Good Morning ☀️

Good morning everyone!

From everyone here at nursery we hope you are all staying safe at home and have been enjoying the sunshine. We are missing all of our children and families! 

The ladies here at nursery are working really hard to create some more ideas to share with you as soon as possible about fun things you can try at home! These will be shared through our nursery blog and our twitter page. 

Does anybody want to share what they have been up to at home over the long weekend?

p2c Home Learing

Good Morning Primary 2c.

I hope you all had a lovely long weekend. I am missing you more and more as time goes on. I hope you are all getting on well at home and managing to keep safe.

As always your continued hard work at home has made me so proud, I have loved seeing some of the work you have managed to complete, please keep sending this to me either through the blog or pictures on twitter. I have heard lots of children have even managed to do a bit more, one was able to create their own nail bar – very well priced as well. I have loved seeing and hearing about all your creations.

This weeks home learning grid is attached at the bottom of the page. I have also assigned new reading books on active learn, this is a new system we have been given access too. Please let me know how the children get on with these. There will be sumdog challenges and new education city tasks set throughout the week. Well done to you all, you really do continue to blow my socks off!


Miss Butler



P2/1 Week 5 Home Learning


Good Morning P2/1. I hope you have had a lovely long weekend.

It is a short week this week so please do not feel you need to do all the activities set. You may want to keep some for another time when you are looking for something to do.

There are new challenges set on Sumdog and here is the link to the P2 grid for our 5th week of home learning –   Week 5

Remember you can also explore subjects in Education City and  IDL and I am hoping you are still using Teach your Monster to Read.

P1 – You can complete the P1 tasks set by all P1 teachers on different days and you can also complete the ‘Learning Across the Curriculum’ column on the Week 5 grid. This week it covers our new topic, The Farm, a food technology task and a dance activity.

I am missing you all and would love to hear how you are  getting on.

Mrs Davies

P3 Drama – When a Dragon Moves In

This week’s drama is based on a story about a boy and a dragon. It is called ‘When a Dragon Moves In’ and is written by Jody Moore. 

Listen to the story here and the take part in the drama activities.

Drama Activities 

Pretend you are the boy. Act out

  • building the sandcastle on the beach
  • your reaction when the dragon moves into the sandcastle
  • toasting the marshmallows on the flames from the dragons mouth
  • floating on your raft (which is really the dragon’s belly!)
  • flying your kite (which is really the dragon!)
  • being tickled by the feather
  • how you are feeling when the dad tells him he has ‘had enough of this dragon business’
  • breaking the sandcastle
  • building a new, even better sandcastle


Now pretend to be the dragon. Act out

  • when he eats the peanut butter sandwiches
  • drinking the bubbly lemonade
  • eating the brownies from the cool bag
  • the dragon laughing when he sprays sand over the boy’s sister
  • how the dragon feels when the boy asks him to leave the sandcastle

 Now imagine you are the boy sharing the news that the dragon has moved into the sandcastle. What will you say? Try to persuade your family that it is a good thing that the dragon has moved in,

Other ideas

  • If you have sand – make a sandcastle! What size will it be? What shape will it be? What would be special about your sand castle that would make a dragon want to live there?
  • Draw a picture of a sandcastle. What size would it be? What shape would it be? Imagine you had lots of different coloured sand – what colour would you make it? What would be special about your sand castle that would make a dragon want to live there?
  • At the end of the story it looks as if a whole family of dragons are moving in to the new sandcastle. What do you think will happen next? You could draw a picture, write a story or act it out.

I love seeing your pictures on twitter – tag me @cara_aikman. The pictures really do make my day! (Remember not to share your child’s name.)

P1 Drama – When a Dragon Moves in

This week’s drama is based on a story about a boy and a dragon. It is called ‘When a Dragon Moves In’ and is written by Jody Moore. 

Listen to the story here and the take part in the drama activities.

Drama Activities 

Pretend you are the boy. Act out

  • building the sandcastle on the beach
  • your reaction when the dragon moves into the sandcastle
  • toasting the marshmallows on the flames from the dragons mouth
  • floating on your raft (which is really the dragon’s belly!)
  • flying your kite (which is really the dragon!)
  • being tickled by the feather
  • how you are feeling when the dad tells him he has ‘had enough of this dragon business’
  • breaking the sandcastle
  • building a new, even better sandcastle


Now pretend to be the dragon. Act out

  • when he eats the peanut butter sandwiches
  • drinking the bubbly lemonade
  • eating the brownies from the cool bag
  • the dragon laughing when he sprays sand over the boy’s sister
  • how the dragon feels when the boy asks him to leave the sandcastle

Other ideas

  • If you have sand – make a sandcastle! What size will it be? What shape will it be? What would be special about your sand castle that would make a dragon want to live there?
  • Draw a picture of a sandcastle. What size would it be? What shape would it be? Imagine you had lots of different coloured sand – what colour would you make it? What would be special about your sand castle that would make a dragon want to live there?
  • At the end of the story it looks as if a whole family of dragons are moving in to the new sandcastle. What do you think will happen next? You could draw a picture, write a story or act it out.

I love seeing your pictures on twitter – tag me @cara_aikman. The pictures really do make my day! (Remember not to share your child’s name.)

P2A Home Learning Week 5

Hi P2A, I hope you are enjoying your long weekend. I am missing you all very much and I hope you are doing well.

Here is your home learning grid for week 5.
P2 Home Learning – Week 5

I have created  Measurement, Spelling and Grammar assessments on Sumdog. For the Spelling assessments, set a is more challenging. Please have a go at these by Sunday. Don’t worry too much about the time limit, take your time and make sure to read the questions carefully. These are a great way to practice skills at home and for me to see how you are getting on.

Remember there are lots of useful websites to explore which you have all been provided logins for.
1. IDL is a great resource to develop Literacy and Numeracy skills.
2. On Education City I have created folders under different topics. There are worksheets and online activities you can have a go at.
3. Teach Your Monster to Read is a great resource to help with reading and phonics.
4. Sumdog focuses on developing Maths, Grammar and Spelling.

Remember to share your learning with me on Twitter @CetrangoloMiss

I understand this is a shorter school week so don’t worry about getting through all the activities. Remember just to do what you can as we are all still getting used to the current circumstances. Keep up the good work, you are all doing an amazing job! Take regular breaks and make sure to enjoy the sunshine.

P3 Week 5 Home Learning Activities

Hi everyone! Welcome to another week of home learning. Monday and Tuesday are days you would normally be off school due to the May holiday, so do not feel pressured to do normal schoolwork on those days! However, in case you are looking for some fun activities to fill your day with, we have included some suggestions on the timetable you can do if you wish! As always, this timetable is merely a suggestion, and you can do the activities in any order you wish, whenever you get the chance.

P3 Week 5 Home Learning Grid

P3 Week 5 RME Science Social Science and French

Maths blog post wb 4 5 20

P3 Other Curricular Areas wb 4 5 20

P3C activities

Hello P3C, I hope you enjoy your May holidays. A couple of activities will go live on this blog on Monday. They are optional, so please make the most of any sunshine on your days off. I have also created activities in the Homework section of Education City. They go live on Monday and you will have three weeks to work though them.

Best wishes from Mrs Dunsmore.

P2 Resources

Hi all,

Hope you are all doing well. Here is a child-friendly book which focuses on supporting and reassuring children about COVID-19. This is a useful resource if your child is perhaps feeling nervous, anxious or confused about the current situation.
I have attached an English, Spanish and Polish version.
Spanish: 64c685_ef31d8e608fd4b528eae3132b67a445e
English: 64c685_0a595408de2e4bfcbf1539dcf6ba4b89

I have also attached a really great resource which can be used to help children view quarantine as a more positive experience. It is a time capsule which encourages children to keep a diary of all the fun and exciting things they are doing during lockdown.
My 2020 Quarantine Time Capsule UK – Big Life Journal

Remember to share your learning with us on Twitter @CetrangoloMiss, @MsHBrown1, @MrsVDavies1 and @MissButlerSPS.

Stay safe!

Learning Today…… Leading Tomorrow

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