Garden sale

Our eggs arrived on Monday afternoon and the children having been waiting patiently on them hatching.

We are delighted to announce the safe arrival of nine chicks. You have until the middle of next week to come and see them before they go to their new homes.


The carrots, beetroot and radishes [which were donated by Patrik from his allotment] in our allotment are growing nicely.  We have also added some tomato plants to our Greenhouse these were also donated by Anna and Samuel. Thank you!



REMEMBER our garden sale is on Tuesday during the sessions. We will also have a café so bring those pennies.

Café opening times : 9am-10am and 1-2pm


A quick week …………..

It has been a very quick week in nursery. We have re-introduced our ‘Investigation Station’ and the children have been busy exploring all the different parts of a flower.

In our ‘Small Construction’ area there has been a new building table introduced. This has simulated new curiosity and the children have been using this in new imaginative and inventive ways.

Just a wee reminder that our Peep group will start Monday 13th May and will run over the next four weeks. The focus of these sessions will be on transition to school.



This week in nursery the children have been spending a lot of time outdoors and working on our allotment, We have started planting a variety of different seeds and the children have even helped to create some beautiful signs to tell us what we have planted. We are looking forward to investigating the planting process and helping to care for our allotment.



The children have also created a scarecrow for our allotment and are in the process of creating a second scarecrow so he can have a friend, he is yet to be named so if any of the children come up with a name for our scarecrow please let us know!


Just a wee reminder to parents that the children are off next Monday and Tuesday for the May Day holiday!

Have a lovely long weekend and we will see you back at nursery on Wednesday 🙂



Welcome Back!

Welcome back! We hope all the children enjoyed the Easter holidays. We also have new children in the nursery that we would like to welcome. The children have enjoyed seeing their friends and settling back at nursery. We have enjoyed continuing our planting in the garden and making our scarecrow.

Easter Holidays Finally Here!

This week has been a very busy and tiring week, parents night went well and thanks to all parents for coming.

Children have been enjoying Easter craft and an Easter egg hunt!

We have also been looking more closely at different types of weather, which they have enjoyed experiencing outside!

Hope you all have a lovely relaxing Easter holiday!

See you all in 2 weeks!

Here comes Spring!

The children’s interest in ocean/sea pollution is continuing to grow. Some children have been on a visit to the beach and have been doing a ‘clean up’ of their own. Please continue to encourage recycling at home and discussions on these benefits to save our environment and ocean/sea life.


Spring is around the corner and we are in the process of revamping the nursery garden. Last year the children were involved in making a Greenhouse out of recycled plastic bottles. At present we are introducing the children to our new allotment and will soon be planting some vegetables which the children will be involved in looking after. The nursery has registered with RHS gardening for schools to help us improve and make full use of our garden space. They have a fantastic website have a look [] or make any members of staff aware of any ideas you have to improve our garden.


P5 & P6 Digital Leaders Wanted!

A Digital Leader is a pupil who is part of a Digital Leaders Team within a school, whose role it is to support the use and to further the development of digital technologies in school.

Please note that this first round of applications for Digital Leaders is open to P5 & P6 pupils only.

These are some of the responsibilities that our pupils will have as part of the Digital Leaders team. These responsibilities will be shared out amongst all of the Digital Leaders.

  • Support the use of iPads and computers in school to support learning
  • Share your skills and expertise with other pupils, classes and teachers.
  • Assist teachers, staff and other pupils in understanding coding applications.
  • Set up equipment in classrooms for teachers.
  • Update and monitor areas of the school / class blogs.
  • Test and review new digital resources (websites, computer software, hardware or apps).
  • Give ideas to teachers about future development of technology.
  • Lead lunchtime or after school computing / iPad clubs.
  • Support teachers in using technology in the classroom.
  • Have a good understanding of how to stay safe with technology and share that knowledge with others.
  • Provide some technical support in school.
  • Attend occasional staff meetings to train staff.
  • Create how-to video help guides.
  • Attend occasional training sessions when they are arranged both in and out of school.

In order that they can perform the above roles, we will ensure that you have the relevant training and support to perform the role.

Are you interested?  Are you in P5 or P6?

Complete the application form, and return it to Mrs Dandie by Friday 29th March on paper or via the school email address 

A digital copy of the form can be downloaded here:

SPS P5 & P6 Digital Leaders Application Form


Visit the video link below for more information:

Digital Leader Introduction

The Big Ocean Clean Up!!

It has been another busy week in the nursery.  There has still been a lot of interest in the ocean, particularly saving the sea animals from pollution.  The main focus has been on plastic pollution and its effects on the ocean and how we can be more proactive at reusing, recycling and using less disposable plastics.  We introduced a new eco- green bin in the nursery to collect any disposable plastics that we cannot reuse.  Please encourage your child/ren to continue “saving the oceans” at home.  The children have been busy making ocean pictures with rollers and paint.  A wall display is currently being put up and will continue to evolve each week.  We are looking for some disposable plastic (forks, cups, bottles, packaging, bags) that you may have at home, litter pick from the environment, or if you are lucky enough to visit one,  from the beach.  This will encourage your child to talk about reusing and recycling and we can use them for our display.  If you do visit a beach, please clean up at least 2 pieces of plastic and take photos for us.



Keep the ocean clean

This week the children are beginning to move on from their interest in pirates and are now showing an interest in the ocean and the different animals that live in the ocean, particularly sharks! A few of the children have even been talking all about how the ocean is full of rubbish which is dangerous to animals, We then watched a video all about The big ocean clean up and this has sparked a big interest with the children about keeping the ocean clean. In our water tray we have been exploring using nets to clear the rubbish out of the water and to help the animals live in a safe clean environment. Please feel free to have a look at our floorbook within the nursery where it shows a variety of the children’s experiences and comments about what we have been learning in nursery.



On Thursday as it was World book day, the children came to nursery dressed in either their favorite book character or their pajamas, We had great fun exploring a range of the children’s favorite books, the events and the characters!




The children have also been having great fun getting extra muddy and wet in the garden with our new waterproof suits!

Sunny Weather!!

Since we have been lucky enough to have some sunshine the children have loved playing out in the garden. We have also enjoyed making bird feeders and placing them around the garden. If the warmer weather continues could we please ask all parents and carers if you can apply sun cream when necessary.  We have world book day on Thursday 7th March, children are more than welcome to dress up or wear their pyjamas. Our family showcase was fantastic. Thank you to all the parents and carers that attended the children had a great night. We had lots of different stations relating to numeracy such as playdough making table, we had fruit kebabs and the floor book was out for parents to have a look at. The children enjoyed playing the maths games that were on the smartboard and playing with our loose parts.


Learning Today…… Leading Tomorrow

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