Thank you Primary Ones for sharing some of your fantastic writing. Please keep up the great work and keep sharing with us.



We know you will be still busy working your way through the packs we made before the Easter Break but we have added a few more writing ideas to this blog.


Formation Fun                                                                                                                        Below are some examples of formation activities that could be done outdoors in the wonderful sunshine or indoors. Many of you will have formed letters, keywords,your names and sentences in rice, Lego, shaving foam, using chalk and ‘magic’ paint (water!). Just use what you have.

Remember to have fun but now we move into the final term we are looking for your writing to be as neat as it can be.


Main Activity                                                                                                                          The Easter holidays may not have been the holidays that we were expecting but I am sure you must have  some exciting information to share. So we would like you to write a letter to a friend, family member or even your class teacher to tell us the best thing about your holiday.

Your letter should include:

  • who it is to
  • the date you have written the letter
  • what you have enjoyed best about your holidays
  • sentences including; capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.
  • who the letter is from

Challenge yourself 

  • you could ask a question in your letter
  • think about the presentation of your letter –  is your writing neat with well formed letters?
  • proof read your letter before you send it to check for any mistakes


Writing activities you can do everyday

  • help write the shopping list
  • write a daily timetable
  • create a fitness routine for you and another to complete
  • keep a daily diary
  • create a food menu
  • write a song
  • create a 2020 scrap book

Finally the more we make writing meaningful and fun the  more we want to do it. So I hope this last idea is a fun one.


Welcome back Primary 7!

Hello everyone and welcome to Term 4 of Primary 7!  It is certainly a unique situation we find ourselves in and we wanted to make sure you all know how proud we are of you in the way you are coping with this massive change to your learning!

We will continue to post daily activities on our P7 Lesson Teams page.  Every pupil has been given access to this via their GLOW mail.  Please access this for different learning experiences created by the teachers and class chat pages.

As well as daily lessons, all pupils have access to various websites which contain curriculum linked tasks.  Our main sources are:

Active Learn – https://www.activelearnprimary.co.uk/login?c=0  This contains many resources including our Science Bug tasks and our Class Novel.  This term we will be studying Midsummer’s Night Dream!

IDL – https://idlsgroup.com/       We recommend that pupils access both the literacy and numeracy tasks here for around 15 minutes per day.

Sumdog – https://www.sumdog.com/user/sign_in   Numeracy and Maths tasks

Education City – https://www.educationcity.com/   A wide range of resources including Literacy, French and Technology.

The following file has a large amount of STEM tasks that can be completed at home using (mainly!) items found in the home:


Finally this file will give a wide range of additional online learning:

Helpful Websites


P1 Numeracy


Hello! It has been a different April to previous years, but we are eager to hear what activities you have been up to.

We would love if you could share some writing with us. Maybe you saw a new movie, Maybe you camped out in your living room. Maybe you baked a cake and decorated it with icing? Let us know. Why don’t you also write instructions for a friend on how to do an activity?

Home Learning Numeracy Grid

Here is the Numeracy home learning grid with some ideas for activities for the next 2 weeks. To reinforce previous learning, the four subheadings are addition, subtraction, number formation and counting.

Below are some additional work sheets to do and inspire. If you go on to create your own based on these, remember to both reinforce to build confidence and then create challenge to push them on a little.

addition match to add

addition odd one out

doubles identify yes or no

subtraction join to match the facts

subtraction take away 2

Keep using physical materials and pictures to assist with adding and taking away as well as writing out the equations.

In class, we were doing screening and counting on.

Put two amounts in two containers. Tell child how many are in each container.

Then, cover up one container so they cannot see the objects. Ask the child how many there  were covered. Then ask them how many there are altogether.

Try to encourage the child to count on from the screened objects, rather than starting from 1. (There were 6, so 6- 7, 8, 9, 10, rather than there were 6 so 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10).  Uncover and get them to check if they are correct.

Do this with varying numbers, starting small. If they are able to remember the screened amount, try it by screening both sides.

If they need to use fingers to help with the addition, still encourage them to count on.


P3 Blog Week 3

Hi Primary 3! We hope that you all had a lovely time during your 2 week break and that you were able to enjoy the gorgeous weather safely at home 🙂


Following some feedback about the Blog, we have changed it. We have created a timetable as a guide that you can dip in and out of when it suits your family 🙂

P3 Week Three Home Learning Grid Week beginning 20/4/20

The timetable below is just a guide. Feel free to complete the activities as and when you wish. Find the activities as attached documents. P3 Week Three Home Learning Grid

Topic Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Spelling: common words beginning with “d” and “e” Handwriting and silly poem Active Spelling


Spelling mistakes and word search Active Spelling


Reading Silent Reading alone for 15 minutes Character Traits Activity Silent Reading alone for 15 minutes Wanted character Activity Read your Free Writing Story to someone
Writing Noun and Adjective Sort Write a Set of instructions for an activity the you might have done during your Easter holidays – this could be an Easter Egg Hunt Ask your adult to check your instructions against the checklist Free Writing Friday
Numeracy Addition






Make an Easter dot-to dot picture for someone to complete
Maths: Data handling Task 1: Tally Marks Task 2: Graph Questions     Task 3: Follow up
Science Lesson 3: Producers and Consumers


Social Science Lesson 3: Plastic’s journey to the ocean


French Food and expressing preferences: Do you like..?/I like…/I don’t like…
RME Lesson 3: The Inspiring Life of Jesus: Zacchaeus


Expressive Arts Drama: Emotions game Art: Emotions collage


Music: Emotion songs


Dance: Oti Mabuse on Youtube  
Health and Wellbeing Emotion works: 5 cog model using a film


P.E. Create your own routine   Practise routine Practise routine Obstacle course


All activities will not appear on the Blog Post but as separate documents which will be attached (as suggested 🙂 ).

Literacy Activities – P3 Week 3 Literacy Activities Document

Numeracy and Maths Activities – P3 Week 3 Numeracy Activities Document      Maths blog post wb 20 4 20

Other Curricular Areas – P3 Other Curricular Areas wb 20 4 20 (1) P3 Week 3 RME Science, Social Science, French


Have a great week and happy learning!

Miss McGregor, Miss Blyth, Mrs Dunsmore 🙂

P3 Drama – Arnie the Doughnut

Good Morning Primary 3! I hope you all had a lovely Easter Break.

I have a new story and drama activity for you to take part in this week.

Listen to the story  of Arnie the Doughnut using this link.


Don’t read on until you have watched the story or it might spoil the ending!!

Now try out some of these drama activities. Remember to use your voice (change this depending who are you are pretending to be ), facial expressions and your whole body (how do the different characters move?) And have fun!

  • You are a customer walking to the bakery to buy a doughnut.
  • You are Arnie – show how you were feeling when you got bought by a customer.
  • Act out Arnie on the bumpy car ride
  • Show how Arnie felt when he realised Mr Bing was going to eat him.
  • Pretend you are Arnie phoning the bakery to tell them the customers actually eat the doughnuts!
  • Pretend you are Mr Bing running after Arnie when he has thought of an idea to keep him.
  • Act out Arnie being Mr Bing’s ‘Doughnut Dog’
  • How do people in the street react when the see the ‘Doughnut Dog’? Act this out! What do they say and do?

I would love to see some pictures of you taking part in this week’s drama. Tag me on twitter @cara_aikman. (Remember not to share your child’s name).


Welcome to Term 4, P2B!

Hello P2B Cherubs.

Welcome to Term 4! You have all worked so hard to get to this point and have come on so much since the beginning of Primary 2 – I’m very proud of you all.

I hope that you had a lovely Easter break with you families and have been enjoying the sunshine.

I have attached this week’s home learning grid with various activities and will be updating the Sumdog challenges and reading books on the ActiveLearn site throughout the day.

P2 Home Learning – Week 3

Remember: only do what you can, this is only a guide of what kinds of things that we would be covering and some revision of previous learning.

For some different kinds of activities, UNICEF are publishing an article alongside some activities every week which explore children’s Rights. This week the article is all about ensuring children have the right to the best possible health. The power point for this is attached below.


Finally, I saw this activity online and thought it would be a really nice thing to do (see photo below). It would be good to paint a rock every week and write something that we are thankful for during the quarantine (e.g. family time, playing outside, using Zoom to speak to relatives). Then you could make a display in your garden.  We could even bring one each into school to make a display when everything goes back to normal 🙂

Take care everyone – any questions please get in touch via the blog or through twitter.

Ms Jenks-Brown

P1 Drama – Arnie the Doughnut

Good Morning Primary 1! I hope you all had a lovely Easter Break.

I have a new story and drama activity for you to take part in this week.

Listen to the story  of Arnie the Doughnut using this link.


Don’t read on until you have watched the story or it might spoil the ending!!

Now try out some of these drama activities. Remember to use your voice, face and whole body. And have fun!

  • You are a customer walking to the bakery to buy a doughnut.
  • You are Arnie – show how you were feeling when you got bought by a customer.
  • Show how Arnie felt when he realised Mr Bing was going to eat him.
  • Pretend you are Mr Bing running after Arnie when he has thought of an idea to keep him.
  • Act out Arnie being Mr Bing’s ‘Doughnut Dog’
  • How do people in the street react when the see the ‘Doughnut Dog’? Act this out!

I would love to see some pictures of you taking part in this week’s drama. Tag me on twitter @cara_aikman. (Remember not to share your child’s name).



P2/1 Welcome to Term 4

Good morning P2/1. I hope you have enjoyed a break and are ready to try a little more learning from home. I am missing you all and have been wondering how you are all doing.


Home Learning Grid 3 has been attached for P2 children in our class. P1 children should still be working on the activities listed on the grids issued in your home learning folders. (Reading, Writing, Numeracy and Maths). P1 children can also complete the yellow column on the P2 grid as this covers our whole class topics.

Click here – week 3

There are new Spelling, Maths and Grammar challenges on Sumdog so please have a go.

UNICEF are publishing an article alongside some activities every week which explore children’s Rights. This week the article is all about ensuring children have the right to the best possible health.

Remember to take time to relax, have regular breaks and have fun.

Stay safe P2/1 and let me know how you are doing,

Mrs Davies x

P2 Home learning Grid

Good morning p2, here is your home learning grid for this week. Please only do what you can 🙂 I will be updating active learn, sumdog challenges and education city activities throughout the day today. Again if you have any questions of queries please contact me through the blog or my twitter account @missbutlersps. If you wish to share children’s learning with me, again this can be uploaded here or to my twitter page 🙂

As always, thank you for your continued support 🙂


week 3

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