Tag Archives: Primary 1

Primary 1 – Another bear story

Sorry today’s story is late. It has been a super busy day.

I hope you are enjoying all the bear activities on this week’s learning grid.  Primary 1 – Themed activities

Please keep sharing all your fantastic work with us.

Nursery to P1 Transition

Good morning everyone.

Following on from your amazing ‘Me Maps’, which our teachers have been very impressed by, they thought you would like to know a little bit more about them. The links below will direct you to our school YouTube channel where you can see your teacher talking through the objects in their “All About Me’ boxes.

In preparation for your visit to meet them next week, they would like you to think of something or someone important to you that you could tell them about during your visit.

All of us are really looking forward to welcoming you into Primary 1.

Mr McPherson – P1a


Mrs MacCallum – P1b


Mrs Lurinsky – P1c


Mrs MacLean – P1d


Primary 1 Numeracy: Adding and Subtracting


Number line

Today we are going to be continuing with our work on adding and subtracting using a number line.

You can draw a number line on a piece of paper, or you can use something with numbers already printed on it like a ruler. If you are drawing one, which will also help with the writing of numbers, try to space out the lines as uniformly as possible.

Today, I am using a tape measure.

I am going to be doing the sum 5 + 2.

When you start, ask questions: Is it an adding or a take away sum? If you are adding, are the numbers getting larger or smaller? What number are you starting from?

Put a marker on the number you are to begin with. I am then using a Lego character to move forward along the number line. I am deliberately making my character face the way it is going.

I then jump/bounce/skip/move along the number line one number at a time until I reach my answer.

If I then do it for subtraction, I use the same questioning technique. This is so children grow accustomed to moving along the number line in the correct direction. It also gets them to look at the operator used, + or – , in case you decide to mix up the equations.

For the sum 3-2,  place your marker on the starting number and then move backwards along the number line until they reach the answer.


Here are some number line work sheets for you to work on.

number_lines_adding (2)


numberline addition

numberline subtraction


10 frame Lego

I find this lovely little YouTube video of constructing a ten frame out of Lego and then rolling a dice.


This is a great way for pupils to work on their spatial awareness as they have to ensure that all the spaces the same size and if the blocks fit into the spaces once complete.

In class, we originally taught the pupils to fill up the 10 frame from the top left corner along a row of five before started on the second row from the left. This was to improve their sight recognition and instant identification of amounts.

The other way would be to fill out the 10 frame as one above and below (so you are making pairs as you fill in the frame)

You can then complete addition and subtraction equations using your Lego ten frame.

If you have more Lego you could make two ten frames and then do some addition and subtraction using larger numbers.


Rain storm adding and subtracting

Here is a messy maths activity to complete.

Cut rain cloud shapes out of paper. On the clouds, write an adding sum. Underneath the cloud, create the raindrops by either drawing them or paint on your fingers! How big a thunderstorm can you make?

For subtraction, make skyscrapers. Write a subtraction sum at the top of the skyscraper. Then, draw square windows to represent the first number and then colour in/block out the ones you are taking away!

After you have completed your maths, you can add more detail to your cityscape!


Nursery and Primary 1

Good morning.

It’s time to meet another of our Primary 1 teachers at Simpson Primary. Today, we’d like to introduce you to Mrs MacCallum.  Like all of our teachers she is looking forward to meeting the new boys and girls starting with us in August but is also missing her current class. We hope you enjoy the story today. Please follow the link below to the video.


Mr Weir

Nursery to Primary 1 Transition

Good morning everyone.

As part of our Nursery to Primary 1 transition, involving both Nursery and P1 pupils, each day this week a video to introduce the P1 staff will be uploaded to our new youtube channel. This is a great opportunity for both groups of pupils to meet/catch up with their teacher reading a story. We hope you enjoy them.

Follow this link to the video:


P1 Drama – Harry the Dirty Dog

This week’s drama activities are based on the book Harry the Dirty Dog by Gene Zion. 

Harry hates having a bath!Listen to the story to find out what happens when his family try to give him one….


Pretend to be Harry and  try out some of these drama activities

  • burying the scrubbing brush in the back garden
  • running away from home


  • getting dirty by playing in the street, playing at the railroad, playing with the other dogs and going down the coal chute


  • FREEZE FRAME (like a still picture) what Harry looked like when his family didn’t recognise him.


  • showing his family his tricks (flip flopping, rolling over, dancing and singing)


  • digging in the garden to find the scrubbing brush


  • having fun in the bath while the children are scrubbing him


  • sleeping peacefully in his favourite place

I would love to see pictures of you taking part in this week’s drama. Tag me on twitter @cara_aikman (remembering not to name your child).

Primary 1B’s very first post

What a great few weeks we have had and we are now all settled in to our new class.

We hope you enjoy looking at some of the things we’ve been learning and will get more photographs uploaded as soon as we can.

This week we got a new reading book it was called The Library. We had a great discussion about Simpson Library and many of us had visited the library. If you visit over the long weekend please let us know.

We looked at the different kinds of books we can find in a library – fiction and and non fiction.

We have been learning all about the characters in the story and have enjoyed playing lots of games to help us learn the characters names. 

Pairs                                                                      Character Snakes and Ladders                                   Snap


We have enjoyed getting homework and even have our homework bags home this weekend to practice our keywords.


As part of our writing this week we retold the story of Incy Wincy Spider.

This helped us to think about our Mindset and just like Incy when faced with a challenge we know we have to keep trying and never give up. 

In Mathematics we have been learning about shapes and went on a shape walk in our playground.

In Numeracy we have been exploring ways to make 5 and having fun playing lots of dice games.

In the gym hall we have been learning about keeping ourselves safe and staying in our space bubbles

We have been to the community wing to play lots of listening games to help us learn all our new friends names.


Please complete the P1 Tea Towel form and return by Friday 20th September.