Category Archives: Primary 7

The Lost Words Calendar 2019

The Lost Words – A Spell Book by writer Robert Macfarlane and illustrated by artist Jackie Morris is something we, as a school, became passionate about in our quest to become more familiar with the language of nature in our native land.

As a the result of Simpson Primary and Nursery’s celebration of The Lost Words through art, we have created a beautiful A4 calendar which we are selling to not only raise funds for our school, but also for Action for Conservation, a charity dedicated to inspiring young people to take action for the natural world.

The cost per calendar is £5.00 and order forms will be coming to you this week – the perfect gift this Christmas! Here is a sneaky peek!!

Parent Council Dress Down Day – Friday 12th October 2018

Good morning,

Message on behalf of Simpson Primary Parent Council

Please see attached poster with information regarding dress up/dress down day this Friday.  Participation is optional and any funds collected will go towards our float for Newlands Day.

2018_10_09_Parent Council Harry Potter Poster

Screen Time Guide for Parents/Carers

There is growing concern about children being affected by overuse of consoles/devices and the impact of this upon sleep patterns, behaviour and mood.

Linked below is an information leaflet, produced by Internet Matters which offers information, guidance and strategies for parents to help them tackle this.


A variety of learning in P7/6

Over the past two weeks in P7/6 we have engaged in a wide variety of learning activities.  Some of our learning is detailed below along with suggestions as to how to promote and support further learning at home.


P7 have been focusing on multiplication strategies – with a particular emphasis on decoding word problems and applying the strategy that suits them best.

P6 have been learning and applying a variety of different addition strategies.

Asking your child to demonstrate and explain the differnt strategies and which one they find most useful is a simple activity to deepen understanding.


We continue to enjoy our class novel “My Story:The Road to War” and have been using this as a stimulus to explore a variety of comprehension skills.  Children have been demonstrating their understanding of the novel to make predicitionsvisualise particular scenes and characters and create adverts to promote something within the novel.  We have also been developing the skills of deduction and inference based on both the novel and a selection of interesting images.

In writing we have been exploring the features of a balanced argument and have been applying our understanding to act out some examples.

Try asking you child to explain the meaning of the underlined terms and apply these skills using a photo or text at home.  Can they also describe the difference between an argument and a balanced argument?

Peace and Conflict

As we continue to explore our whole school focus on Peace and Conflict, children have been learning about the experiences of World War One soldiers in the trenches and creating timelines of the key events for the duration of the war.

This week we have began to carry out group research projects, working with our peers in the other P7 classes, to deliver presentations on key inspirational figures from the war.

Who has your child chosen to research?  Why do they feel that person is inspirational? Are you able to help them gather useful information? 

Health and Wellbeing

We have begun to explore Internet Safety as a class, with children considering the difference between appearance and personality and discussing which they think is the more important of the two.

Our initial focus has been on builidng confidence and self-esteem, with all children selecting at lease one thing about their own personality that they really like.  Which feature did your child choose?


All children have now been added to Teams which can be accessed via their Microsoft Glow accounts.  I will be demonstrating this to children in class next week and adding useful resources under headings of the different curricular areas to support the children’s learning at home.  Home Learning activities will also be added for reference.

Try exploring this feature at home with your child by logging on to Glow.  Children can add a message to the conversation to let me know they’ve successfully logged on.

Sports Day – Monday 18th June

Just a reminder that Sports Day is this Monday. Children can wear their sports clothes to school. It would be great if they could wear their House colours which are;

Bruce – Blue

Castle – Yellow

James Young – Red

Leyland – Green

Further information is on our website at;

With thanks

Miss Ferris

Sports Day – 18th June 2018

Please be reminded, as per our previous Groupcall text, that the date for Sports Day has been moved from Wed 30th May to Mon 18th June. We apologise for any inconvenience caused but the circumstances have been outwith our control. The organisation of Sports Day this year will be slightly different, given the large number of children participating but a letter from the Sports Day organising team will follow with details.