
French – Practise days of the week song in English and then French. Count forward and backwards from 10.


We have been learning about our 5 Senses and last week we were exploring our Sense of Sound. We worked with our talk partners and used recyclable materials to create our own musical instruments. See if you can make an instrument at home and bring it into school with you when we return.

RME – As part of our learning in class we have been learning about Bible Stories. Do you have a bible at home? If you do read a story from the Bible.

P6c parents/ carers,
These are possible activities the children can complete on the snow day.
Either complete the education city activities allocated to your account or some of the activities listed:
*log into www.sumdog.com
*choose a times table to improve and practise
*read a chapter of a novel
*update reading Reading Passports
*find out more about your favourite author (date of birth/ death, where they are from, books they have written, who/ what inspired them to write) and create a poster with your information
Have a nice weekend!
Mrs Paradies
Hello everyone,
Here are a couple of ideas linking to what we have been doing in art and music.
If any of the p1s, 2s and 3s want to follow up their Andy Goldsworthy Transient Art from last term, today’s conditions are perfect for creating snow art, either with just the snow, or with snow and greenery/stones/sticks/etc. And because it is transient a photo is what makes it last. With help, you should take photos of your art and post them in.
The older children could also be doing the same – we are looking at line as well as colour… Question, how can you create line with snow/ in snow?
p3/4 have been looking at sound stories for Tam O’ Haggis and we have listened to the Tam O Shanter Overture. And p2/3 last term looked at selecting appropriate music to fit with drama. Can you take a video (with help) of either your snow art OR some dramatic weather and find some appropriate music to put as the background?
Best wishes,
Mrs Gillies
P6c parents/ carers,
These are possible activities the children can complete on the snow day.
Either complete the education city activities allocated to your account or some of the activities listed:
*log into www.sumdog.com
*choose a times table to improve and practise
*read a chapter of a novel
*update reading Reading Passports
*choose a reading dare from homework jotter or write a summary of what has been read
*It is World Book Day. Visit www.worldbookday.com
*we have heard from two engineers this week. Can you design and create a sledge out of materials found at home? Tip- think about materials that won’t rip when wet (remember to ask people at home before using something)
Mrs Paradies
Enjoy your day at home with your family.
As school is closed today you may want to try some activities listed below.
- our new sound this week was “ch”, you could practise making “ch” with paint, coloured pencils, chalk or pens. You could even go outdoors and write “ch” in the snow.
- create words and sentences with the “ch” sound.
- have a look at your new words, which were issued on Tuesday, you could play pairs or snap with these words.
- in class we’ve been creating hats for World Book Day, you could create another hat or t-shirt at home showing another book character.
- design and create a bookmark, showing your favourite book character, can you write the character’s name on the bookmark?
- create a snow creature or sculpture, can you measure it, what will you use to measure it?
- read your favourite book, you’ll be surprised how many words you can read on your own now.
- yesterday we were creating number stories for the number 8, you could make 8 snowballs and use these to create number stories, remember you should be able to make 9 number stories for the number 8.
- play a board game.
- use your research skills to look for transport pictures.
- earlier this term we were looking at the cameras on the motorway to see what was happening to the traffic in Scotland, you can look again, I wonder if this will change throughout the day.
- try any of the activities listed on the P1 homework grid, issued earlier this term.
P6c parents/ carers,
These are possible activities the children can complete on the snow day.
Either complete the education city activities allocated to your account or the activities listed:
*log into www.sumdog.com
*choose a times table to improve and practise
*read a chapter of a novel
*update reading Reading Passports
*choose a reading dare from homework jotter or write a summary of what has been read
*choose a spelling activity from homework jotter
*we have heard from two engineers this week. Can you engineer a bridge that has a span of 50cm and is strong enough to hold your reading book?
Mrs Paradies
Remember all school pupils should have been issued with login details for the Education City website. Lots of fun activities and games to reinforce learning.
Learning Today…… Leading Tomorrow