P3 New Learning Grid

Hello Primary 3!

I hope you are all well.

What a strange week we have just had!

Make sure you are staying safe and finding lots of different things to keep you busy in the house and garden. It is really important to get exercise every day and not sit working and playing on the computer. Today I was out in the garden enjoying the fresh air.  Some flowers have appeared over the week. There are red tulips and purple crocus bulbs sprouting. It wasn’t too cold and I managed to pull up some weeds.

It would be good to hear how you are all getting on, so send us a wee message letting us know what you have been doing.


Here is next week’s Learning Grid.

Week beginning 30th March Grid


You can do each day’s activities/tasks in any order you want. Use your jotter to record all the work and we will be able to look at them together when we are back at school.

Take care,

Mrs Doolan and Mrs Kean

Music with Mrs Lang

Hello P2
You have already played the Egg Detective with me in school but now I would like you to teach it to someone in your home.
First start with body percussion, clap, click, tap.  You can choose what you would like to do.
Next be creative.  What can you use for instruments?  A pot/tub with a spoon?  Rice/pasta in a tub for shaking?  Use your imagination.  Have fun😊
Mrs Lang

P1 Music

Hello everyone in Primary 1!
Hope you are all having a good Thursday. As we usually have music on a Thursday in school, Mrs Lang has suggested some music activities you might like to do at home with your family…
Mrs Lang would like you to play the Egg Detective at home.  You have played this really well at school, so now have some fun at home.
Please be a music teacher and show someone in your house how to do it.
Remember to start with one colour only.  Eg. red egg is  a clap
You can choose your own sounds, you don’t need to do the same as Mrs Lang.
Next choose a sound for yellow.  Then a sound for blue.  The last time you can make all three sounds.
Have lots of fun😊
https://youtu.be/y37jIRSR9bA  Level 1 Egg Detective
If you like try using homemade instruments.  A pot or plastic tub and spoon.  A tub with rice or pasta inside.  Be creative!

Primary 4 Learning (Thursday 26.3.20)

Good morning Primary 4. I hope you are all well this morning. This is our learning for today. Please do it in the way that suits you and your family. Looking forward to talking to you all on Teams this morning. Take care.

1 Thursday

2 Prayers

3 I Am An Amazing Person!

3 Things that Make Me Happy

4 Reading

4 8-Times-Table-Activity-Sheet – Blue and Red

4 Counting on and back – yellows

5 Telling the Time – Yellow

5 Before and After Time2 – Blue and Red

6 Grammar – Past Tense Verbs for Blue and Red

6  – Nouns for the Yellow Group

7 Fab Web Links

P5 Tasks for Thursday 26/03/20

Tasks for Today

You choose how and when to do your tasks.  Tasks can be done in the assignments tab, class notebook, in a document which you email to me or you can just do it in a jotter and either send me a picture or ask someone at home to look at it and give you some feedback.   You can do your work anytime that suits you, and in any order you like.  However, if you need my help I will only be available during school hours.

Writing – Write a recount of what you have been up to this week.  You should make a plan in your jotter to help you think about it and to make sure you remember all of the details.  You could ask people in your house what they remember from this week.

Remember to include:

  • Title (that tells the reader what the piece is about)
  • Orientation at the beginning – who, what, when, where, why
  • Sequence of events describing WHAT happened
  • Time words like then, next, after that, firstly, finally, at last
  • Personal Comment at the end to describe your feelings

Maths – Practice your 6 times table.  Recite it (say it out loud) at least 8 times.  You may also want to write it down on a whiteboard or scrap paper.  Ask an adult to quiz you and try not to look at the answers!

Lastly, start a timer and complete the worksheet as fast as you can.  How long did it take you? Do you remember your 6 times table much better now?  Please turn in a document telling me how long the worksheet took you and whether you feel more confident in your 6 times table now.

6 times table practice

If you get finished quite quickly you could challenge yourself on sumdog,

PE – check out the “Fitness Monopoly” activity that Mrs McAlpine has put on the blog.  If you don’t have enough space or it’s not safe for you to do PE in your house you can also check out storytime with David Walliams online.  It’s called Elevenses and it is every day at 11 o’clock.  Here is the link: https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/elevenses/

Make sure you have an adult’s permission to do PE.  We want you to be safe!


A Scottish music teacher (not Mrs Lang) has uploaded some lessons to Youtube.  Watch lessons one and two and join in with the body percussion.

Lesson 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j22d7QYxFw0&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR1SfEW_MqXDHvEwZzwQTdDhhYeECoqRA9-I1Hc6FD7tPFN7AWb_FCpgXAs

Lesson 2:


If you can find the things you need in your house, here is a list of fun musical crafts that you can try (with help from an adult). This is an optional activity but I know some of you will enjoy it.


Primary 4 Learning (Wed 25.3.20)

Primary 4, this is our work for today. Please do it in any order that suits you and your family. I have also included some fab web links and some really fun STEM activities for you to do with your family. Hopefully this helps if you are having problems accessing teams.

1 Wednesday

2 Prayers

3 Spring Comprehension

4 Reading

5 7-Times-Table-Activity-Sheet

5 Counting in 5’s – Yellow

6 Before and After Time – Blue

6 O’clock – yellow

7 RE Work – Receiving Holy Communion

8 Some Practical Topic Work

9 Fab Web Links

10 STEM Activities1

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