P6/7 Burst into a new term

P6/7 have been busy during the first week back after Easter. We have started our new Interdisciplinary block on “The Species of the world”  where we will be looking at classifying and learning new species. We also participated in our class KNEX challenge where we had to build a wheelbarrow that would transport a book over 5 metres. We worked collaboratively in groups to see who will move forward to the next stage of the competition.

We have started a numeracy block on fractions and are also looking at angles  in maths. During literacy we have been discussing figurative language and discovering these in texts we experience. We have discovered similes and metaphors in music and our class novels so far – but are still on the hunt for examples.

Abby – We started to read a book that we chose before the Easter holidays The book I am reading is called Time travelling with  a hamster and we had to read 5 chapters for our literacy circle! I was the ARTFUL ARTIST!!!

Jowita-In maths we did angles and improper  fractions and equivalent fractions.

Wiktoria –  In P.E we did javelin we had to throw for accuracy and get  it in the stationary hula hoop.We then challenged ourselves and Mr.Cox provided a moving target.

Matthew-In maths we learned about angles by watching a powerpoint called the Angles family. We learned about acute, right, obtuse, straight and reflex angles.

Alice – In P.E we did discus throwing at a hula hoop trying to get it in the hoop.

Katie-In maths I learned how to simplify fractions.

Kai- In P:E we where throwing javelins and discus to each other.