Snow day activities for P1B

Enjoy your day at home with your family.

As school is closed today you may want to try some activities listed below.

  • our new sound this week was “ch”, you could practise making “ch” with paint, coloured pencils, chalk or pens. You could even go outdoors and write “ch” in the snow.
  • create words and sentences with the “ch” sound.
  • have a look at your new words, which were issued on Tuesday, you could play pairs or snap with these words.
  • in class we’ve been creating hats for World Book Day, you could create another hat or t-shirt at home showing another book character.
  • design and create a bookmark, showing your favourite book character, can you write the character’s name on the bookmark?
  • create a snow creature or sculpture, can you measure it, what will you use to measure it?
  • read your favourite book, you’ll be surprised how many words you can read on your own now.
  • yesterday we were creating number stories for  the number 8, you could make 8 snowballs and use these to create number stories, remember you should be able to make 9 number stories for the number 8.
  • play a board game.
  • use your research skills to look for transport pictures.
  • earlier this term we were looking at the cameras on the motorway to see what was happening to the traffic in Scotland, you can look again, I wonder if this will change throughout the day.
  • try any of the activities listed on the P1 homework grid, issued earlier this term.

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