#SPSSnowDay Number 3

Good Morning P6

Despite the bad weather preventing us getting to school, we can still continue our learning at home.

  • You can continue to work on allocated Snow Day activities on Education City.  Why not explore some of the other curricular areas too?
  • You could also log on to Sumdog or play some games on Top Marks for further Maths and Numeracy practise.
  • Continue to read your novels for our First Minister’s Reading Challenge and if you have your passport at home remember to add any books you finish.
  • Find out more about your favourite author – e.g. when and where were they born?;  have they always been an author?;  who or what inspires them to write?;  what other books have they written if any?; what other interests do they have?.
  • Create a poster or factfile with the information you gather.  Why not use ICT and upload your work to Teams or Yammer?

Be creative, use your imagination and have fun!

Don’t forget to upload your photos #SPSLovestoRead, #SPSSnowDay


P2 and P2/3 Snow Day Activities

Another snow day! Hope you all had fun yesterday. Here are some activities you could try today.

  • If you have lego can you build a house? What kind of house have you built? A bungalow, detached, terraced house? Can you tweet us a photo?
  • Can you write a letter to someone in a country that never gets snow and describe what the weather is like today?
  • The poor birds are struggling to find food at the moment because of all the snow. Could you find out what we could do to help feed the birds and if you can put some food out for them?
  • Could you write an acrostic poem about snow? Here is my example


Spinning round and round the flakes fall to the ground

Nice and fluffy but cold to the touch the flakes keep tumbling down

Oh how I love to see them fall and land softly on the ground

When will it stop? I don’t know, but I’m wrapped up warm inside.


Remember to tweet us any photos! Have a great day and lovely weekend when it comes. Hope to see you all on Monday.

P6c Mrs Paradies – Snow day activities

P6c parents/ carers,

These are possible activities the children can complete on the snow day.

Either complete the education city activities allocated to your account or some of the activities listed:

*log into www.sumdog.com
*choose a times table to improve and practise

*read a chapter of a novel
*update reading Reading Passports
*find out more about your favourite author (date of birth/ death, where they are from, books they have written, who/ what inspired them to write) and create a poster with your information

Have a nice weekend!
Mrs Paradies

p2/3 and p4 french fruit words

Bonjour p2/3 and 4!!

Try to remember as many of our french ‘fruit’ and number words as you can.

les fraises – strawberries
les pommes – apples
les poires – peaars
les bananes – bananas
les oranges – oranges
les prunes – plums
les framboises – raspberries
une pomme – one apple
deux fraises – two strawberries
trois bananes – three bananas
quatre prunes – four plums
cinq poires – five pears

J’ai faim – I am hungry

Here is a link to La Chenille Qui Fait Des Trous: join in with the words you can remember

Image result for la chenille qui fait des trous
Elle a encore faim!
Elle croque dans……
Le lundi…. le mardi….. le mercredi……le jeudi….. le vendredi…. le samedi…..


Bon weekend!!
Mrs Gillies


P6 Snow Day French from Mrs Gillies


While you are off, can you try to remember as many french family words as you can?

ma famille – my family
les parents – parents
mon père – my father
ma mère – my mother
ma sœur – my sister
mon frère – my brother

mon grand-père – my grandfather
ma grand-mère – my grandmother
mes grands-parents – my grandparents

mon oncle – uncle
ma tante – aunt
mon cousin / ma cousine – cousin (male) / cousin (female)

Image result for simpson family

Can you create an imaginary introduction scene for the Simpson family?
Je m’appelle Bart…. Voici ma tante, Selma…. Voici ma soeur, Lisa…..

You could also add some pets, since we have started to look at french vocabulary for pets.

un serpent – a snake
un chien – a dog
un chat – a cat
un poisson – a fish
un poisson rouge – a goldfish
un hamster –  a hamster
un cheval – a horse

une souris – a mouse
une tortue – a tortoise
une licorne – a unicorn (!!)

Remember that to say ‘I have a…..’ you say ‘ J’ai un….’ or  ‘J’ai une…..’

Perhaps you can make up a rap like the one we listened to…. Here is a link to it.


Enjoy your day. Bon weekend!!

Primary 3 Snow Day 3!

Another day and still there’s snow!

Here are some more activities for all of Primary 3 to do today and over the weekend.

If you’ve measured the snow in your garden, have a go at measuring the temperature throughout the day. Can you find somewhere else in the world that has the same temperature? Do they usually have this temperature at this time of year? Can you find out where the coldest place on Earth is today?

This cold weather was called “The Beast from the East” because the cold weather came from the east. Can you draw a  magically weather monster that can create snow, wind and ice!

Polar regions will be our next habitat for our topic (what else!). Can you make a list of what animals live in the polar regions? What animals live in the north, what animals live in the south, and what animals live in both? (Remember ocean dwelling animals too).

Remember to do your homework grid and all the activities included. Clearing the path of snow counts as ‘Helping at Home’!

Read your reading book out loud to an audience of toys. Perhaps you could make your own reading group and do different voices for each toy when its their turn to read.

Remember to keep your World Book Day hat or T-shirt as we’ll be celebrating this next week!

Primary 7 Snow Tasks 2nd March

Hello again everyone,

We hope you all continue to be safe and warm and are making the most of the snowy weather.  We have really been taken aback by the volume of snow we’ve had!  Here are a few more learning activities that can be completed today:

  • Spelling – test yourself or have someone at home test you on this weeks spelling words.  You can upload your words to www.spellingcity.com and play games.
  • We have discovered that the snow in our garden is 17 Duplo bricks deep!  Can you use non-traditional measuring resources to check your garden?
  • You could check the depth of snow at a range of points around your garden.  What are it’s deepest/lowest points?  You could draw a graph or write a report on any patterns your find.  Could you think about why certain points are deeper than others?
  • A wide range of activities can be found of www.sumdog.com and www.educationcity.com
  • Continue to work on your World Book Day costume or designs.  We will aim to share these on another date soon!
  • There are a number of wonderful World Book Day games found here:  http://www.worldbookday.com/ideas/share-a-story/  Why not try listening to one of the many free audio books?
  • We will be sharing stories from our Snow Day’s when we return to school so please be prepared to tell us all what you’ve been up to!  Bring photo’s, tasks or discussion prompts to show the class.

Most of all, continue to stay safe in the snow.  We hope to see you all soon!

Mr Aitken & Miss Clarke


Snow day activities for P1C

I hope you are enjoying your time at home with your family and that you are safe and cosy when you are not outside enjoying all this wonderful snow! ❄️❄️❄️

As school remains closed you may want to try some of the activities listed below:


Our new sound this week was “ch”, you could make “ch” in the snow with sticks, stones or food colouring.
Go on a “ch” word hunt around your home or you could even go outdoors.
Write words and sentences with the “ch” sound.
Revise all sounds. Most recent sounds include – ee, oa, oo, w, ch, ng and sh
We have been working hard on blending in class. You can use the website below to practice blending at home http://www.doorwayonline.org.uk/literacy/firstblends/

Today is World Book Day

In class the plan this week was to make a World Book Day head band, you could create this at home including drawing of your favourite character
How many books can you read today, I wonder which one is your favourite?
Look at some of the titles on The First Minister’s Reading Challenge, some of these books are available as ebooks,
Can you make your own book? Staple or stick a few pages together and then decide on your character for your book. Draw lots of pictures on each page to tell a story, if you can, have a go at writing this story, I can’t wait to see your books next week.
Can you create a story about a snowy day?


Read your reading book and play fastest finger – can you find all your words.
Read your favourite book, you’ll be surprised how many words you can read on your own now.
Practise your key words and use them to play games or build real/ silly sentences – don’t forget your capital letters and full stops.

Maths and numeracy

Create a snow creature or sculpture, can you measure it, what will you use to measure it?.
Play a board game.
Try any of the activities listed on the P1 homework grid, issued earlier this term.
Play Number Bond games – teach someone how to play fist of 5 challenge yourself and play fists to 10 http://www.ictgames.com/save_the_whale_v4.html

Mrs Gillies – Snow day activity ideas

Hello everyone,

Here are a couple of ideas linking to what we have been doing in art and music.


If any of the p1s, 2s and 3s want to follow up their Andy Goldsworthy Transient Art from last term, today’s conditions are perfect for creating snow art, either with just the snow, or with snow and greenery/stones/sticks/etc. And because it is transient a photo is what makes it last. With help, you should take photos of your art and post them in.

The older children could also be doing the same – we are looking at line as well as colour… Question, how can you create line with snow/ in snow?

p3/4 have been looking at sound stories for Tam O’ Haggis and we have listened to the Tam O Shanter Overture. And p2/3 last term looked at selecting appropriate music to fit with drama. Can you take a video (with help) of either your snow art OR some dramatic weather and find some appropriate music to put as the background?

Best wishes,

Mrs Gillies


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