Good Morning everyone,
Miss Meldrum would like to share an exciting story with you all today. We hope you enjoy
Find link below.
Good Morning everyone,
Miss Meldrum would like to share an exciting story with you all today. We hope you enjoy
Find link below.
Today is the beginning of our very important transition project to primary one. Nursery staff and primary one teachers have been working really hard to plan our next steps for transitition.
Please look out on the blog for updates of our transitition plans and how you can get your child involved at home. We understand that the global situation right now may cause changes to our plans but as a nursery and school we will do our best to support our families throughout this challenging time.
Our first step is to find out any questions your child may have about starting primary one and moving up into the school. We understand this can be a confusing time for some of our children and we want to involve and support everyone the best we can.
Our current primary 6 children are very kindly going to support our future primary ones by answering any of their questions regarding the school as they are our Simpson Experts!
Please direct any of your child’s questions regarding transititioning to primary one to :
We will then collate these questions and ask our current primary 6s to answer them, feeding back the answers to our families.
Please look out for more transitition updates soon.
Good Afternoon everyone,
As we are all having such fun hunting for minibeasts out in our Gardens and the local environment we thought you could have a look to see if you can notice any other changes outdoors?
You might see some plants beginning to grow.
Below we have attached a little video all about the life cycle of a seed. Some of our children may recognise this video as we have used this in nursery previously when discussing life cycles.
Making our children aware of change and the process about how new life and things change and develop through time is a great learning experience for them.
We hope you enjoy
Good morning boys and girls,
Today Mrs Lejkowski would like to share a story with you, Ten Little Ladybirds. Can you help count along to?
At nursery we were beginning to use @mathsthroughstories to support our children’s numeracy skills through the use of books.
Seen as we are enjoying finding minibeasts out in our garden and local environment we thought this would be a lovely story to share with you all today.
Good morning everyone,
We hope you all had a lovely weekend.
Below we have attached a little video update of our caterpillars from Miss Meldrum. If you look closely you can see that the butterflies wings are the same on either side, this is called symmetry.
Do you think you could try to create your own butterfly with symmetrical wings?
Miss Reilly and her children at home made their own butterflies. (seen below)
We would love to see your butterflies please share with us through your child’s learning journal, the blog or our twitter feed @NurserySimpson
We have been having some lovely weather recently and we thought we would share with you a little idea of something you could be doing outdoors.
Miss Mcmorran and Mrs Brown have been thinking about a little challenge that our children may enjoy at home and something we enjoyed creating and doing when at nursery was looking for mini beasts and creating our own little bug hotel in our nursery garden.
We thought you could be like Responsible Rosie (seen below) and see if you could make your own little home for some minibeasts that may live in your garden or in your local environment.
Here is some ideas below, we would love to see if you could create your own. There’s many ways you could create one all you need is some sticks, leaves or even stones. Bugs love to have a place to climb and sleep.
please share your creations with us through our blog or our twitter page @NurserySimpson
Good morning,
We hope you all had a lovely weekend and enjoying your time at home.
One of our families have shared an exciting video with us that we would like to share with you. Today at 11:30 there will be a live video all about money sense and how to look after your money. This video is aimed at 5-8 year olds although this may be something our children will enjoy and may even notice some familiar faces.
Here is the link to the video below :
Good morning everyone!
From everyone here at nursery we hope you are all staying safe at home and have been enjoying the sunshine. We are missing all of our children and families!
The ladies here at nursery are working really hard to create some more ideas to share with you as soon as possible about fun things you can try at home! These will be shared through our nursery blog and our twitter page.
Does anybody want to share what they have been up to at home over the long weekend?
At nursery the children were showing a real interest in life cycles and we were just beginning to discuss and learn about the life cycle of a caterpillar before the nursery closed.
As some of you may know Miss Meldrum was lucky enough to purchase caterpillars.
Miss Meldrum wanted to share the process of the life cycle of these caterpillars with our children and families.
The caterpillars are now beginning to move onto the next stage in their life cycle and some of them have started to form their chrysalis!
Find below a little video update of the caterpillars!
Simpson Nursery Team
It has been so lovely to see families engaging through our Twitter page. Did you know that you can also share your child’s learning experiences and achievements at home through our Learning Journals?
The Learning Journals website is not a social media channel so you may prefer to share and record achievements here.
We have already seen some fantastic contributions from parents. If this is something you would like to use to share some of these learning experiences or achievements here is a quick guide showing how to do it.
When you log into your child’s personal learning journal there will be a box on the left hand side saying ‘wider achievements’ (see below) . You can then add photographs and a short description of the activity here! The information which you share on here is safe and is only shared with the Simpson nursery and school staff team.
We hope you are all remaining safe at home and enjoying some quality time with your family.
Please do not hesitate to share your achievements and experiences with the nursery staff through the use of any of these channels: Twitter, the Blog or Learning Journals. We love to hear how you are getting on!
Simpson Nursery Team