We can’t believe it today is the last day of term.
From everyone here at Simpson Nursery class we would like to say a big thankyou to all of the support we’ve had over the last few months throughout these challenging times and thank our families for staying at home and staying safe. We have missed all of your faces at nursery!
We are so happy that our new primary ones got to meet their new teacher and got to say a final goodbye to nursery this week. We wish them all the best of luck in Primary one
In August we are looking forward to welcoming back our families and meeting new children and families that start with us.
We have created a little sway to introduce our nursery staff and a little sneak peak into nursery for our new children starting with us. Our existing children may also enjoy seeing a little video of their keyworker. This can be found on our twitter page, the link is attached below.
We hope you all have a lovely summer and can’t wait to welcome you back soon
We can’t believe it’s the last day of term. We can’t wait to welcome our children and new families in August. We have made a little sway for a little sneak peak into Simpson Nursery Class
— Simpson PS Nursery (@NurserySimpson) June 26, 2020