P1/2 snow day activities

1. Build the biggest snowman you can and measure its height.

2. Write your spelling words in the snow.

3. Write a story titled ‘One Snowy Day’. Make it as imaginative as you can!

4. Draw/paint a snowy picture.

5. Use the internet or any books you have at home to research 3 interesting facts about a polar animal.

6. Use snowballs to do some maths:
P2: equal groups/arrays eg. 3 groups of 5
P1: subtraction eg. Make 6 snowballs. Throw 2. How many left?

7. Warm up after some fun in the snow with a warm drink and a story (read the next section of your class reading book and/or a book of your choice).

If you complete any activities or do your own learning in the snow I would love to see your pictures! Add any pictures to the comments below to share what you have been learning with others.

Whatever you choose do – have fun and stay safe!! ❄️☃️

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