The Big Ocean Clean Up!!

It has been another busy week in the nursery.  There has still been a lot of interest in the ocean, particularly saving the sea animals from pollution.  The main focus has been on plastic pollution and its effects on the ocean and how we can be more proactive at reusing, recycling and using less disposable plastics.  We introduced a new eco- green bin in the nursery to collect any disposable plastics that we cannot reuse.  Please encourage your child/ren to continue “saving the oceans” at home.  The children have been busy making ocean pictures with rollers and paint.  A wall display is currently being put up and will continue to evolve each week.  We are looking for some disposable plastic (forks, cups, bottles, packaging, bags) that you may have at home, litter pick from the environment, or if you are lucky enough to visit one,  from the beach.  This will encourage your child to talk about reusing and recycling and we can use them for our display.  If you do visit a beach, please clean up at least 2 pieces of plastic and take photos for us.



2 thoughts on “The Big Ocean Clean Up!!”

  1. Elias and I visited a beach today; whilst we were having fun we made sure we picked up some plastic bottles that had washed up and popped them in the bin.

  2. Well done Elias!! Great to hear you are helping keep our oceans clean. If you have any photographs please bring them in.

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