages. P1 have been working hard to learn more sounds and begin blending these sounds together.


Over the last couple of weeks we have read 3 stories: I am bat, One Button Benny and Eric makes a splash. We have learned a little about bats and written our own stories about bats. We have learned a little more about water, ice and steam and compared the temperatures of these. We put ice cubes in the hot water and could see the water melting off the bottom of the ice cube. We have tried to make our own robots from boxes, blocks and junk. We also drew our own robot characters to write a story about this week. You will find out more about these stories and our learning around them at our assembly on the 21st.


In health, we have been exploring similarities and differences and have started learning about what Bullying really means. We will be continuing this over the next few weeks.


This week we have started practising for our nativity! We are working hard to learn all the songs and our narrators are very busy learning their lines. We are excited to continue our practises over the next few weeks.

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