Finally…… we have had little bit of warmer weather, long may it continue!
Thank you to everyone who came along to our Family Learning Showcase last night (Thursday). We hope you enjoyed it.
Finally…… we have had little bit of warmer weather, long may it continue!
Thank you to everyone who came along to our Family Learning Showcase last night (Thursday). We hope you enjoyed it.
A wonderful few days at camp were had by all! Well done P7 for always trying your best, helping others and being so resilient when faced with different challenges! Here are a few of our highlights! Miss Clarke and Mr Aitken.
Welcome back to everyone after our Easter break, we are all looking forward to an exciting Summer term. We would like to give a very warm welcome to all the new children who started Nursery this week and to those starting over the next few weeks.
In the garden the children have been helping to build our eco green house. We now need more 2 litre washed plastic bottles to finish and would be very grateful if you keep and hand in any bottles you may have.
Dates for your diary:
18th April: Stay Play and Learn
19th April: Family Learning Event
Our mud kitchen is in need of a ‘make over’ and would like to invite you to join us in Nursery on Wednesday 25th April at 10.30am or 12.30pm to discuss how we can achieve this.
What an exciting week we have had. Keir’s dad Robin came in to talk to the children about his very important job as an Air Ambulance Paramedic. The children were very excited and asked many questions. Ayiah asked Does the helicopter have buttons ? Robin explained the pilot does the drive and presses the buttons. We have to tell the pilot where we are going because we are in the clouds. We navigate using a computer. Struan said a Sat Nav. Robin said Yes to tell us how to get there.
We would be delighted if any of our parents/ carers, Grandparents or family members would like to talk about their career or skills. Please speak to a member of staff to arrange this thank you.
On Thursday and Friday we had lots of fun during our Egg Hunt everyone found an egg.
Easter Holidays
We are now off for 2 weeks we return on Monday April 9TH.
STAY PLAY AND LEARN is on Wednesday 18th April . Please feel free to sign up for our other available dates in the new term.
Enjoy the break and we will see you all in the new term.
The Lost Words
As part of our World Book Day celebrations, the Pupil Council delivered a copy of The Lost Words to each class in the school. For those unfamiliar with the book, it is a stunning spell book written by Robert Macfarlane and illustrated beautifully by artist Jackie Morris. It showcases words from our natural world which are no longer included in the Junior Oxford Dictionary due to lack of use (including acorn, conker, dandelion and otter). Before each class received the book, Primary One to Seven engaged in a ‘guess the meaning’ task and it has created quite a buzz. We have been thrilled with the response our posts have had on Twitter – including comments from both author Robert Macfarlane and illustrator Jackie Morris.
As we FINALLY head towards spring (fingers crossed!) our school challenge is to get out into nature and find out about the plants and creatures we have discovered in this fabulous book. Can spot any of them outdoors? Draw them? Make a fact file about them? Get together with a friend and record a news report about them?If you are looking for something to do over the holidays, why not give it a go!
Ask an adult to tweet about it using the #lostwordsSPS @simpsonprimary or comment below.
To quote the wonderful David Attenborough,
Some children have begun to notice signs of spring in the nursery garden. Daffodil heads, snow drop and crocuses are beginning to appear.
One of the art tables has a stimulus of flowers and a spring book to further engage them in looking for signs of spring and to add some beautiful paintings to our art wall. If you are out and about see if you can find any other signs with your child/children.
Mrs Gray from NYCOS [National Youth Choir of Scotland] was back in on Monday to take the rest of the groups for some music and movement activities. This week she worked with the orange, purple, pink and red groups. She was very good with the children and staff and is going to send us a DVD and some props so we can continue to further explore and engage the children in these activities.
Gemma’s words for this week were loud/quiet, pattern, camouflage, forwards and backwards.
Our muddy kitchen which the children love is looking a bit tired and in need of a revamp if you would like to be involved and are free on Wednesday 25th April at 10:30am or 12:30pm Mrs Marshall and Ms Henderson invite you to come to their Muddy Kitchen Makeover meeting. If you can’t make it but have some ideas please speak to them.
Care commission visited the nursery on Tuesday morning to have a look at our snack menu and observe how independent the children are while following the snack routine and their engagement in preparing the vegetables for the afternoons snack. We look forward to their feedback.