
This week in maths we have been looking at fractions. We have been working on different aspects of fractions like simplifying, equivalent fractions and fraction identification. We have also been looking at how fractions relate to percentages and decimals.

We have been discussing relationships and respect for everyone.

We have started working on athletics in PE with Mr Cox and have been carrying out sprints and both standing and running long jumps.

In art we have been working with tone to create landscapes of varying tones.

We have been working to create an information book on Amazon Rainforest animals for the P1-2 class in writing. We have to make sure that the language we use is appropriate for their age and reading ability. We have also be looking at how to use direct speech properly in our writing.

We are continuing to work in groups to practice our chosen songs in music, which we will perform to the rest of the class.


Weekly catch up on what we have been doing in class.

I enjoyed learning about different kinds of speeds in PE – Angus

This week’s maths on fractions was good – Bryan

Learning about equivalent fractions was easy – Cyrus, Lewis

I enjoyed learning about 3D shapes in maths – Kieran. Toby

Class talks about Brazil were good to listen to – Melissa, Alexander

In art we worked in pairs to design our own Olympic stadium – Tia

I enjoyed colouring in all the Brazil pictures – Chloe

We do cooking on Thursday and today we made sausage rolls. Delicious!! – Jamie

I enjoyed the playtime at the end of PE – Kelsey

We played rounders outside and played well together – Amber , Cyrus

I enjoyed giving my class talk on Brazil – Meah, Daniel

We all enjoyed eating the sausage rolls.