Primary 1 Maths- Money

Good Morning everyone I hope that you are all well. I would firstly like to say how proud I am of how hard you have all been working. It has been lovely to see all of your hard work on our Twitter page.

Ready, steady, save…..

How did you all get on with creating your own banks? Has anyone managed to save any of their pennies? And what are you saving up for? If you were unable to create a bank try and have a go over the next few days.

Why not set up a chores chart with your adult for example-

Making bed= 50p

Doing the dishes = 20p

Sweeping up= 10p

At the end of each week count your total of what you have managed to save.

Why not create a game that focuses on saving and spending money? Upload your creations to our Twitter page.

Exchanging coins

Set up shop in your home.  Begin to explore how different totals can be made through exchanging coins. For example 10p can be made from 2 5p coins or 1 5p coin 2 2p coins and 1p coin.

Online games for you to try

Remember to only do what you can when you can and stay safe.

Sumdog competition!

Sumdog are running a competition across West Lothian from this Friday at 8am (15th) until next Thursday at 8pm (21st). Every class has been entered into the competition. All you need to do is log in and play the games. There is also a reward once you have answered 100 questions! Good Luck, from Miss McGregor, Miss Blyth and Mrs Dunsmore.

SCIENCE Primary 2/1

Hello everyone! It looks like it is going to be a nice, bright day. Remember to get out and enjoy it – even if you have to wrap up a bit!

Sorry this lesson is a bit late getting posted as I have been in school this week looking after key worker’s children.

So here is you lesson for this week.

Week 4-14.05.20        PLANTS             

This week we will be looking at the parts of a plant and the jobs they do.

These are the resources you will need:


2. PARTS OF A PLANT cut n’ stick


  1. Firstly, do you remember what it takes to grow a healthy plant?
  2. Now we are going to look at the parts of a plant and the job they do.
  3. You will need to watch the PowerPoint and use the resources above.
  4. Follow the instructions on the PowerPoint.

N.B. When you are doing the “Parts of a Plant” activity, you only need to use sheets 1 and 2. Sheets 3 and 4 need only be discussed.


Next week we will look at the parts of a flower.

Mini Beast Hunt

Hi boys and girls. The ladies at nursery wondered if you would like to go on a mini beast hunt around your garden. You never know who you will find in your garden. They may be living in the bushes or in the soil and remember to check under rocks and plant pots too !

All you need is a bit of paper and a pencil, you could either write the name or draw a picture of what you find.


I wonder if you have any ladybirds in your garden? You could draw a picture of a ladybird and then every time you see one you could make a mark, for example a ✔ and then once you have finished your hunt you could count up the ✔’s and then you will find out how many ladybirds live in your garden. You could try this for lots of different insects.

What sound does the word ladybird start with? You could practice saying that sound. Can you feel what your tongue is doing when you make that sound?

Happy hunting and please parents if you could post your pictures on here, twitter or on your child’s learning journey. Thank you.





Authors Live – P3 Post

Hi everyone 🙂

We have used a wonderful Scottish Book Trust resource in the past called ‘Author’s Live’, where you get to meet the authors of your favourite books, online!

They are still putting on events during this time, where you can follow along with the stories and take part in some really fun activities. You can select the age range for P3 🙂 Here is the link to the schedule during this time.

and here is the link to previous events that you might enjoy


Happy reading!


Good Morning Primary 1!

I hope you all enjoyed the story ‘One Button Benny’. I certainly did.

It has been great seeing some of your very own robot creations. You have been so imaginative and creative with your use of materials.

Don’t worry if you haven’t made one yet there is still plenty of time.

Today your writing activity is to write instructions on how to dance like a robot.

First use the link below to warm up your robot moves

Then use the template below or your own format to write simple instructions for someone to recreate your robot dance.

  • After the warm up spend some time deciding on four to six moves to include in your dance.
  • Next get someone to film you performing your sequence of moves.
  • Then watch the clip back and use it to help you write your instructions on how to dance like a robot.
  • Then give your instructions to someone to perform your dance.
  • Finally,  watch your video as they perform your dance and compare the dances. Are the robot dances the same? Do you need to make any changes to your writing to help improve your instructions?

Remember when writing your dance instructions to include those bossy instruction words (First, Then, Next, After, Lastly) these will help the person reading your instructions know what order to complete the dance in. (e.g. First stand up with one arm up in the air and one arm down by your side.)


We hope this activity helps make you smile. We look forward to seeing your robot dance instructions, pictures and videos.

Primary 1 Numeracy

To continue from our robot reading, we will be doing some outer space maths!

So, get in your space rocket and blast off!

Every space mission starts with a countdown to ignition, so what number are you going to count down from? 10? 20? 30? 100?

If you have tried counting down in ones, try in twos, or tens.

Try starting from a number like 24, or 56, or 87.

If you are counting backwards in twos or tens, how does starting at an odd number affect how you count? It is trickier but give it a go!

If it is nice weather outside, you could draw your own number line and then do space jump counting backwards! “It’s one small (number) step for man…!”

Here is a game from Topmarks that can help with finding the number between and also counting backwards/subtraction

It is always important to practise the number before, between and after.



a=1 b=2 c=3 d=4 e=5 f=1 g=2 h=3 i=4 j=5
k=1 l=2 m=3 n=4 o=5 p=1 q=2 r=3 s=4 t=5
u=1 v=2 w=3 x=4 y=5 z=1        


Above is a table that gives a value to each letter of the alphabet. Can you add together the letters to see what each planet in our solar system is worth?

For example the Moon is m=3, o=5, o=5, n=4.

Add together in parts- 3 +5 = 8. 8 +5 = 13. 13 + 4 = 17. So altogether 3+5+5+4= 17.

Can you do the same for the Sun, Venus, Mercury, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune?

Can you think of any other space themed items to do more adding? Spaceman? Asteroid? Star? Millennium Falcon?

Also attached are some space themed worksheets for you to either print off or copy down.


Robot dot to dot

Robot One more One less


P3 Drama – Harry the Dirty Dog

This week’s drama activities are based on the book Harry the Dirty Dog by Gene Zion. 

Harry hates having a bath!Listen to the story to find out what happens when his family try to give him one….

Pretend to be Harry and  try out some of these drama activities

  • burying the scrubbing brush in the back garden
  • running away from home


  • getting dirty by playing in the street, playing at the railroad, playing with the other dogs and going down the coal chute


  • FREEZE FRAME (like a still picture) what Harry looked like when his family didn’t recognise him.


  • showing his family his tricks (flip flopping, rolling over, dancing and singing)


  • digging in the garden to find the scrubbing brush


  • having fun in the bath while the children are scrubbing him


  • sleeping peacefully in his favourite place

Now pretend you are one of the children. Pretend you are phoning (or face timing) a friend and tell them all about Harry’s adventures? Think about…….What happened? Where did it happen? Who did it happen to? Why did it happen?

I would love to see pictures of you taking part in this week’s drama. Tag me on twitter @cara_aikman (remembering not to name your child).

P1 Drama – Harry the Dirty Dog

This week’s drama activities are based on the book Harry the Dirty Dog by Gene Zion. 

Harry hates having a bath!Listen to the story to find out what happens when his family try to give him one….

Pretend to be Harry and  try out some of these drama activities

  • burying the scrubbing brush in the back garden
  • running away from home


  • getting dirty by playing in the street, playing at the railroad, playing with the other dogs and going down the coal chute


  • FREEZE FRAME (like a still picture) what Harry looked like when his family didn’t recognise him.


  • showing his family his tricks (flip flopping, rolling over, dancing and singing)


  • digging in the garden to find the scrubbing brush


  • having fun in the bath while the children are scrubbing him


  • sleeping peacefully in his favourite place

I would love to see pictures of you taking part in this week’s drama. Tag me on twitter @cara_aikman (remembering not to name your child).

Learning Today…… Leading Tomorrow

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