Please use the link below to access our assembly on Mental Health which was presented via Teams on Friday 29th January 2021.
Category Archives: Assembly
Moving On Assembly
Please find below the link to our final virtual assembly of this school year.
Thank you everyone who has engaged with our assemblies this term.
We would hope you all have a fantastic summer holiday.
Safe safe and we will look forward to seeing you when we return to school in August.
Virtual Assembly Friday 5th June 2020
Please use the link below to access this week’s online assembly on the topic of Resilience.
Health and Wellbeing Check-in Form
Good morning everyone. Please click on the link below to access the Wellbeing Check-in Form discussed in Friday’s assembly. As I mentioned, it is really important that our pupils complete this form so that we know if there is anything else we can do to support their wellbeing at this time. The deadline for completion is Friday 29th May.
Virtual Assembly 2
Please find below the link for this week’s online assembly.
Don’t forget to tweet @simpsonprimary #SPSassembly
We hope you enjoy it.
Take care everyone.
P1 – 3 Assembly
Good morning everyone
Please use the link below to access the first online P1 – 3 assembly.
We apologise for the delay and thank you for your patience whilst we become familiar with the new delivery format and technologies involved.
Please click the play button to access sound whenever you see this image.
We hope you enjoy our assembly.