The Children at Simpson nursery class have had another busy week. The Children have been taking responsibility by being Eco monitors. Every week different children are chosen to be an Eco monitor. They each have a different responsibility. We have a water monitor, light monitor, blue bin monitor and a food bin monitor.  Please ask your child if they have been one, you can also check by looking on our Eco monitor wall in the cloak room.

On Thursday we celebrated ‘Burns day’. All the Children took part in having our own Burns supper which most of them enjoyed. As part of our learning we looked at Scottish books, tartan and Scottish food. There is a display of all our art work in the nursery. Please have a look at our paintings of Scottish coos.

The staff is continually observing the Children and have heard and witnessed lots of ‘Super hero’ play. Hopefully we will be starting a floorbook next week on this topic. Watch this space….


Next week we launch Book bug. Please look at the wipe board in the nursery clock room. All parents/carers welcome.

Thursday 1st of February 10.15 am Children and 2.15 pm children.

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