We hope you all continue to be safe and warm and are making the most of the snowy weather. We have really been taken aback by the volume of snow we’ve had! Here are a few more learning activities that can be completed today:
Spelling – test yourself or have someone at home test you on this weeks spelling words. You can upload your words to www.spellingcity.com and play games.
We have discovered that the snow in our garden is 17 Duplo bricks deep! Can you use non-traditional measuring resources to check your garden?
You could check the depth of snow at a range of points around your garden. What are it’s deepest/lowest points? You could draw a graph or write a report on any patterns your find. Could you think about why certain points are deeper than others?
A wide range of activities can be found of www.sumdog.com and www.educationcity.com
Continue to work on your World Book Day costume or designs. We will aim to share these on another date soon!
There are a number of wonderful World Book Day games found here: http://www.worldbookday.com/ideas/share-a-story/ Why not try listening to one of the many free audio books?
We will be sharing stories from our Snow Day’s when we return to school so please be prepared to tell us all what you’ve been up to! Bring photo’s, tasks or discussion prompts to show the class.
Most of all, continue to stay safe in the snow. We hope to see you all soon!
Here are a couple of ideas linking to what we have been doing in art and music.
If any of the p1s, 2s and 3s want to follow up their Andy Goldsworthy Transient Art from last term, today’s conditions are perfect for creating snow art, either with just the snow, or with snow and greenery/stones/sticks/etc. And because it is transient a photo is what makes it last. With help, you should take photos of your art and post them in.
The older children could also be doing the same – we are looking at line as well as colour… Question, how can you create line with snow/ in snow?
p3/4 have been looking at sound stories for Tam O’ Haggis and we have listened to the Tam O Shanter Overture. And p2/3 last term looked at selecting appropriate music to fit with drama. Can you take a video (with help) of either your snow art OR some dramatic weather and find some appropriate music to put as the background?
First of all “Happy World Book Day”! I hope you are all staying safe, keeping warm but also having some fun in the snow!
Below are some more activities that can be completed at home today:
Visit http://www.worldbookday.com/ for some ways to celebrate at home! There are lots of fantastic activities and resources you can engage with.
Continue our French language learning from earlier this week by directing someone at home through a course you have designed. Here is a reminder of our basic commands:
Continuez tout droit: continue straight on
Tournez à droite: turn to the right
Tournez à gauche: turn to the left
Access maths and numeracy learning activities via Sumdog.
Continue to revise converting decimals, fractions and percentages. Test yourself with the examples below. Fractions, decimals and percentages
In preparation for our return to school we will be starting a task to write a newspaper article reporting on the impact of the Blitz. I have attached an example written previously for you to grasp an idea of basic layout and content. Complete some research on the key features of a newspaper report and get started on your project. WW2-newspaper
Engage with active spelling tasks with your words received on Monday. Why not take this learning outdoors and capture your work in a photograph?
Play a game of times table bingo with someone at home.
Continue with all the tasks on your home learning grid, due in this Friday (2ndMarch).
Most importantly stay safe and warm and enjoy your day. Keep me up to date with what you get up to here or via twitter @MrAitken1 and @SimpsonPrimary
First of all “Happy World Book Day”! I hope you are all staying safe, keeping warm but also having some fun in the snow!
Below are some more activities that can be completed at home today:
Visit http://www.worldbookday.com/ for some ways to celebrate at home! There are lots of fantastic activities and resources you can engage with.
Continue our French language learning from earlier this week by directing someone at home through a course you have designed. Here is a reminder of our basic commands:
Continuez tout droit: continue straight on
Tournez à droite: turn to the right
Tournez à gauche: turn to the left
Access maths and numeracy learning activities via Sumdog.
Continue to revise converting decimals, fractions and percentages. Test yourself with the examples below. Fractions, decimals and percentages
In preparation for our return to school we will be starting a task to write a newspaper article reporting on the impact of the Blitz. I have attached an example written previously for you to grasp an idea of basic layout and content. Complete some research on the key features of a newspaper report and get started on your project. WW2-newspaper
Engage with active spelling tasks with your words received on Monday. Why not take this learning outdoors and capture your work in a photograph?
Play a game of times table bingo with someone at home.
Continue with all the tasks on your home learning grid, due in this Friday (2ndMarch).
Most importantly stay safe and warm and enjoy your day. Keep me up to date with what you get up to here or via twitter @Ms_ClarkeSPS@SimpsonPrimary
With the school being closed today it is a fantastic opportunity to cosy up with a good book in preparation for World Book Day.
Below are some additional activities that can be completed at home:
Prepare your hat or T-shirt design for World Book Day. Rather than a full costume, we have asked for creative designs based on your favourite book or character. You could chose to make a physical item or draw your ideas.
Building on our algebraic and equations learning yesterday can you create some challenge questions for your classmates to solve on our return to school?
Access maths and numeracy learning activities via Sumdog.
Complete some topic research to share on the Blitz and the experiences of Evacuees. This could be presented as a report or fact file.
Engage with active spelling tasks with your words received on Monday. Why not take this learning outdoors and capture your work in a photograph?
Play a game of times table bingo with someone at home.
Safely host your own Winter Olympics! Try different physical activities in the snow and time yourself or measure distance travelled. Generate a report or take some photos.
Build a snow figure, snow animal or something else creative. Take a photograph and post it to our twitter pages.
Continue with all the tasks on your home learning grid, due in this Friday (2nd March).
Most importantly stay safe and warm and enjoy your day. Keep me up to date with what you get up to here or via twitter @Ms_ClarkeSPS @SimpsonPrimary
Remember all school pupils should have been issued with login details for the Education City website. Lots of fun activities and games to reinforce learning.
With the school being closed today it is a fantastic opportunity to prepare for World Book Day. Cosy up and read a book!
Below are some alternative activities that can be completed at home:
Prepare your hat or T-shirt design for World Book Day. Rather than a full costume, we have asked for creative designs based on your favourite book or character. You could chose to make a physical item or draw your ideas.
You could write a diary entry detailing your snow day activities.
As an extra challenge, you could document your day into a series of texts that are 140 characters and tweet them using the hash tag #SPSsnowday
Could you create fraction pictures in the snow? Maybe make a giant snow pizza and cut into quarters, eighths etc!
Create a contrasting snow image, for example, a summer beach scene in the snow! Use paint to colour the snow and create your image.
Watch your favourite movie and write a review.
Use the snowy scene as inspiration for a moody or atmospheric poem.
Access maths learning activities via Sumdog.
Safely host your own Winter Olympics! Try different physical activities in the snow and time yourself or measure distance travelled.
Build a snow man, snow animal or something else creative. Take a photograph and post it to our twitter pages.
Most importantly stay safe and warm and enjoy your day. Keep me up to date with what you get up to here or via twitter @MrAitken1 @SimpsonPrimary
The decision has been made to close all West Lothian schools today (Wednesday) due to the current and predicted weather. A group call has been sent to all parents/carers.
Please see link below to a copy of the letter issued to pupils telling you about an upcoming workshop. O2 and the NSPCC are delivering a session about online safety.
This year we are inviting all children to get creative in celebration of World Book Day 2018.
Since we have already dressed up as our favourite characters for Book Week Scotland, we decided to do something different this time.
Children are being given the opportunity to come to school wearing a t-shirt or hat (or both) that they have designed and created. This can be based on a book or book character of their choice.
Our hope is that this will encourage children to talk about their chosen story or character with their friends and peers across the school.
Whilst we encourage as many children as possible to take part, the activity is not compulsory and we do not wish to cause families any unnecessary expense. Please make use of old t-shirts etc and recycled materials that you already have at home so that no cost is involved.