What a great few weeks we have had and we are now all settled in to our new class.
We hope you enjoy looking at some of the things we’ve been learning and will get more photographs uploaded as soon as we can.
This week we got a new reading book it was called The Library. We had a great discussion about Simpson Library and many of us had visited the library. If you visit over the long weekend please let us know.

We looked at the different kinds of books we can find in a library – fiction and and non fiction.
We have been learning all about the characters in the story and have enjoyed playing lots of games to help us learn the characters names. 

Pairs Character Snakes and Ladders Snap
We have enjoyed getting homework and even have our homework bags home this weekend to practice our keywords.
As part of our writing this week we retold the story of Incy Wincy Spider.
This helped us to think about our Mindset and just like Incy when faced with a challenge we know we have to keep trying and never give up. 
In Mathematics we have been learning about shapes and went on a shape walk in our playground.

In Numeracy we have been exploring ways to make 5 and having fun playing lots of dice games.
In the gym hall we have been learning about keeping ourselves safe and staying in our space bubbles
We have been to the community wing to play lots of listening games to help us learn all our new friends names.
Please complete the P1 Tea Towel form and return by Friday 20th September.