Hello everyone and welcome to Term 4 of Primary 7! It is certainly a unique situation we find ourselves in and we wanted to make sure you all know how proud we are of you in the way you are coping with this massive change to your learning!
We will continue to post daily activities on our P7 Lesson Teams page. Every pupil has been given access to this via their GLOW mail. Please access this for different learning experiences created by the teachers and class chat pages.
As well as daily lessons, all pupils have access to various websites which contain curriculum linked tasks. Our main sources are:
Active Learn – https://www.activelearnprimary.co.uk/login?c=0 This contains many resources including our Science Bug tasks and our Class Novel. This term we will be studying Midsummer’s Night Dream!
IDL – https://idlsgroup.com/ We recommend that pupils access both the literacy and numeracy tasks here for around 15 minutes per day.
Sumdog – https://www.sumdog.com/user/sign_in Numeracy and Maths tasks
Education City – https://www.educationcity.com/ A wide range of resources including Literacy, French and Technology.
The following file has a large amount of STEM tasks that can be completed at home using (mainly!) items found in the home:
Finally this file will give a wide range of additional online learning:
Helpful Websites