Tag Archives: #buildingforsuccess

Busy, busy, busy in Primary 5!

What a week we’ve had!!

Firstly, it has been ‘Money Week’ in Numeracy so we have focussed a lot of our activities around this. We attended assembly where we listened to our Numeracy Ambassadors tell us all about money week activities and we had a big school discussion about money too. 

Mrs Wotherspoon ‘gifted’ us all £150.00 to spend in Tesco and Boots, some of us were club-card owners so got bigger discounts. We had lots of fun doing this activity, cutting and pasting our shopping lists as well as using our subtraction knowledge to calculate how much money we had left to spend.

We also had a visit from Blackburn District Credit Union who explained different ways for us to save our money and we played some games relating to saving too! We all participated really well with this activity and, used our manners and school values with our visitors. There was some great answers about what we would like to learn to save for from Primary 5, some of them were; animals we’d like, university, travelling and gifting it to charity.

We also completed our castles this week finishing up our Mary, Queen of Scots topic. Again everyone worked really well on this, using paper mache, different textures and colours to create and design replica castles of place where Mary, Queen of Scots lived.

And finally we have been learning something really special for our Christmas celebrations. After the summer holidays Primary 5 asked to learn British sign language so we are also challenging ourselves to learn ‘Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer’ in BSL. Watch this space….

Massive well done on a very busy week P5!! Have a great weekend 🙂

Mrs Wotherspoon

Primary 5’s busy week!

Lots has happened in Primary 5 this week!

We have completed our numeracy assessments – we tried our very best with these as there was lots of questions. We had to use many different strategies to help complete the assessment but we did it!

Sentences was our grammar topic this week and we did really well with this activity too. We also started our new writing genre, information report, and did some investigations about firefighters which we all found really interesting!

We celebrated Saints Day at Mass and discussed this in our class together too.

Very well done on another great week Primary 5! I’m really proud of you all!!

Mrs Wotherspoon 🙂


A Happy Halloween From Primary 7

Halloween preparations began last week where primary 7 created their own Halloween art and even made their own Halloween raps to music.

On Friday we celebrated Halloween with pupils attending a Halloween party showcasing their costumes. It was a fun filled day consisting of dancing, party games, Halloween jokes, snacks and lots of laughs. The Halloween costumes were of a high standard and primary 7 enjoyed strutting their stuff at the party.  

It has been a busy time lately in primary 7 with lots going on. We are continuing our new writing topic of Information Reporting where we are looking at non-fiction texts, analysing information, conducting research and making sure we have the correct structure and layout to create our own information report.

In numeracy we have been completing our Maths assessment under exam conditions.

We are starting our new topic of World War 1 and look forward to learning more about this.  

Last week we started a project with 5 sisters zoo and had a representative from the zoo who will be leading the project visit us to introduce this. This will see us creating posters and sending letters to a school we have partnered with in Ghana for the project.


We now have our newly elected House Captains and Prefects who has taken on extra responsibility around the School. A huge well done who everyone who participated for their hard work and especially to everyone who was successful in achieving a role.


Primary 5’s visit to Broomlee Camp

This week Primary 5 had the very exciting experience of going to Broomlee Camp for two days and one night! Everyone had so much fun and did so well with all of the challenges & activities.

There will be lots more photos uploaded onto the children’s Digital Profiles for special adults to have a look at.

Whilst we were away, the children that didn’t attend camp had lots of fun with Mr Henderson. The children got to play Ukulele’s, play poison dodgeball and create amazing Halloween art using oil pastels.

Have a good rest this weekend everyone, you deserve it after all the activities!

Mrs Wotherspoon

Happy Campers P5

A brilliant day had by all here in Broomlee. After an uneventful bus journey, we set up in our dorms before heading for a tour of the camp. A delicious lunch was a big hit with most of our campers before our afternoon activities-Low Ropes and Crate Climb. Dinner was pasta with cake and custard then we headed into the woods for campfire. Well done to Raeya who won the award for the best campfire singer! Supper and playtime in the grounds ensured a happy end to the day… with hopefully a long nights sleep.

Looking forward to tomorrow’s adventure!

Primary 5’s busy week!

It’s been very busy in Primary 5 this week from practicing for our Handball Festival to playing Blookets to assess our learning!

On Monday 2nd of October we have the Handball Festival at West Calder High School. We have all been working really hard in PE, learning skills and strategies to help us. Tyler was a great referee helping Mrs McMaster as he can’t play just now.


We had completed lots of active literacy activities this week when we were doing our spelling – writing on the desks, partner testing, keyboards, magnetic boards, foam letters, scrabble tiles and letter beads. The children responded really well to these activities!

We started our new numeracy topic of addition within 10,000 and everyone has worked so hard on this! We have been using our chimney skill strategies to help us with this and, we’ve played some blookets to practice our addition sums too! Mrs Wotherspoon had never played blooket before so it was lots of fun showing her how to use that game too!

We also completed some Health & Wellbeing work talking about how we feel safe and healthy! Everyone had great ideas and suggestions for this. A big well done for all the most amazing suggestions.

Lastly, we had lots of fun outside with Mrs Hudson-Price creating our own woodland creatures out of clay.

Have a great weekend everyone!! See you next week 🙂

Mrs Wotherspoon