Tag Archives: #buildingforsuccess

Tay Class Update

The first few weeks of the session have gone well in Tay Class.  The children have been very engaged during play and whilst exploring resources.

Our topic is ‘People Who Help Us’.  We have been learning through songs and stories as well as playing with some emergency vehicles and a police station.  We have used our art skills to make a variety of vehicles too.  Some of the class added labels to diagrams of fire fighters and police officers and matched people to their vehicles.

This week in Primary 5

It has been a very busy, sunny week in P5!

We’ve nearly finished our Time topic in numeracy and the children have all done really well completing this.

In grammar, this week we were focussing on Time Connectives to help us with our writing topic of Exposition. We practiced these by completing an activity on our desks in small groups.

We were using different active methods to practice our spelling word this week and had the choice of scrabble tiles, foam letters or partner testing!

We ended our week with Sharing Our Learning focussing on Friendship, Trust and Communication. Thank you so much for all who participated, it was a great morning and the class loved it.

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend in the sunshine!

P7 Camping Update Wednesday 31st May

Wow- another stunning day in sunny Broomlee. Sleepy heads at 7:30 this morning but breakfast of cereal, croissants (chocolate ones too) and toast helped set us up for the day. Catwalk for one of the groups and Raft Building were 2 of many highlights of the day. A big shout out to Sam and Shannon who were voted ‘Best Leaders’ during Nightline activity by their team along with Miss Lindsay who climbed to the top (yes the TOP) of the Catwalk. Again lots of smiles, hard work and success for all. At this time, we are completing camp quiz activities. Well done to each and every one of our amazing Campers.



Tay Class Update

Last week was another busy week in Tay Class.  Here are a some photos of what we’ve been doing…

All of us really enjoyed playing the glockenspiels:



We have listening to the story and  songs about ‘What the Ladybird Heard’.  We played a game on the Phonics Bloom website where we matched the sound to the correct animal. Below ‘A’ and ‘H’ are matching the pictures of baby animals to the pictures of the adult animal.

‘B’ and ‘L’ have really enjoyed playing the keyboard.  They have been learning to wait and take turns.



‘Choose Time’…

‘A’ enjoyed modelling with the plasticine. ‘H’ build a super model with the Duplo and ‘A’ enjoyed playing with a new dinosaur that Miss M. kindly brought in for us.

Trim Trail fun…

exploring, balancing, climbing and running!

‘A’ and ‘A’ learning to share resources

Happy Campers in Sunny Broomlee

What a fabulous start to our P7 Camp. After an uneventful bus journey, we were straight to activity. Both groups enjoyed testing their teamwork  in Low Ropes, tackling fear of heights in Catwalk (amongst the birds in the trees) and their strategic thinking during Crate Climb. Lots of fun and excitement amongst all pupils, with a bucket load of pride as everyone was successful. After a hearty dinner we are now playing Highland Games in the beautiful evening sunshine. Happy Campers!